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The Girl From Yesterday
Chapter 7


"Hey, Lou!  Can you pass us up that other box of nails?"

Louise looked up to see Danny's red head leaning over the edge of the roof to look down at her.  He and Jimmy were up there currently re-shingling the house.  "Sure, just a second," she called.  She made sure that the plank she'd been replacing on the steps was secure before standing up and dusting her hands off on the backside of her pants.  Lou picked up the box and stood on her tiptoes to hand it up to the men on the roof.

Danny smiled as their hands touched and he leaned over to kiss the back of her hand gallantly.  "Thank you, my lady," he said before he yanked himself back over the edge to continue working.

She'd been back in Sweetwater for almost two months now.  Theresa was enrolled in school and making up for lost time, apparently.  In no time at all, she'd become the delight of Laura Wilson's eye who, despite her feelings for Louise, couldn't possibly resist the little girl's charm or her new student's love of learning.  With the boys helping any chance they could, the house was finally looking livable from the outside and Louise hoped to be able to move in soon, even before the final repairs were completed.

She looked around the place, smiling at the sound of activity around her.  It was April and spring was finally coming to the western praries, bringing with it the promise of new life and new beginnings.  Theresa, sat on a blanket beneath one of the budding trees in the yard, entertaining Lexi and the six-month-old's infectious giggles filled the air.  Lou and the boys had already marked off where the barn would go once they were done with the house, and Ike and Buck could be seen near the markers working on what would become the corral.  Danny and Jimmy were on the roof, Noah was taking a break from the little fence she'd decided to add to keep Lexi in the yard, while she and Kid had fallen into companionable silence as they finished replacing the broken boards and steps on the porch.  It almost looked like a totally different homestead from the one she, Jimmy, and Theresa had ridden out to two months ago.  It was all happening so fast that sometimes, Lou just felt like she was sitting back and watching it all happen dizzily.

She watched closely as Kid worked on the porch, his attention focused on the boards he was nailing in place.  He came out nearly every afternoon after he'd switched shifts with Teaspoon.  Kid opened the marshal's office in the morning, keeping an eye on the place until after lunch time when Teaspoon took over.  Then, Kid would run out to the new homestead and help with whatever he could until evening.  Lou wondered when he spent any time with Laura if at all.  She knew things weren't good between the couple.  Kid didn't tell her, but she knew Laura resented the time he spent with Lexi and her out at the homestead.  He had told her that he was finding out that Laura wasn't the woman he thought she was.  Lou felt guilty about being part of the reason he looked so drawn and weary, but she had to admit that she appreciated the help he'd been so far.

Kid was a wonderful father to his son, spending every moment he could with the growing baby.  Lou smiled.  She'd always known Kid would be an excellent father.  He didn't even mind changing Lexi or the endless walking back and forth that was sometimes required to get the baby to sleep.  On more than one occasion, he'd crashed in the bunkhouse after a long night instead of riding back to his rooms in town.  On those nights, the two of them took turns holding and shushing the baby.  She'd often feigned sleep on the settee just so that she could listen to Kid sing to Lexi in his soft, low voice as he rocked him in the rocking chair by the fire.  Those same strong hands pounding in the nails on her porch had the ability to calm and soothe with an infinite tenderness he never let anyone but Louise and Lexi see.

Suddenly full of energy, Lou turned to where Lightning was tethered with the rest of the horses.  Without a word to the men, who barely batted an eye at her movements, she mounted the stallion and headed out over the flat acres behind the house.  The restlessness she'd felt all her life, that had tamed some with the birth of her son, had returned full force since her return to Sweetwater.  Lou missed riding hellbent for leather over the plains, the wind whipping her hat from her head and blowing her hair back, the pounding of her horse's hooves beneath her soothing and comforting like a heartbeat in the womb.

Kid looked up as he heard the hoofbeats, watching in fascination as Lou took off.  He paused in his work, rising without taking his eyes from the tiny figure on horseback as she passed.  She bent low over Lightning's back and he could hear her urging him faster as she streaked over the open acres behind the house.

An appreciative smile crossed his face.  He'd always loved to watch her ride, even from that first fateful day when they'd all lined up against the fence and showed Teaspoon what they could do.  When it came to pure riding skill, Lou was better than them all, if not faster.  The mounts they'd learned, she'd taught them.  He'd been drawn to her even then, even before he'd known she was a woman.  Once he'd found out, however, he'd known there would never be anyone else for him.  Kid had thought he'd gotten over her and moved on, but he realized he'd never gotten over Louise McCloud, could never get over her.  She was in his blood, in his soul and he wanted her now more than ever.

