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Soap Opera News - April 29, 1997
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Talk about growing up fast!  As General Hospital's Laura Vining, 15-year-old Genie Francis took an older lover, David Hamilton, and then killed him in self-defense.  Teens started tuning in day after day to follow her adventures.  Genie became daytime's most famous star when Laura fell in love with Luke Spencer -- after he attacked her.  She even divorced her husband, Scotty, to marry him!

GH fans mourned when Genie decided to leave Port Charles in 1981 (supposedly for good), but she didn't stay off our screens for long.  Over the next decade, she starred in the primetime soap Bare Essence before returning to daytime, first as Diana Colville on Days of Our Lives, then to All My Children as Ceara Connor.  But, the happiest news came in 1993, when GH announced that Luke and Laura were returning to Port Charles.

Although they're no longer kids, Genie's still gorgeous -- and sparks still fly when she and Anthony Geary (Luke) look into each others' eyes.  Genie recently left again to have her own child -- her second.  But we hope she'll be back and will stay in Port Charles at least until Luke and Laura have a dozen or more grandchildren to keep them on the go.