Before I start my recap, I want to make a promise to anybody who comes to this page: I will try not to let David irk me tonight. Now, keep in mind, I am writing this an hour before the show starts, so my promise might be as worthless as a penny with a hole in it, but I’ll try!!

We first see David and Melissa sitting in the bedroom preparing to go to the grocery store. Melissa asks him did he put condoms on the grocery list. In the confessional, Melissa says that her and David have a connection because they are both minorities. They catch a cab to go to the market and Melissa tells David that she falls in love very quickly. David tells her that in the right situation, he could be a faithful guy. In the confessional, David says that he likes Melissa because she is very animated and very beautiful. She reminds David of his ex-girlfriend who broke up with him. He blames his ex-girlfriend on his “metamorphous” read: playa-ways. David tells Melissa that back in the day he was a fat kid with a jheri curl. (drip-drip activator) I can now see why he is so proud of his body. Maybe I misjudged him. David tells Melissa that she reminds him of his old girlfriend, Grace, and that his first instinct was to stay clear of Melissa because of this. He says that he never wants to see his old girlfriend anymore, and felt it would be best to avoid Melissa because of the resemblance. Melissa tells him that she is glad he didn’t ignore her because since they were the only brown folks in the house, she didn’t want him to be nasty to her.

Julie and Jamie are walking down the street. Julie tells Jamie that her parents own a restaurant called, “Holy Cow.” They go to a restaurant to eat bagels, and Julie says how she wants to go to New York to eat a bagel in a bagel shop. Jamie comments in the confessional that he has traveled all over and he thinks that is what Julie is trying to do now. You can tell that Julie has had a very sheltered life, and now because she is out of her parents eye and ear sight, she is determined to make up for lost time. Julie tells Jamie that she knows her school would not approve of her being on the show, and that many times she has contemplated leaving school. I am not familiar with the Mormon religion, so I don’t know about her situation at school, but can this school put her out because of things she does on the show? I don’t think that’s right, but I can’t pass judgement because I don’t know. She says in confessional because she doesn’t think like her parents, such as getting out of school and marrying a nice Mormon boy, they are scared what she will do. Jamie says in the confessional that Julie is definitely going to change a lot after this show, and it seems she has changed a lot just from the first episode.

Melissa and David are in the supermarket. David asks her does she drink and she admits she does, but she is trying to do it in moderation because she doesn’t want it to be an issue. (she’s probably remembering Hawaii’s Ruthie) She tells David that alcoholism is a very scary thing because her father had a problem with it when she was younger. She seems to know that if she drinks a lot it could be a problem with her. She says that when she does drink, she gets wild. (I can imagine, she’s wild sober) In the confessional, she says that she knows how she is when she is drunk, and she doesn’t like it. (but for some reason, I don’t think that is going to stop her)

David and Melissa get back from the supermarket and start cooking. David jokes that he is going to start a cooking show called, “Ghetto Kitchen” Now, I don’t know how many of you know what calling something Ghetto is, but basically doing something you knew you had no business doing. Like going to the store in your slippers; that is ghetto. Ok, enough education, back to the story: David and Melissa continue to joke around, and you can see that they are really getting along. Melissa says in the confessional that she doesn’t really know what it is to be poor, or to struggle or to have one parent. I don’t understand the ghetto connection in her saying that. I don’t understand what having one parent has to do with being in the ghetto, but maybe that’s the image she has. Melissa feels that her and David had a weird connection. She feels he is going to be there for her.

Melissa asks David whom he prefers racially and he responds by saying he doesn’t really prefer. He tells her that, “if you look good, you look good.” So in other words he is not a particular playa, just a shallow one. After he says this, Melissa kind of poses and pouts, you know, so he can see she look good. Melissa says that she has tried to date black guys, but they felt she wasn’t “black” enough. She doesn’t feel the need to justify her blackness, so she has just dated white guys. David says to her that if he approached her, that she wouldn’t give him a chance because of her issues with black guys. He says in the confessional that she is scared to have a brotha. She says that a big part of her is that fact that she is half-black and that she wants people to accept her for who she is. In confessional, David admits that he thinks she is beautiful and if he had the chance, he would capitalize on the situation. (See, I am going to be a good girl and not even say anything about the capitalize comment.) Melissa asks David does he want to hook up, and he asks with her, and she never really answers. She instead tells him that he needs a lot of attention, but is not willing to give as much as he needs. Now, it’s funny that I see her in that same light. And David says exactly that to her. She justifies it by basically saying that she doesn’t just want David’s attention, but the attention of everybody in the house….she wants to be the star.

