Title: If you ever leave me (1/4) Authors: Cindy & Tanja E-mail addresses: sg1phileshipper@skynet.be and voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl Rating: PG Keywords: SG1/X-files Crossover. Christmas fic. Fluff and lots of romance! Summary: Two couples, a partner conference, lots of angst & love. Fluff! Archive: Anywhere nice would be fine. It would be great if you could let us know ? Response to challenge, requested by Cindy: Write a crossover with the X-Files. Sam, Jack and both Mulder and Scully attend a conference in Alaska. They go out for a drink afterwards and their car breaks down. They walk to the nearest village, but end up in the woods, being chased by bears. MUST include a Sam/Jack and Mulder/Scully romance. Disclaimer: We don't own them, we just had fun with them for this story. We know in reality Mulder and Scully belong to CC, 1013 and Fox Network and Sam and Jack to belong to Gekko, Double Secret, Showtime and MGM. But we wish they were ours, especially Mulder and Jack! And if you give us Jack or Mulder, we'll never give them back. We're not crazy. What you get is what you keep, hehehe. Author's notes (Cindy):It's been a huge honor to write with Tanja. I've always enjoyed her fics. Just between us, I think she may be one of my favorite fluff writers. She always makes me cry, but don't tell her. I never thought I'd be writing fic with someone, let alone with her. I only met her recently and bless Jo for giving me her AIM Screen name. I'm also a sap concerning romance and Tanja did it to make me cry over something she wrote. Again! Thanks a lot Tanja, for sharing wonderful fic moments and chat moments with me. I sure hope to do it again soon, very soon. I had tons of fun writing this. Author's notes (Tanja): Cindy thanks for co-writing with me! It's been a real pleasure writing and AIM'ing with you and I would love to do it again some time! I love Star Gate, I love the X-files and I love to co-write, especially with writers whose fics I am a big fan of. As most of you probably also know I'm a sap for romance and if you are a NoRoMo or don't like romance, you might want to stop reading right here, because it's full of it ? The story is set around Christmas, because who doesn't love Christmas? We hope everybody will enjoy reading this story, as much as we enjoyed writing it! If you ever leave me (1/4) Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colorado December 20th It had all started as a routine mission on P7J117. Basically, it was an inhabited planet. Or so it seemed. But suddenly SG1 was caught in enemy fire. And Jack had put his life on the line in order to keep Sam away from the bullets. And the least you could say was that she didn't appreciate it. She had yelled at him, stormed through the gate and not spoken to him since. And debriefing had been the worst thirty minutes in his life. General Hammond had felt that something was wrong. He had confronted both officers, but all he could get out of them were dirty and mad glances towards each other. Well, actually, it was only Sam that gave Jack dirty glances. Jack basically sat and kept his mouth shut. General Hammond held them back after debriefing and talked to them. "Colonel, would you care to explain what is wrong between you and Major Carter?" "It's nothing, Sir. We just have a small problem." "Small. Don't give me that crap, Colonel. Nothing is small if you are in the same team. Understood?!" "Yes, Sir." Hammond had turned to Carter and she was fuming. "Major, care to..." "Colonel O'Neill thinks I can't handle things because I'm a woman!" "Carter, I never..." "Shut up, Colonel!!!!!! It was the first time that Hammond had yelled at Jack. Jack shut up and wanted to disappear through the wall. "Yes, Sir." "Very well, Colonel. Now, Major Carter, care to tell me what happened?!" Sam had done her story and General Hammond had just nodded. Jack was staring at his shoes, not daring to say a word. General Hammond broke the uncomfortable silence and looked at his best officers. "I don't see what the problem is, but I think it might be good if I sent you both to a conference for partners. It'll do you good." "But Sir..." Both Sam and Jack had complained, but General Hammond was having none of it. "There's no need to discuss this further. You're both leaving for Juneau tomorrow." "Juneau as in Alaska, Sir?" "Very good at geography, Colonel." "Just a lucky guess. But Alaska, Sir. It's the middle of winter, we'll freeze to death." "You'll be just fine. And if you ever freeze to death, try to keep each other warm." "But Sir..." "Nothing but, Major. That's my last word." "Christmas is coming up, Sir." "I know that Major. The conference starts tomorrow and finishes the 23rd in the afternoon. You'll be back just in time for Christmas. Dismissed and try to behave on your way there." "Yes, Sir." They left the office and walked down the corridors of the SGC. Sam gave Jack a dirty glance. "What, Major?!" "Thanks a lot, Colonel. Now you just