Then there was Laura.  Kid could actually appreciate Lou's hate of his own possessiveness now.  He was tired of excusing the time he spent with his son to her, tired of hearing the derision in her voice when she spoke of Lou.  On those rare occasions when the two women came face to face, Laura spoke in catty comments that she thought were over his head, but Kid was well aware of the thinly veiled insults she poured on Lou's head.  Laura was jealous, argumentative, and possessive and Kid was beginning to feel caged and trapped.  He was tired of pretending to be something he wasn't just because that was the way things were done in 'civilized society'.  Sometimes, Kid felt like some charitable project embarked on by the Wilson family, the poor boy being civilized by a rich family.  If there was one thing he hated, it was being patronized.

On those late nights he spent at the old waystation, he and Lou had re-discovered their friendship in long, soft conversations in Rachel and Teaspoon's front room.  I think we actually talk more now than we ever did, he thought with a smile.  They shared almost everything from their dreams for their son to the problems they were each having with their significant others.  Kid knew for a fact that Danny wanted to marry Lou.  His persistence on the matter really disturbed her, she'd admitted to Kid.  It wasn't that she wasn't ready for marriage, because now she was, it was just that she'd discovered that she didn't feel that way for her childhood friend and had tried to subtly let him know.  However, Danny either wasn't picking up on her hints, or he was completely ignoring them, something Kid could definitely relate to.

Many times he'd just watch her face as she told some story about life at Silverwind, the way it'd light up with laughter as she talked about the black cook she'd bonded with, or the way she'd stare hollowly into the fire every time she mentioned Jeremiah.  Lou'd always ben an avid storyteller, a stickler for details, and through her stories, Kid had come to admire the man that Tanner Korsacov had been and wished there was some way he could thank the dead man for what he'd done for Lou, Theresa, and Alexander.  Sometimes, when she'd fallen asleep on the settee, he'd just sit in the rocking chair with the baby and watch her sleep, looking so vulnerable and peaceful.  Before he left for the bunkhouse, he always tucked an afghan around her, sometimes even stooping to brush his lips over her cheek once he knew she was sleeping deeply.

Kid's head turned from watching her as he suddenly heard more hoofbeats approaching.  That same rush of hyper-alertness ran through him like it used to when they would run into trouble while riding for the Express.  Automatically, Kid's hand twitched closer to his pistol and he glanced around the homestead quickly, ascertaining everyone's positions.  Theresa and the baby were too far away in case anything should happen, he decided.  Briskly, he walked over to pick up the baby trying to remain as casual as possible to avoid scaring Theresa.

The little girl looked up at him with a smile which quickly faded when she noted the concern in his eyes he couldn't hide.  "What's goin' on, Kid," she asked nervously.

He put a gentle hand on her shoulder, glancing back to the hill where several riders could be seen cresting it.  "Nothin's wrong, sweetheart," Kid reassured.  "But why don't you and me move Alex into the sunny spot by the house where it's a little warmer for 'im, okay?"

Theresa obediently picked up the blanket and her books and followed Kid to the spot he'd mentioned.  She knew there was something going on when he placed two fingers into his mouth and gave a sharp whistle.  Upon hearing Kid's whistle, the men suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked to where he was gesturing with his head.  Danny and Jimmy ever so casually climbed down from the roof while the others slowly walked in closer, their eyes alert as they watched the party approach.

Lou'd been riding back to the front of the property when she saw Kid pick up Lexi and move the two children around to the front of the house.  She heard the warning whistle, even over Lightning's hooves and, as the others stopped working and headed to the front of the house, Lou spurred the horse faster.  Rounding around the west side of the property where one side of corral markers stood, she caught sight of the men approaching the house on horseback.

Lou recognized the man in the middle of the five others as Tom Anderson, the one man in town who'd protested the beginnings of Silverbirch the loudest, trying to incite the town's businessmen not to do business with a "trollop" like Louise McCloud.  Part of the problem was that once Anderson had heard the gossip about her, he'd offered to make her his kept woman--an offer which Lou had very loudly and very publicly turned down.  Now she feared he was after revenge for his wounded pride.