**Giving MTV the mad dog look**: Ok, if anybody has seen the premier for this episode, you saw Melissa asking David what race he preferred to date, then you see her getting mad at him and storming out of the room. Why does MTV do that? They made it seem as if Melissa was mad because David said he had no preference in dating. But of course, these two scenes had nothing to do with each other, which you will know after reading this.

Matt, Danny, and Melissa are all sitting around the kitchen talking. Matt is saying how great his family is, or should I say, “RAD” Melissa tells them that her parents weren’t really around because they were always working, and Danny agrees that his parents were like that, too. Melissa and Danny both say that they didn’t get much attention. Melissa claims that that is the reason that she craves attention so much. She tells Matt that he grew up in a house where it was ok to be sad, and that in her house, if you complained or whined and moaned, you were told to keep it to yourself because “I have my own problems.” You can see Melissa getting upset, and I am seeing her in a new light. She says that she has respect for her parents, but when she was growing up, they didn’t take a big role in things that involved her. She said that when she had school plays, they didn’t attend. She had to catch a ride to these plays with a friend and their family. You feel a little sorry for her. I have friends who have families like this, and it can be very painful. You can see that it hurts Melissa to talk bad about her parents, no matter what they have done.

Melissa walks to the pay phone and calls her sister. She starts crying and says that she is very homesick. She says that she misses her family very much. She starts walking back to the house, and she is telling herself tomorrow is going to be another day.

The next day (I am assuming), David and Melissa are walking down the street talking. Melissa admits that she is feeling sorry for herself. She says that she doesn’t have any white girls as friends at home. She asks David does he feel different in the house, and he says he feels different only because he is in a different place. In the confessional, Melissa says she feels very different because she is biracial. She tells David that she has no problem hanging out with the guys, or the girls for that matter, but when she walks in the house, all she sees are two blond girls, and she feels out of place. Melissa tells David she is glad that he is in the house, and he is glad SHE is glad. David says in the confessional that he feels him and Melissa are going to hook up because they both are very direct people. David basically tells Melissa that no matter the situation, he is going to have a good time.

Julie and Danny are jogging down the street, talking. She asks him to clear up a gay myth: Are all gay guys into interior decorating and art? Julie, Julie, Julie, you are very sheltered. Danny just laughs and tells her no. He likes architecture,(is that a gay thing?? Never heard that one), but he doesn’t like interior decorating. I have to say that Danny has a lot of patience. I understand that Julie is very naive, and is the first to admit that, but…..well, all I can say is Danny is better than me. I like Julie, don’t get me wrong, but after awhile the naivete would drive me crazy.

Julie and Danny are sitting around the house still talking about the gay issue. Julie admits to Danny that she doesn’t understand “being gay” He asks her does it “weird” her out. She says she wouldn’t say it “weirded” her out, but she just doesn’t seem natural because she doesn’t see it in other aspects…ok, I was understanding everything she was saying right up until she says, “You, like, don’t see gay bunnies running around.” What the h*** did that mean?? I guess I just don’t think about bunnies sexual preference when I see them, “running around”. But before I dog Julie out, I have to give her props for being able to admit how she is feeling, even though it is going against the P.C grain. Danny admits that when he first “got” into being gay, it didn’t make sense to him, either. Then Julie tries to ask him, what I am guessing and could be completely wrong, how gay guys got it on. She started by saying, “You know, like, how even two year olds can put a puzzle together.” I am completely lost at this point. I guess I need a two-year-old to explain it to me. Anyway, Danny asks Julie, putting everything else aside, did she think being gay was wrong. She thinks for a minute and then tells him that for her it is morally wrong, but she tells Danny she loves him anyway. Danny kind of laughs it off, but he seems a little bothered by her response.

Melissa says in confessional that she feels weird in the house. She feels like the odd man out. She calls her brother on the phone and tells him that she was expecting some nasty people, but everybody is really cool. She says it is normal to feel weird in this house because she feels weird every where she goes.

