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Charming Spells

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The whole magikal aspect of Charmed is some people's reason to watch the show. On this page, I have listed a few of the spells the sisters have used to fight a demon each charming week. This is not a complete list! I hardly have any spells! If you hvae some more, please email them to me at or go to the Interactive part of this site and fill out the mail form. Thanks!

The Power Of Three Spell
Spoken by Phoebe
Here now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night.
The oldest of gods are invoked here,
The Great work of magik is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient power.
Bring your powers to we sisters three,
We want the power.
Give us the power.

A Protection Spell
From "Something Wicca Comes This Way"
Ancient One of the Earth so deep,
Master, Moon, and Sun,
I shield you in my Wiccan way,
Here in my circle round,
Asking that you protect this space,
And offer your Sun force down.

To Banish a Woogyman
Spoken by Pheobe, From "Is There a Woogy in the House?"
I am Light.
I am one too strong to fight.
Return to Dark, where Shadows dwell.
You cannot have this Halliwell.
Go away and leave my sight,
And take with you this endless night,

A Protection Spell
From "Thank You For Not Morphing"
When in the Circle that is Home,
Safety's gone and evils roam,
Rid all beings from these walls,
We sisters three,
Now heed our call.

A Banishing Spell
Spoken by Prue in "The Power of Two"
Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit,
Take his soul, banish this evil!

A Banishing Spell
From "I've Got You Under My Skin"
Ecil Eyes, look unto thee,
May they soon extinguished be.
Bend they will to the power of three,
Eye of earth, evil and accursed.

To Rid of an Unwanted Lover
Spoken by Piper in "Something Wicca Comes This Way"
Your love wither and depart,
from my life and from my heart.
Let me be, Jeremy,
And go away, forever.

To Empower Yourself For A JJob
Spoken By Phoebe in "Painted World"
Spirits, send the words,
From all across the land.
Allow me to absorb them,
Through the touch of either hand.
For twenty-four hours,
From seven to seven,
I will understand all meaning,
Of the words from here to heaven.

To Ask FOr Guidence in Love
Spoken by Phoebe in "Give Me a Sign"
I beseecg all powers above,
Send a sign to free my sister's heart,
One that will lead her to her love.

Belthazor, From the Book Of Shadows
Beware of this Demonic Soldier of Fortune.
Both powerful and dangerous, he has destroyed countless witches, innocents and demons.
As sinister as he is intelligent, he is not to be trusted.
Belthazor's known abilities includes throwing energy balls and shimmering from place to place, but his powers are probably not limited to these capabilities.
Because there is no known way to defeat him, Belthazor should be avoided at all costs.