She pulled Lightning to a halt in front of the circle and slowly dismounted, never taking her eyes off the men before her.  Bravely, she walked around in front of the men on foot to face Anderson alone.  Lou grimaced as the man's eyes lit up wickedly at the sight of her in trousers and she crossed her arms over her chest protectively.  "What do you want, Anderson?" she asked sternly.  "Why don't you just tell me why you came out so I can turn you down and we can all get back to work?  As you can see, we're kinda busy buildin' a ranch here."

Anderson pushed his hat further back on his head with one finger, chuckling to himself.  "Oh I want the usual:  peace on earth, more money than I can count, and those fine legs wrapped 'round my waist while I show ya how a real man does it," he replied, inspiring bawdy laughter from his friends.

She'd practically heard the growls from the men behind her but hoped they knew enough to let her handle this.  Louise laughed aloud.  "Oh, I'm sorry.  I thought I heard you say that you were gonna show me how a real man does it," she said.  "Guess you're gonna have to go out and find a real man now, ain't ya?"

"Good goin', Lou.  Egg him on," Jimmy muttered peevishly as Anderson dismounted.

"I come to give ya a second chance to take me up on my offer," Anderson replied darkly.

Danny laughed aloud at the thought.  "Not only are you ugly, but you've got a hearin' problem too," he said.  "Practically the whole town heard the lady turn ya down and there's no way you can keep her from startin' Silverbirch.  She owns the land, so I'd say you'd best find a different stompin' ground."

Without answering, Anderson took two quick strides and hauled Lou to him, his mouth coming down to bruise her lips in a vicious kiss as the others looked on helplessly.

Kid cursed and moved to go to her aid, but was stopped by Jimmy's and Noah's arms across his chest as they stopped him.  Jimmy shook his head, his eyes telling Kid he'd only make matters worse if he tried to help.

Lou's hands were trapped between them and she struggled against the grip of the man twice her size.  Desperately, she tried to bring her knee up between Anderson's legs, but, as if he were expecting the move, one hand latched onto her backside holding her so tightly to him that she could barely move.  When he forced his tongue into her mouth, Lou bit down hard tasting blood.  No man takes advantage of me anymore, she thought in triumphant anger.  She hadn't been able to defend herself before, but she'd be damned if she'd just let it happen again.

Anderson shoved her away from him, yowling in pain as he spit the blood from his mouth.  Lou landed in a tangled heap at his feet, glaring up at him defiantly as she wiped her mouth on her shirt sleeve.

"Damn bitch bit me!" he cried angrily.  As he moved toward her, he heard the unmistakable clicks of pistols being cocked.  Anderson looked up to find each of the men's weapons trained on him.  His own men had wisely kept their hands away from their own weapons.

Kid glared at the man, his eyes and jaw steely as he strategically aimed the pistol.  "Go ahead, Anderson," he prompted.  "Just give me an excuse and you join the ladies' auxiliary."

"If you and your men don't clear outta here right soon, we'll have to haul ya in for disturbin' the peace," Jimmy said innocently.

"And trespassin'," Noah added, his gun trained on Anderson's men.

"And assaultin' a lady," Buck said, "in front of witnesses, not to mention slanderin' her honor."

Lou slowly stood to face Anderson, her face stoney.  "Ya know, you ain't nothin' special Tom Anderson," she countered.  "I been around men like you all my life.  I been with men like you, men who take what you want from women."  She leaned in closer and lowered her voice into a husky whisper.  "And you know why you have to take it, Tom?  Because no woman in their right mind would give herself to a gelding."

"Why you little...?!"  Anderson reached for her throat, his face turning purple with rage.  He backed off however when he felt the barrel pressed against his stomach.

"Go away and leave me and mine the hell alone!" Lou ground out.  She shoved him toward his horse.  "And if I ever see you or your men on my land again, I swear to God I'm gonna shoot first and ask questions later.  You got that?"

Anderson's dark eyes narrowed in impotent rage as he slowly moved toward his horse and mounted.  "This ain't over, little girl," he growled.  "Your friends won't always be around and when they ain't, well, first I'm gonna burn this place to the ground.  Then, you and me's gonna have words, Miz McCloud."  His mouth with its dark moustache turned up at one corner.  "I'm gonna love hearin' you beg for it."

"I'd kill myself first," Lou hissed back, meaning every word.

