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The Stationmaster's Office
- for a site map and introduction to the Steampunk.

The Transport Museum
- Filled with pictures of vehicles
from the worlds of Steampunk
The Platforms
- Stories, Essays, Museums & Laboratory Plans
(The heart of the station)

Doc Brown's Museum of the Strange & Unusual
- featuring the Bartok Wing
Left Luggage
- What's New?

Professor Retrotech's Steam Factory
- The home of Captain Nemo, Doc Brown, Professor Bartok,
The Doctor and other great scientists
Mrs Electro's Teashop
- Links, E-mail & Further Reading

The Mines
- Visit Edison and other real scientists
that influenced the world!
See real articles and technology!
The Steampunk Central Art Gallery
Unique Steampunk images from the vaults
including - Behind the scenes images

- The Real Sheridan
- A guide to the town of Sheridan
and the quirky characters from Legend.

Go through the bubbles to reach Atlantis...

The Theresa Belle
visit a restored steamboat

Do you love Science Fiction but get bored with everything being set centuries in the future, universes full of technobabble and strange alien cultures who are well, alien?

Do you wonder what our world would have been like if technology had leapt forward not ten years but a hundred years ago?

If so, then the world of Steampunk is for you!

Discover the fun of starships, time machines and space travel all based upon steam and hydraulics ? taking the best parts of Science Fiction and combining them with imaginative retro twists that can take you to the Wild West, Victorian England or even the world of Renaissance Europe and the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci.

See how the world might have been, and how history could be re-written in strange and fun ways!

There is excellent coverage of both Steampunk Fiction and RPG?s on the Internet (See the Teashop for links), but very little devoted to the Steampunk ?look? and themes of TV and Film. Steampunk Central examines and draws out the common threads from universes like Back To The Future, Legend, Wild Wild West, Macgyver and many others.


This page and all original content are copyright Sarah O?Donoghue 2000 - 2002. ?Legend? and ?Startrek? as well as all images from these programmes are owned by Paramount. ?20,000 Leagues Under The Sea? as well as all images are owned by ABC. ?The Wild Wild West? movie as well as all images are owned by Warner. ?Back To The Future? as well as all images are owned by Universal. Other credits for all other television programmes, movies and media can be found on relevant pages in this website. No profit is made from this website. All content is intended for education and entertainment only so please don?t sue me!

The Following number of passengers have enjoyed the hospitality of this station..



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