Title: Act of denial 1/1 Author: Tanja E-mail : voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl Rating. PG-13, Depending how you look at it. Only the slightest reference to something. Keywords : MSR, Humor Summary: Mulder and Scully, playing their act of denial Disclaimer : They're not mine. I'm just playing with them, until CC decides to do something logical for them. Author's notes: Sorry, just a silly short story. It doesn't make any sense, but hey, would life be fun, when it always makes sense? Dedication: For all my friends. Joey, thank you for beta-reading :-) Act of denial (1/1) Special Agent Dana Scully was typing frustrated on her keyboard in the mean time working on her little act called denial. "Hi Scully." Her act of denial was brutally interrupted, when the subject himself walked into the basement. Her partner, Fox Mulder. She looked up from her computer, a flushed look on her face, she said "Hi Mulder." "Are you alright Scully?" He wanted to know. "Yes, why? - " "I don't know. You look kind of flushed. Did something happen?" He grinned, he was only teasing and he just knew she would react. He told himself. Mulder was just as good in the act of denial as his petite little partner. A little voice kept nagging in his mind. He told the little voice in his head. "No, nothing happened." She had returned staring at her screen, although she had no idea what she was typing. When he returned his attention to his own computer, she sighed in relief and stared at her screen blankly. So much for getting more work done now. She didn't know what it was, but lately her partner had been kind of .... ehm distracting. Distracting in the meaning that every time he walked in she suddenly lost her ability to speak and could only stare at him in awe. And she was having those dreams. Not that they were that bad, after all it could have been uglier men doing this to her in her dreams, but for God's sake, her own partner? Trying to get rid of these thoughts, she tried to concentrate on her report again. She was sure that this would pass and whatever was going on, it had nothing to do with the fact that she could have fallen for her own partner. After all, she was not in love with him, was she? She told the nagging voice in her head. When he thought she wasn't looking, Mulder was secretly looking at his partner. As always he thought she looked beautiful, her red hair brushed behind her ear, her blue eyes concentrated on the file she was working on. Every now and than she sat back for a moment, thinking. pinching the bridge of her nose. He grinned, when she tried to stifle a yawn and failed. He told himself. Sighing, he returned back to his report. THAT NIGHT Scully was at home, sitting on her couch, watching television. Trying to forget about Mulder. The phone rang, she stretched her arm and picked it up. "Scully." "Hi honey it's me." Came the voice of her mother on the other side of the line. "Hi mom." Scully answered, settling herself down on the couch, knowing that this phone call was going to take more than one minute. "Is everything alright?" "Yes, don't worry. I'm alright. I just felt like calling you. So how are you doing?" "Fine, busy. We just finished another case." "How is Fox doing?" Her mother asked, a little too sweetly. Uh oh. Scully knew what that tone in her mother's voice meant. Her mother was going to give her one of those oh honey - I know he's your partner - but the two of you're perfect for each other - lectures. She sighed "Mom ...." "Dana, I was just asking how he was doing!" Her mother answered. "Mulder is doing fine, mom." "Has he been on any dates recently?" "Mom!" "What?" Her mother asked innocently. "How many times do I have to tell you that Mulder and I are just friends! I do not keep track of his social life. I do not know if he's seeing somebody or not, even if he was, I don't care. I'm not interested in him, at least not as more than friends. We do not date, I'm not in love with him and no, he's not going to be the future father of my children!" For a moment it remained silent, than her mother laughed and said. "Dana, all I asked was, how he was doing. But thanks for the explanation." "Sure, mom." Dana sighed, rubbing her eyes, she tried to listen to what her mother was telling her. NEXT DAY He hadn't slept much last night. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about Scully. Making his way to the basement office, he sighed. How long could this go on? How much longer would he be able to deny the fact, that he had fallen head over heels in love with her? He had no idea, all he knew was that he couldn't tell her, she would laugh at him and pick up the phone to call Skinner to ask for a transfer. Scully was already in the office, when her partner walked in. She was also wondering how much longer she could keep going on like this. Slowly it was starting to become unbearable. But she knew she could never admit her true feelings for him, hell she hadn't even been able to admit them to herself yet. He threw his coat over a chair and a pile of case files on his desk. With a sigh, he walked over to the coffee maker, to get himself a cup of coffee, maybe a decent dose of caffeine into his system would help a little bit. He held up the can to her "Coffee, Scully?" She looked up for the first time that morning, shaking her head, she said "No, thanks, I already have some." She showed him her already filled mug, the one she had gotten from Mulder once, it said "Don't mess with me, I'm a cop." Sipping his coffee, he settled behind his desk and stared at her. It took a few minutes, before she realized he was staring at her. Looking at him, she frowned. "Mulder?" "Yes?" He asked slowly. "Why are you staring at me?" She tried to keep the shiver out of her voice, when she asked the question. Her heart was doing a flip-flop and she couldn't help but staring back. "I'm not staring at you!" He said. "Yes, you were. So, why were you doing it?" "I ..." For once, Mulder was speechless. How was he supposed to answer that one? I was staring at you, because I can't help it, you're just so beautiful. Because I'm in love with you, because I'm dreaming of you every night, because ... He could come up with a whole number of reasons, all reasons he could never tell her. At that moment the phone rang. Thankful for the interruption, Mulder quickly picked it up. It was Skinner, ordering them to come to his office for a meeting. "Skinner needs us upstairs." He told his partner, who was still staring at him, waiting for an answer. "Saved by the bell." She mumbled, getting up. Mulder sighed in relief, but stood still in shock, when she walked by him, saying "but don't think this conversation is over yet, you won't get rid of me that easily." 2 HOURS LATER After the meeting with Skinner, they walked to the elevator, on their way back to their basement office. Both were trying to stare everywhere, but at each other, when fate helped them a little, the elevator suddenly stopped. They looked at each other, two thoughts running through Scully's head "Oh my god, what are we going to do now?" and "It might be a little difficult to keep denying that I'm in love with him, when he's standing so close." All Mulder was thinking was "Do not stare at her, do not stare at her. She's your partner, you're not in love with her, not in love with her, do not stare ...." That was where both their thoughts stopped, because suddenly they were standing very close, staring at each other. Still trying to tell themselves, that they were not in love with the other, their lips started to move closer ... And before their lips met, Scully muttered "Oh to hell with it ..." And leaned into his kiss. A few minutes later, although it might just as well have been hours to them, the elevator started to move again. But they were too caught up in their kiss to notice it, until the doors opened and they heard somebody say "Is this what you meant with being just friends, honey?" Two heads turned around and stared in shock at the amused face of Maggie Scully. The end Okay, silly, silly, I know. I just felt like writing a silly story! More stories can be found at http://www.angelfire.com/oh/xfshippers/index.html