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Everything You Want To Know About....GENERAL HOSPITAL    (1981)

Behind the scenes with America's Favorite Lovers

A Look... A Sigh... A Smile...  It's magic each time Luke & Laura meet because They're...

It all started with the law books Laura Baldwin wanted to buy for her husband.  Luke gave her the money and then lost his heart and soul to Scotty's lovely young bride.  It was heart-wrenching and thousands of General Hospital fans pleaded, "Don't let her break Scotty's heart!"  But before long the tune changed to "Luke and Laura together forever!"  Their beautiful romance was not only inevitable, it was perfectly right, had to be. They were made for each other.

For over a year, America watched as Luke and Laura's lives became irretrievably entangled until finally Laura was forced to choose and she ran to Luke's side and out of Scotty's life forever.  We spent the summer with them near the brink, their lives in constant jeopardy, their love growing stronger every day.  They're Gable and Lombard, Astaire and Rogers, Lucy and Ricky Ricardo all rolled into one fabulous couple.

Two extraordinarily talented people.  Tony Geary, 34 years old with 14 years of acting experience under his belt.  Genie Francis, a 19-year-old who literally grew up in the role of Laura Webber Baldwin.  But despite the differences in their age and experience there were fireworks every time they appeared together.  Spinning the dial last summer, soap watchers had fantasy at their fingertips - One Life to Live in Paris, Another World in the Caribbean - but nothing compared to Luke and Laura waltzing through a deserted department store.  Innocence and passion combined to create pure romance.  What we didn't see, the behind-the-scenes making of the Luke and Laura magic, was the incredible dedication of these two fine performers.  To film the department store fantasy, they had to work in the middle of the night, when the store was closed.  At 2:00 a.m. they were ready to tape but the two tired-but-trying-hard stars stumbled over each other as they attempted to sashay down the aisles of the store.  Finally, after producer Gloria Monty reminded them they didn't have to recreate a 1940's musical, they relaxed.  "We finally realized we weren't Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers," says Tony.  "We were Luke and Laura."  And that's when the fantasy became real for viewers from coast to coast.

They are, without question, the most convincing love couple seen anywhere today, but their off-screen relationship doesn't mirror their on-screen love story.  Though they're not an "item," they do have a special affinity for each other, or as Tony describes his relationship with Genie, "Our souls meet out there somewhere."  Of course, after spending 12 hours a day, five days a week, acting opposite one another, they couldn't help but share a special closeness.  When they make public appearances together, Genie always stays very close to Tony, and she explains that, "I've learned to rely on Tony for support.  If I'm nervous I can always hold his hand."

What does the future hold for Luke and Laura?  Laura has been trying to get back to Luke ever since she denied his love so many months ago.  She made a mistake and for the first time in her life she faced up to it.  She's matured and this time she won't let anything stand in the way of her life with Luke.  The obstacles are still there - she hasn't gotten her divorce from Scotty - but this time she's determined to overcome them.  And marriage for Luke and Laura by the end of summer seems very likely.  It will certainly be the wedding of the decade.

Will Tony Geary and Genie Francis stay with General Hospital?  Genie's contract is up in December and it's sure that her future would be secure in whatever career path she chose to pursue.  She has not yet announced whether she'll stay or go.  Tony Geary has often said that he's very happy with his character and the freedom the show allows him to develop Luke in any direction he chooses.  He promises to stay as long as Luke Spencer remains a vital character and hopes that when he leaves Luke is killed off.  We know that no other actor could ever step into Luke's shoes.

No matter what the future holds for Tony Geary and Genie Francis, those of us who've been faithful viewers will always remember their years together.  The real tragedy is that since the tapes are not preserved future audiences will not be able to experience Luke and Laura's unforgettable love story.