The roomies are all at the bar, and Melissa says that she has had a really bad day. So to put an end to that bad day, she was going to have a good night: read: get lit.(drunk). Matt says in the confessional that she is not dealing with the issue by escaping through drinking. They are all outside heading to another bar, and Melissa, in a very loud voice, tells everybody that she needs to make sure somebody is with her at all times tonight. She is working on her third screwdriver, and she is loud and drunk. She tells Matt she wants him to have a good time tonight because she really cares about him and his raccoon coat (I thought that was funny) David is walking ahead of the crowd, looking very irritated, and I can’t blame him. You can tell Melissa is on the verge of doing something stupid. David says that him and Matt don’t drink, and in the confessional, Julie says she doesn’t understand why you have to have alcohol to enjoy yourself. Matt and Julie are walking down the street together and Julie is trying to explain to Matt that even though Melissa comes off so strong, she is really sensitive inside. Matt says he doesn’t understand how people have such sensitivities because their backgrounds. I can see how he wouldn’t understand because he has no way of knowing how hard it can be to not just be a minority, but interracial on top of that. Now, I am not defending Melissa for the stupid way she is acting, but I understand her not feeling as if she has a place in this world. They go to another bar, because Melissa “wants to find a place where she can drink and chill.” I guess the slurred words are not clue to her she has had enough, but who am I to judge? They are in the bar, minus Matt and Julie, and Melissa is backing that thang up to every man she can see. David is watching her and he is pissed. She is making a fool of herself. She comes over to David and starts dancing with him, but he says in the confessional that he wasn’t feeling her like that. He wasn’t feeling the whole situation. You can tell on his face that he is upset. He is tired of the nonsense, and he leaves.

The remaining partiers(sp), Danny, Melissa, Kelley(D***, I forgot she was even on the show), and Jamie walk around looking for another club. They come across one that features nude female dancers. Melissa sees a silhouette of one dancing in the window, and she starts to imitate the dancer and saying, “I can do that.” She goes up to the guy who is at the door of the club and wants to know how much she would get paid if she took off her top. At this point, she is screaming and is very drunk. They all go into the club and Melissa is determined to dance. She wants to know if she will get tips. She says the strippers that work at the club told her to put on one of their outfits and go “work the pole”. Then you see, what I first thought was a drag queen, but really turned out to be a very broad shoulder woman, I think, I don’t know really what it was. I need that two year old to come explain it to me….ANYWAY, you see this woman or man, I’ll call it a SHIM, take Melissa into the back to change into some stripping clothes. Melissa says, in a loud and annoying voice, “I haven’t did this before.” Next thing you know(well that is, after one of MTV’s 15 hour commercial breakS) you see Melissa dancing on stage, holding her breasts, taking money out of a woman’s mouth with her mouth, then taking money out of Danny’s friend, Mark’s mouth (who is he??). The roomies are cracking up. In the confessional, Melissa says how she gets a rush by watching them laugh. Melissa, honey, they aren’t laughing with you, they are laughing at you. See, this whole scene mad me mad. I know these roomies had not known each other long, but I feel they should have some sort of feeling to want to watch each other’s back. Even though Melissa was dead wrong, I felt they encouraged her stupid behavior, or should I say, mocked it. I felt that David, Matt, and Julie did the right thing. They left because they knew they couldn’t stop Melissa from acting up, but they refused to take part in it. Ok, getting off my high horse and getting back to the story: Melissa proceeds to lick the money. Jamie feels she is sexy. And Danny feels that the entire time they are in New Orleans is going to be insane. Oh, and in case you didn’t know why Melissa never has done this before, I shall tell you: BECAUSE SHE WAS AWFUL!!!! She was so bad I had to ask my husband did he think that his friends would pay to see her dance, and I won't give you his response, but it wasn’t flattering. I don't know if it was because she was drunk, but she had no rhythm at all. And Jamie felt she was good. Guess he had one too many screwdrivers, too.

Melissa, Danny, Kelley, and Jamie go back to the house. They are telling Julie what all happened, and Julie looks like she is disgusted with the whole thing. Melissa says they all went to a gay bar, which wasn’t shown, and that she brought some “community” condoms for the whole house. She proceeds to put them in the fruit bowl, and Julie protests. Jamie tells her, Look, you either want a pear, an apple or a condom. Julie says where she is from, you would never expect to see condoms in the fruit bowl. Melissa asks is David mad at her, and Julie admits that he is concerned. Julie told Melissa that they expected her to come home sloppy drunk. Melissa goes up to the bedroom to talk to David.