ruined my Christmas." "Why don't you just tell me what's eating you, Carter?!" "You still didn't get it?" "Yes, but I still don't know what I did wrong." "Darn, Sir, you put your life on the line for me!! Don't you think I'm big enough to take care of myself?!" "I know you are, but I couldn't help it! I care for you!" "Well don't, Sir! I didn't ask you to care for me!" With that, Sam turned around and left a speechless Jack. Jack strolled down the corridors of the SGC, hands deep in his pockets. He was everything but happy. Well, happy, that was the understatement of the year. He was feeling like hell. He just had another argument with Sam. Recently, all they did was fighting. Ever since coming back from their latest mission. Everything had changed between them. Jack walked by her lab and sighed. If only he could figure out what was really behind all this... Same Time, FBI Headquarters, Washington "Scully, can you come here for a second?" "What's wrong, Mulder?" "Just something I want to show you." "Okay..." Scully sighed and got out over her chair. She went to Mulder's desk and stood behind him. He handed her a picture. "Mulder, do you really believe this?!" "Why not?" "Oh, Mulder, we have been through this so much." "Yeah, but not that kind of thing." "A crop circle in the snow?! You don't believe that yourself, do you?" "Why not, Scully. This picture is proof." "Proof... Where did you get this?" "In the mail." "There you go. That's all the proof you need." "Meaning?" "Do you need a picture? You were set up, Mulder, again." "I hope some day a crop circle will bite you in the ass. Maybe then you'll believe it." "You're hopeless, Mulder." "But you like me anyway." "I can't help it." At that moment, someone knocked at the door. Mulder got up and unlocked the door. Skinner came in. "What can I do for you, Sir?" "I need a favor from both of you. How do you get along as partners?" "Huh?" "Well, will you answer my question?" "Let Scully be the judge of that. Scully..." "Uh, Sir, I think I can say we get along like a house on fire. Two fingers on one hand." "Good, then you are the ones I need." "Need for what, Sir?" "Take it easy, agent Mulder. I will explain. I'm sure you both heard of those conferences for partners in trouble." "Are we in trouble, Sir?!" "That's why I need the both of you. I would like you to talk to that conference about your partnership." "Sir, I don't think that's a very good idea." "It'll be very good for your reputation. And you are the best pair of agents I know." "Well thank you, Sir." "All right, that's settled then. Your plane to Juneau leaves at 10 in the morning. Have fun." "But Sir..." "See you in three days agents." With that, Skinner closed the door and left two bewildered agents behind. Juneau Airport, Alaska December 21 "Get your hands of my suitcase, Colonel!" Sam snapped. She was cranky, tired and still angry with Jack. He had no right to do what he had done and it looked like she wasn't going to let him of the hook this time. Jack's face fell and he looked hurt. Here he was only trying to be helpful and all Sam did was yell at him. He still hadn't found out what he had done wrong, but after what seemed to be the hundredth snarl coming out of her mouth, the poor guy decided that he had finally had it with his 2IC. His voice dangerously cold he said, "You know what, Major?" "What?" She dared him. "I've had it up to here with you. I'm sick and tired of your snarls and the shouting. You're angry because I care for you?!?!? That's what people with a heart do, Carter. Take care of their friends when they're in trouble. But you obviously don't have a heart or it is made out of stone. That explains why you don't know what it is like to care and love somebody!" Finishing his tirade he looked around and saw everybody at the airport staring at them. He couldn't care less at that moment, throwing the suitcase in front of her feet he gave her another icy look and stamped away. Leaving her standing there, jaw dropped, tears stinging her eyes. How could he say something like that? What gave him the right to say that she didn't have a heart? A lonely tear trickled down her face. A hand on her shoulder and a soft voice made her look around. "Are you okay?" "I'm." Sam started, looking at the woman and man standing behind her. "I'm fine." She tried to make it sound convincing, but it didn't come out that way. "You don't look like you're okay. Are you sure?" "Scully." The man started. "Just a second, Mulder." Scully returned her attention to Sam. Sam nodded. "I am sure. It was just a stupid fight." "Can we help you with anything? Do you need a ride?" She shook her head. "No, I think I'd better go find Jack." "Your husband?" "No, he is my partner. We work together. Ironically enough we are on our way to a conference for partners. After a fight in front of our boss he decided to send us there. He hoped it would clear the air between us." "In that case you two might as well join us. We're going there too." It was