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Name: Junkyard

Nickname: With a name like Junkyard- what do you think?

Marital Status: Had a few torrid romances, but nothing exclusive.

Age: 21 (that's 3 for you humans)

Height: 25 inches at the shoulder

Weight: 85lb

Body: Agile, lean, and hairy

Physical Condition: excellent from showing over eager pups how to do the drills properly all day. Can pace my human's stomper for hours on end.

Eyes: big, brown, and perfect for begging

Hair Colour & Style: shaggy at the moment, but very thick and full

Hands: Thumbless

Distinguishing Feature: A lopsided, tongue-lolling grin

Characteristic Gestures: Nothing says hello like a nose in the crotch.

Race: Purebred German Shepherd

Religion: Naturist

Background: One of six, my brothers and sisters have all since moved on.

Never met my father. Occasionally see my mother, who has since retired to the back porch. I currently live in a cabin just up the hill from where I was born.

Schooling: Obedience school graduate, with advanced training in olfactory tracking. Minored in defensive posturing, vocal training. Picked up brawling in the alleyway- not in school proper.

Areas of Expertise: Finding lost humans, tracking up clean floors, looking doggable.

Occupation: Tracking expert

If SAR, Motivation: My human has these little bacon things. . . I'd find a grain of salt in a snowstorm for 'em.

Previous experience in this field: Well, you might say I was born for it.

Where trained: The folks that raised be taught me. How: Dedication, long hours, and did I mention the bacon things?

Equipment Experience: The nose came built in.

Weapons Experience: So'd the teeth.

Short Term Goals: Make my human happy, play a game of fetch in the near future.

Long Term Goals: Someday, *way* into the future- I'll retire and turn my human over to one of my pups

Short Term Needs: As long as you're asking, I've got an itch . . .right. . . about. . . THERE!

Long Term Needs: A retirement plan would be nice. But my human's a good enough sort- for a human. I definitely see a cedar tick in front of the fireplace in my future. Oh wait, that's in my present. Guess I'm set.

Extrovert/Introvert: I'm not shy. I'll make friends with just 'bout anyone.


Favourite Sayings: "For the love of Lassie" "I'll 'Rin-Tin-Tin' you all right "

IQ: Smart enough to find foolish humans who wander about the woods without the benefit of a fur coat of their own.

Temperament: It *is* a dogs life. Pretty mellow. No one, but *No One* better mess with my family. I don't want to scare y'all, but I am a trained killer. . . well, at least a maimer. I have a fierce growl.

Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: Hackles up. . . and growl. Throw in a little slobber, flash some teeth. Usually works for me.

Bad Habits/Vices: Slobber when excited; carouse; chase cats (though that out to be a community service, not a vice); occasionally roll in. . . well, you really don't want to know; been accused of having a drinking problem (It's only a problem when humans thoughtlessly put the lid down.)

Prejudices: CATS!!!!! Small, yappy rats that masquerade as dogs. Give all of us a bad name. CATS!!!!!

Pet Peeves: Nervous humans, little kids with sticky fingers, Cats that are up too high to jump for.

Things that make him uncomfortable: The wash bucket and hose. Means someone's gonna get a B_A_T_H Bath.

Most Painful Thing in Life: One word. Porcupine. 'Nuff said.

Ever Been Arrested: Once, but we got that whole 'no-tags, chasing the animal control officer around his truck' thing cleared up eventually.

Sense of Humour: humans are a continual source of amusement, and sneaking up on Old Silas- the barn cat.

Fears: Some of the people who've wanted to take me from my human. I hate watching them lead pups away from the only family they know, 'specially when the human they're being given smells off.

Hobbies/Interests: carousing; chasing cats; teasing skunks (though my human claims that belongs in the bad-habit category; sneaking into town to see Daisy.

Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: I have a certain roguish air that the ladies find irresistible.

Sexual Turn Ons: I love it when a girl puts in the effort to roll in something really rank, just for me. Now that says class.

Turn Offs: House pets. Give me a girl who earns her keep; cold water

Clothing Style: Formal: My human ties a clean bandana around my neck

Everyday: red, nylon collar. silver tags.

Most Crucial Experience: Picking my human. She had kind eyes and a light touch.

Favourite Music: The Back-fence Quartet (They're bass is a St. Bernard with a cathedral set of pipes. A chocolate lab, and golden retriever fill in the alto-tenor positions, and a Chihuahua (not a bad guy, for a half-rat) picks up the tenor slot.) I take Daisy to their concerts whenever I can.

Favourite Movie: Old Yeller. I just. . . . . . love that movie. A real role model for pups everywhere.

Favourite Food: Leftovers ala garbage can; those bacon things

Favourite Drink: Strictly a water drinker, though I will confess to a weakness for eau des toilettes.

Favourite Relaxation: A good belly rub does wonders for one's attitude.

Idea of a Good Date: An early am concert, followed by dinner from the classiest dumpster in town; then an early morning romp through the forest. And I always let the lady chase the first bird.

Vehicle Driven: Great beast of a metal thing my human seems fond of. She always calls it an "ever-lovin' so-and-so"

Sports Participated In: Champion Cat-Chaser in my obedience school class; Master Fetcher; perfected the art of looking cute until someone plays with me.

Ever been injured in the line of Duty: Went over some bad turf that shredded my pads on search.

Pets: one human

Best Friend/Confidant: My human


Read How The Search Begins