Title: Don't call me honey (1/1)! Author: Tanja E-mail address: voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl, xfshippers@writeme.com or tanyavoet@hotmail.com Keywords: Humour, MSR Spoilers: zero, zippo, nothing Summary: Mulder has a whole lot of explaining to do, when he accidentally uses the word honey for Scully! Disclaimer: The usual old story, Mulder and Scully do not belong to me. They are property of CC, 1013 and Fox Network. Please don't sue me, trust me you wouldn't make too much money out of it! Author's notes: My new computer works! So time to write a new story now J! Last one for the holidays probably, 3 more weeks and I'll leave for the US of A !!!!! I do realize that this story may be a little out of character for Mulder and Scully, but I was just in the mood to write something funny. Dedication: To Joey, Traci and Liz. Joey thanks for beta-reading and to all three of you thanks for being great friends and for reading this story and letting me know what you thought of it! Don't call me honey (1/1)! He didn't know how the word slipped from his mouth, it just happened. A psychologist probably would have been able to come up with a whole theory of why exactly his subconscious had made him call her that at that certain place and on at that particular time. Not one of the best places, to be quite honest, and his timing could have been better. But once he said it, there was no taking it back anymore. What on earth had made him say that, to his partner for god sake? Of course it was not like he didn't have the feelings, he did actually. For a long time already, but she wasn't supposed to know that! The partner in question was sitting next to him and staring at him in shock and disbelief and maybe a little angry too? In front of them sat their boss, A.D. Skinner, his jaw dropped in shock and though Mulder wasn't sure, he thought he saw a hint of amusement that he tried to hide. He was right about his boss. When he said it, for a moment Skinner had been shocked. Had he missed something? How long had this been going on? Taking a look at agent Scully however, made it clear to him that she was just as shocked as he was, to hear her partner direct her like that. He tried not to show his grin, when he looked from one to the other. Scully looking at Mulder as if he had finally lost it and Mulder, maybe for the first time in his life, speechless for words. Fox Mulder was in trouble, trouble with a big T. Because in the middle of a discussion about their latest case, he had muttered indignantly "but honey ...." Wrong word, wrong time, wrong place! Skinner grinned and waited to see how Mulder was going to get himself out of this one. Mulder at that moment wasn't sure yet how he was going to talk himself out of this. All he knew was that he wished he was somewhere else! Scully glared at him, furrying her eyebrow, anger visible in her eyes and she was obviously confused too. "Scully ..." Mulder tried, waiting for a reaction that hadn't come yet. She didn't say anything, just glared at him again. For the first time in his life Mulder understood the meaning of the saying "if looks could have killed ..." She slowly turned her attention from Mulder to Skinner in front of her. "Sir, can we please continue this meeting later this afternoon?" He nodded and she rose from her chair. Waiting for Mulder to follow her. He didn't immediately follow her lead, but after another glare he sighed and also got up. Together they left the room, Mulder following Scully like a lost puppy, not sure what would happen when he would be alone with her. After the door closed behind them, Skinner finally gave up and laughed out loud. Too bad he couldn't be there to see what Scully was going to do to her partner, he was just glad that he wasn't in his place. Scully might have short legs, but this time it was Mulder having trouble to keep up with her pace. Standing in the elevator, that brought them back to their basement office, Mulder tried again "Scully?". Without any result, she just gave him another deathly glare. Once the elevator stopped at the basement floor, Scully got out and strode to the office. Opening the door, she held it open with a sugar sweet smile on her face and motioned for him to walk in first. He hesitantly walked in and waited for her to follow. She did, slamming the door loudly. Then she turned around, looking at Mulder, who looked like a caged animal. She started to move closer to him, while he backed away at the same time. Until he wasn't able to back away any further, because he was standing against the wall. The fact that Scully was at least a couple of feet shorter than he was didn't make it less scary. An angry Dana Scully wasn't something you'd ever want to deal with. "Scully?" Mulder squeaked out. "Mulder?" She said, ice dripping from her voice. "Y ... y ... yes?" "Did I ever tell you I don't like it when people call me names?" "I ..." "And I especially don't like it when they do that in front of other people, like ehm ... for example our boss!" "I'm sorry, Scully, I ..." Mulder tried, but didn't get a word in, because she started again. "What on earth were you thinking Mulder? Are you nuts!?!?!!?!?!? What on earth possessed you to call me honey?!?! I don't like it when people call me honey! And whatever gave you the right to call me that anyway?!?" "I don't know, I ehm ..." "You don't know, what do you mean you don't know? You remember your own words don't you or are you suffering from a sudden case of amnesia?!?!?!?!" By now her face was only inches away from his and he felt kind of intimidated. "Look Scully, I just don't know okay? It just slipped my mouth and no I do not know why, happy?!?" He yelled desperately, throwing his hands in the air. "Oh really, you have no idea?" Her face moving even closer, if he would only lean in a little bit he could ... Kiss her. Before he knew, it he found himself lip locked with his pretty little partner, waiting for the blow that was sure to come. But it didn't come, for a second she struggled and tried to get away from him, but only for a second, before she gave in with a sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck. He sighed against her mouth and pulled her closer to him, his lips never leaving hers. They only let go of each other, for much needed air. "Scully?" "Yes?" She mumbled faintly, still recovering from his kiss. "Does this mean I can call you honey now ...?" The end Visit my website at: http://www.angelfire.com/oh/xfshippers/index.html