the first time Mulder spoke. Sam thought for a second, and then decided to accept the offer. "If it's no trouble, thanks." "You're welcome." Scully answered. "I'm Dana Scully by the way and this is my partner Fox Mulder. "Samantha Carter." Sam introduced herself. "Carter?" Sam looked around, finding Jack standing there. He still looked angry, but at least he hadn't run of without her. "Yes?" "You coming?" "Sir, these people offered us a ride. They are going to the same conference." Sam said, looking from Mulder to Scully. They both nodded. "Hi, I'm Fox Mulder and this is Dana Scully. We work for the FBI." Mulder introduced themselves to Jack. "Jack O'Neill." He said cautiously. Mulder wondered what had caused the fight between the two of them. If all partners at the conference were going to act like this, it was going to be one interesting conference. Jack didn't look too happy; in fact he looked like he had lost his best friend. And if that were the case, who could blame him for being at a loose end? He knew that if it were he in his place and if it would have been Scully who was angry with him, he would have no idea what to do. He remembered a period, years ago when they had been partners for a little more than two years and had been like that. They had been fighting like cat and dog, no friendly word coming out of their mouths, at least not when they were talking to each other. He had felt lost, alone and miserable because his best friend wasn't talking to him anymore, at least not much. Scared that things would never be all right again. On top of that it was also around that time he had started to realize his true feelings for his partner. Which made him even more scared, because he had realized that he might not only lose his best friend, but also the woman he was in love with. Eventually it had ended with Mulder being forced to take a holiday by the FBI and Scully running off to Philadelphia, where she got herself involved with that Jerse guy and got hurt in the process. He had never been so grateful to see her back, after that phone call from his boss, telling him that she was lying in a hospital in Philadelphia. Not many words had been spoken on the subject afterwards. Slowly, day after day things had started to go better. They learned how to talk and laugh again and after a few months everything had been forgotten. For a moment Mulder had considered telling her how he felt about her, but in the end decided not to, because of the fear to get rejected. Their friendship was simply too valuable, to get ruined over something like that. And now? Now it was five years later and they were still each other's best friends. Lately they had started to spend more and more time together. Even when their working hours were over. Watching a movie together, occasionally going out for dinner. A few almost-kisses and a lot of flirting, but until now neither of them had taken the next step. They knew the other cared for them and even though not admitting it, they knew they were in love. So why didn't they do anything about it? Once again the age-old fear of rejection, the pain of losing each other once they had crossed that line. So they kept their feelings hidden, until one day something would happen, that would make them realize that they couldn't go on like this and they would be ready to take the next step. Until that day they would just be friends. Mulder sighed and Scully looked up at him, asking with her eyes if everything was all right. He gave her a reassuring smile and with his hand on her back they made their way to the rental car desk, to put up their car. Sam and Jack followed them, both keeping a distance from the other. Looking at the two of them, Scully sighed too and hoped that eventually they would start talking to each other. Even though she had just met them, it was obvious to her that those two cared a whole lot for each other, but something had happened. Something was the cause of the persistent silence and tension between them. If you ever leave me (2/4) ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST, NEAR JUNEAU The ride to their lodge had been spent in an awkward silence. Sam had been sitting in the back next to Scully. She was staring outside the window the entire trip, even if there was not much to see. It was dark and snow was threatening to fall. It didn't do Sam's mood any good. Scully kept a secret eye on her partner, who was sitting in front of her. She was glad that Mulder was her partner, cause she couldn't imagine herself working with someone else but him. Mulder parked his car next to the lodge where the reception was located. Sam got out and stretched her legs. The trip in the plane had been very cramped. Like always, not enough legroom. She wondered how Jack felt, but didn't dare to ask him. She had never expected him to treat her as a heartless woman. It hurt a lot. But maybe he had been right. She had acted like a heartless person. She didn't want him to be killed because of her. And