The Story of Karone

This is, in a nutshell, the life of Astronema/Karone. If you have any suggestions on how I could make it better, please e-mail me and let me know!

Early Childhood

Not much is known about Karone before she became Astronema. It is known, however, that she was born on the planet KO-35, in the Kerova system, and that she is the sister of the Red Ranger, Andros. Karone was kidnapped at a young age by Darkonda, while she was playing outside with her brother.

Astronema, Princess of Evil

Karone was then raised by the evil Ecliptor. She grew up to become Astronema, Princess of Evil and Dark Specter's most-trusted servant. When Zordon was kidnapped, Dark Specter ordered Astronema to make sure that the Power Rangers did not rescue their mentor. Astronema then took her space base, the Dark Fortress, to Earth's orbit and proceeded to continue the grand tradition of tormenting the Rangers, and the rest of Angel Grove, with monsters.


When the Silver Ranger was first thawed out, Astronema saw him as just one more obstacle to overcome in her quest for universal domination. However, after he saved her life when one of her own monsters turned on her, she began to see him in a somewhat different light. That ended up to be a short-lived romance, seeing as she was more than a little upset when he showed up late to what was to be their first date and she zapped him with her staff. She then broke the heart of the mud-covered Zhane by telling him that she never wanted to see him again. Still, she did appear to still have some feelings for the Silver Ranger...