The group watched in expectant silence as Anderson and his men left the property.  When they'd disappeared over the hill, Lou let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.  Suddenly, a wave of nausea came over her and she dropped her pistol to the ground, running to the water pump and falling to her knees beside it.  Desperately she rinsed her mouth, spitting the water out onto the ground in a frantic effort to rid herself of the taste of Anderson's harsh kiss.  She fought the memories threatening to appear in her mind, pushing them back into the deep recesses of the closet of her mind, never to be seen or faced.  Finally coming up for air, she panted, leaning heavily against the pump, wiping her bruised lips on her shirtsleeve.  Caught preoccupied, Lou jumped visibly as a hand touched her shoulder, turning quickly and violently pushing it away from her.

Danny jumped back a step as Lou swatted at his gentle hand, her eyes wild and unfocused for a second or two as she looked at him.  He squatted down next to her, knowing the thoughts racing through her head, guilt rising in his thoughts only to be squashed down quickly.  "You okay, sweetheart?" Danny asked gently.

Lou glanced up at the men ringed around her, staring down concernedly at her.  Theresa stood several feet away, having picked up her nephew and hid her face against him.  Get it together, McCloud, she told herself roughly.  She shrugged and stood, a small derisive snort escaping.  "I'm fine.  Tryin' not to lose my lunch, but I'm fine," Lou replied lightly, trying to shrug off the encounter.

Danny's emerald eyes turned angry as he clutched her arms to emphasize his next words.  "You could've gotten yourself into a heap o' trouble, eggin' him on like that," he growled, his worry for her safety aggravating his reaction.  "Need I remind you of your firsthand experience with the violence of men whose manhood's have been insulted?"

Her dark eyes widened in fear for a moment before covering it with anger.  Lou shoved Danny away roughly, not wanting anyone to touch her right now.  "I don't need remindin', but thank you for bringin' it up in front of everyone," she yelled.  "We agreed never to talk about that.  Don't you ever, ever mention that incident again you hear me?!"

Having picked up her gun, Noah cautiously strode forward to return it to her.  His dark eyes narrowed as he watched her accept it with shaking hands.  "You're shakin'," he said darkly.

Kid's head snapped up at the heated words flowing between the two old friends and stared at Lou.  She was shaking, he decided.  That and the way she strictly avoided looking at him told him there was something more going on than met the eye.  He strode forward until he was directly in front of her and she couldn't avoid him.  "Lou, what the hell just happened here?  And don't you dare tell me it was nothin'," he demanded.

"It's my problem, Kid, not yours and I can handle it," she said defiantly.  "Anderson just offered to 'keep' me if I sign over the land Silverbirch is on to him."

His hands went to his hips.  "I figured that part out, Lou," he replied.  "I meant what's goin' on with you?  What's he mean about firsthand experience?  Did somethin' happen in Denver you didn't tell me?"

"What do you mean what's goin' on with me?" she asked, avoiding him by turning to take Lexi from Theresa.  "And nothin' happened in Denver.  What Danny's talkin' about happened long before I ever knew any of y'all and it's really none of your damned business!"

Lou turned to the others.  "Now if you're all done watchin' the show, I suggest we try and get some more work done before dinner.  If you don't wanna help, then go home and stay outta the way of those workin'."  She grabbed Theresa's hand and took the two children inside.

When she returned outside, the others had all gone back to work.  Kid still stood leaning against the half-fixed porch rail, his posture saying that their conversation was not over.  "You're still keepin' secrets, ain't ya?" he asked angrily.  "God, you haven't changed at all, Lou!"

She actually flinched at the words, curiously upset that he thought she hadn't changed since she'd left.  She had changed, couldn't he see that?  But this secret was too big to share.  Keeping secrets, especially this one, was what Louise felt had ultimately come between them before.  This damned secret was like a weight on her heart and mind and she'd longed to tell him a year ago, but knew she couldn't.  If Kid knew what had happened all those years ago in St. Joseph and since he'd never see her the same way.  Lou felt she'd even lose his friendship if he knew what kind of woman she really was.  "Maybe not," she replied sadly.

Her wounded eyes pierced through Kid's worried anger and he reached to touch her arm in apology.  "Lou, I'm sorry...."

Louise pulled away from his hand.  "Don't," she warned sharply.  "Let's just finish the porch, alright?"

Well, ya certainly fouled that one up, Kid, he told himself.  He watched her go back to work as if nothing had happened and sighed deeply before joining her, longing to know what had happened to scare her so much that she'd flinch away from even him.

Chapter 8