she was unable to tell him. Although the situation was very embarrassing and annoying, one thing made her smile. Jack had said that you protected people you cared for and loved. Did he really mean that, or did he just love her as a friend? Mulder took Scully's bag out of the trunk and walked to the reception. She smiled at him thankfully. Mulder had always been a gentleman and who was she to refuse him that simple gesture. She walked closely behind him, Sam right next to her. Jack was following at a sage distance. Mulder dropped both bags and leaned on the counter. "My name is Fox Mulder and this is my partner Dana Scully. We are here for the conference." "Uhu..." "Could you please tell us where our rooms are?" "I will tell you that as long as you promise to keep it quiet. There are other guests staying here." Mulder opened his mouth to say something, but Scully's hand on his arm stopped him. "May I ask why you are saying that, Sir?" "Madam, I have been seeing lots of partner conferences in this hotel and I speak from experience when I say that all they do here, is yell and scream at each other. Last year, all other guests left due to the noise." "We promise to be good kids, Mister." "What about your friends?" He eyed Sam and Jack and then looked back at Scully. "They will be very nice too. I'll take care of that myself." "I believe you. If your friends tell me their names, I'll give you your keys." Jack stepped forward and leaned on the counter next to Mulder. "I am Jack O'Neill and her name is Samantha Carter." "Very well. You'll be staying in the Black Bear Lodge. View on the ocean if that is okay." "That'll be just fine. Thank you." Mulder widely grinned at him and took the offered keys. He handed everyone his keys and started laughing. Scully just shook her head, put her hands on her hips and gave him a questioning look. "Care to share that joke, Mulder?! "It's nothing, Scully. It's just that guy. He really was some kind of creep." "Yeah, I don't think he realizes how foolish he makes himself." "Well, that's the way it is." "Mulder?" "Yeah Scully..." "You're not gonna sing a Celine Dion song to me, are you?" "Huh?" "That's the way it." "Oh that. Well, if you promise to be nice tonight, I might sing it to you." "In your dreams, Mulder." "Right." Scully smiled up at him and he put an arm around her shoulder. She didn't push him away, enjoying his closeness. Behind them, Sam was looking at them. She wondered how close they really were. They seemed to be so much at ease with each other, and she hoped she and Jack could become so close too. "Mr. Mulder?" Sam heard Jack behind her and Mulder stopped in his tracks and turned around. He waited for Jack to catch up with him, his arm still draped around Scully's shoulder. "You can call me Mulder you know. Not Mr. Mulder and certainly not Fox." "In that case you can call me Jack." "Okay, Jack." "I just wanted to thank you for the ride. It was really nice of you to offer to drive us here." "No problem. If there's anything else we can do, you know where we are." "Thanks." While Mulder and Jack started talking, Scully went to Sam. She was standing a few meters behind Jack and she was very silent. She put her hand on Sam's arm and made her jump a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" "I think I'll be fine. It's just that..." "I know, it's not always easy to work closely with someone you care about." "How do you know?" "I see a lot of Mulder and myself in you and Jack. We were just like the both of you in the early years of our partnership. But in the end it worked out just fine for us. We learned to trust each other and recently we came to terms with our feelings. And that's what will happen with the both of you too." "I doubt that. The Air force frowns upon relationships between male and female officers. And the fact that he's my CO and I'm his 2 IC doesn't make it any easier." "That bad huh?!" "Yeah." "The FBI is the same. It's an unwritten rule that you can't have more than friendly feelings for you partner." "Can I ask you something, Dana? You don't mind me calling you Dana, do you?" "Of course not, Sam. Or do you prefer to be addressed by your rank." "Oh, no, please. I've heard the word Major enough for a while. So what is it with you and Mulder? Are you guys...?" Scully laughed and motioned for Sam to follow her. They went to stand a little further to make sure Mulder and Jack couldn't hear them. "I know what you mean, Sam. And to answer your question, no we are not. We are very close friends, but nothing more." "No? I just thought... Seeing how you act with each other..." "Yeah, it's hard for some people to understand. We care a lot about each other. I love him and he loves me. We both know that. We just don't do anything about it. We don't want to force it. We take things as they come. But we also know we are going towards more than being just friends. And we just take our time to get there." "That sounds so romantic, Dana." "Yeah. But it's not all