David tells Melissa he left because he had seen enough. He didn’t want to know what they did after he left, because he had seen enough without even knowing what happened afterwards. He tells her he is upset because she came to him when she had problems like he could make a difference, but then turns right around and starts drinking anyway. She says that she won’t lie, but she did have a bad day and wanted a drink. He tells her that if her number one priority is drinking, and if that is her way to escape, then don’t look to him when that option fails. Melissa feels that he is giving her an ultimatum: Either come to him when she is having problems and don’t drink, or drink, but don’t say anything to him period. She says she is going to drink if she wants to drink, and that is her prerogative. David tells her to do what she wants to do, but don’t expect him to be there. In confessional, he says that he doesn’t take a second seat to anything, especially alcohol. David tells Melissa that it takes a lot for him to extend his hand in friendship, and he is hurt that she chose to drink over coming to him. Melissa tells him NOT to extend his hand, then. Melissa wants to know why he is so upset, and David doesn’t understand how SHE is not understanding. David is sick of the whole conversation, so he tells her he takes full blame, just to end the talk. Melissa gets mad and storms out the room and tells him it’s ok, just as long as he knows IT is his fault, and she tells him not to say anything to her for the remaining time in the house. (This, by the way, is the argument you saw in the highlights before the show was aired. The one you might have thought was connected to the dating question that Melissa asked David, which you can see is not.) David tells her he doesn’t give a d***, he didn’t care.

Danny, Kelley, and Julie are in the room getting ready for bed. Danny and Kelley are sleeping in the same bed, and Julie tells Danny she hopes he doesn’t turn to the flip side because she won’t know what to do. In confessional, Julie says she is sitting back just taking everything in. She asks Danny why do they say, “coming out of the closet” when people admit they are gay. “Are you, like, in a closet?” (She is really annoying in this episode for some reason.) Danny explains that people put things in a closet to hide them away. Danny wants to know why they(MTV) didn’t put another gay guy on the show. Kelley is glad they didn’t because then they would never see Danny. (Kelley is kind of funny). In confessional, Julie admits that she didn’t think that she would have a connection between her and a gay person. But after meeting Danny, she realizes that she is wrong. Julie tells Danny that she is not really down for the way he chooses to live his life, and Danny tells her it is not a choice. If he could choose to be straight, he would because being gay sometimes is too hard.

The next morning, Melissa and David are in the kitchen. David is ignoring her. In confessional, Melissa says that David had spent the whole day ignoring her and the rest of the roomies because of his anger towards Melissa. Melissa asks David was he ignoring her, and he says, “No, I realize you are sitting there, but you told me not to talk to you for five months, and I am just doing what I am told.” YES!! See, I like that in him. In confessional, David says that if he cuts a person off, they cease to exist to him. And let’s face it, isn’t that what Melissa wanted? See, she thought that he wouldn’t ignore her and probably try to kiss her butt to talk to her, and she didn’t know how to take it when he did just what he was told to do. Melissa says to David that it is really unfair for him to cut her off. MELISSA, THAT’S WHAT YOU WANTED!!! Melissa says she is sorry for offending him and sorry for telling him not to talk to her for the next five months. She said she didn’t mean it and that she likes him a lot and she wants to talk to him. (Those screwdrivers said a mouthful last night, huh, Melissa??) She starts to cry and tells him she is really, really sorry. He admits that her tears were tearing down the wall he built up against her. He gives her a hug. Ok, now get this: In the confessional, Melissa says she was not apologizing for the drinking, she was only apologizing because she wanted to smooth things over with him so the whole house can live comfortably with him. Wait a minute…the whole house? It didn’t seem to me that anybody had a problem with David but Melissa(and me in the first episode, but I don’t count) So, basically, what she is saying is that the tears and emotions were fake. You lost some cool points, Melissa. Instead of her saying she messed up, she had to maintain her tough reputation. She came off mad phony.

The End! I have to say, David has earned respect from me. I liked the way he handled the whole Melissa situation. On the other hand, Melissa and Julie earned the “get on my nerves” award. Until next week……

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