sunshine you know. Sometimes it's very hard to find out where we are going." "I can understand that." "And what's the thing between you and Jack." "Well, if you have a couple of hours I could probably tell you." "Try me. But make it short." "It's very complicated between us. Recently something happened and our feelings were forced out of us. And it was a shock to discover that we love each other. And it's so sad that we're not able to be friendly with each other ever since we found out." "Seems very hard to handle." "It is. But we'll work it out in the end, we always does." "And that's why you were sent here." "I guess so." "It'll do you good, believe me." "I hope so. But what are you and Mulder doing here if I may ask? You don't seem to need a conference." "Oh, we are just speaking out here for the partners in trouble. Our boss thought that we make a perfect example on how to work with someone." "That seems so nice. And Mulder seems like a very nice guy too." "He is. He's the best friend I have you know." "I can see that." At that moment, Scully saw Mulder coming to them from the corner of her eye. "Scully, are you coming?" "I'll be with you in a second, Mulder." She turned to Sam. "Everything will work out fine for the two of you, believe me. Anyone can see that he cares for you. Even Mulder did." "Really?!" "And if Mulder can see things like that, they are definitely there. See you in the morning?" "Thanks, Dana. And goodnight." "Bye Sam." Scully walked to Mulder and he put his hand on the small of her back. She smiled up at him and immediately Sam felt a twitch of jealousy. She followed them from a distance, Jack right behind her. She could feel the tension in the air. She reached her room and turned around to Jack. "Can I ask you something, Sir?" "What?" "In the future, if someone asks us for our names, I can speak out for myself." "For crying out loud!!!!" Jack opened his door, got in and smashed the door shut. Things were going from bad to worse. This would get interesting. ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST, NEAR JUNEAU December 22 The first day of the conference had indeed turned into an interesting day. As expected the conference was divided in two main parts, the lectures (most of them boring without an end) and team practice. Mulder and Scully were not listed to speak until the next day, so they had spent their day sleeping in and in the afternoon they had joined the conference to see what it was like and what their public was going to be like tomorrow. They had noticed that despite the problems Sam and Jack were having; they had been two of the few people who had managed to approach the team exercises professionally. Most other partners had allowed their indifferences and problems to leak into the exercises. Despite the fact that the conference had gone fine, both Sam and Jack had been glad when the day was over. Jack had tried unsuccessfully to ask Sam if she wanted to have dinner with him. Before he could even ask, she had already been gone. With a deep sigh he had made his way to the bar, where Mulder ran into him later that night. Mulder had been looking forward to spending the evening with Scully, but to his surprise she had told him that Sam had already asked her if they could meet for a talk. Seeing the disappointment in his eyes, she had promised that she would be back as soon as possible. Bored and alone, he had decided to see if there was something to do in the hotel's bar, which is where he found Jack. "Hey Jack." He greeted the man, who was staring into his beer glass absent-minded. Hearing his name he looked up. "Huh?" "Oh, hey Mulder." "How are you doing?" "Fine, just fine." "Sorry to say so, but you don't look so fine. You look..." "Like shit?" Jack finished for him. "Well, I wasn't going to say it like that, but yeah." "I didn't get much sleep last night, something kept me up all night." Jack sighed. "Something or someone?" Mulder asked, thinking he might know what exactly had been keeping the man up all night. "Someone." "Your partner?" Mulder guessed (not a real difficult guess in his opinion). "Yeah. How do you do it Mulder?" "Do what?" "You love your partner, don't you?" Mulder looked at him, a little taken aback by his question. "Yes, I do." He admitted. "So, how do you do it? Work with her every day and have a relationship at the same time. The two of you make it look so easy." "Scully and I are not involved. We are very good friends, but we do not have that kind of relationship." Jack looked at him in disbelief. "You don't?!?!" Mulder shook his head. "No, it's kind of complicated. Let me explain." Jack nodded, waiting for the explanation to come. "We have been partners for a little more than 7 years. It's not like we always got along that well. We have had our problems too. We laughed, but we also cried. We were friends, but we also fought. 5 years ago she was missing for 3 months and a year later she was lying in the hospital, dying of a deathly form of cancer. We still don't know how or why, but she went into remission and until today the cancer hasn't come back. Over the years I lost my father, she lost her father and her sister, all because of the work we do. I've ditched her more times than I would like to admit and even after everything that happened and everything I have done, she is still here with me. We know we love each other, but until now we did not do anything about it. We know there will come a day that we will admit it to each other that we will be together. Until than we are happy with what we have. A deep trust and a very special friendship that keeps growing every day." Mulder finished with a smile. Jack looked at him, open-mouthed. "Wow, that sounds..." "Depressing? It may sound that way, but..." "No, no. I was going to say that it sounds amazing." "It is, just not everybody sees it that way. And I know that one day we will be more than partners, we will find what we are looking for. We are just taking our time. Speaking of our partners, I wonder where Scully and your partner are staying. Scully said she would be back early, but that was at least 3 hours ago." Realizing how much time exactly had passed, Mulder frowned, and worried that something might have happened. Jack realized that he had no idea where his partner had gone of too, but when Mulder said that she was with Scully, who should have been back by now, he started to worry too. AROUND THE SAME TIME TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST SOMEWHERE IN THE FOREST Scully had also been looking forward to spending the evening with Mulder, but when Sam had come to her, asking if they could go for a walk and talk, she couldn't refuse. She had only just met the woman, but already she considered her a friend and in many ways Sam and her partner reminded her of her and Mulder in the early days of their partnership. They had met in the hotel's lobby and decided to go outside for a walk. Which is where they were now. Walking through the forest that was near the hotel. The first ten minutes they had walked in a comfortable silence, and then Scully had started the conversation. "Sam?" "Yes?" "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. But I think it might help to talk. You said recently something happened between you and Jack, which forced you to admit you love each other. What exactly happened?" "Jack and I, I can't really explain what kind of work we do. But we travel a lot, meeting different cultures and we often find ourselves in dangerous situations. We were out on another mission, when we were attacked. I could have protected myself, but Jack decided to play the hero and save me. I got angry because he did and once we were back at the base, I erm. sort of exploded, we got into a fight, our boss caught us and sent us here." "You were angry because he was being overprotective?" "Also because of that, but what I didn't tell him, couldn't tell him, was that I was mostly angry because. " She paused for a moment. Scully waited patiently. "Because he could have gotten himself killed trying to save me. He didn't, but he could have and if that would have happened, I don't know what I would have done? The idea that the man I love was killed, because of me." "Sam, why don't you just let him be protective?" "I'm scared. I'm scared he'll end up hurting me." "Sam, Jack cares too much to hurt you. He'll never hurt you, not on purpose anyway." "A while ago, he was missing for three months. I missed him like hell. And he did hurt me. I worked myself to death to get him back. I was on the verge of breaking down, I was tired and I felt alone. After having worked my butt off for three months, I didn't even get a thank you. All I got was a heartbreaking goodbye with the woman he got involved with. Maybe I have never forgiven him for not thanking me." "I'm sure he didn't realize how much you were hurt. Why didn't you show it?" "Because if I showed him how much I was hurt, he would realize I cared about him." "And that would be bad because..." "I didn't want to let my feelings show at that time. Neither of us was ready for it." "And now, are you ready now?" "I don't know. I wish we could find out where we are standing." Scully nodded in apprehension and they continued walking. ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE Mulder was pacing impatiently outside his room, waiting for Scully to return. He was getting more nervous by the minute. His feelings for her were so deep, that he was worried when he lost her out of his sight for one minute. Mulder opened the door to his room and let out a frustrated sigh. He sat down on a chair and took his cell phone out. He dialed Scully's number and she answered on the third ring. "Scully." "Scully it's me. Are you okay?" "Why wouldn't I be?" "It's getting late and I was worried." "That's very nice of you, Mulder, but I'm fine." "You're always fine, Scully." "Don't start, Mulder. Got to hang up now, my battery is almost empty." "Be careful, Scully." "I'll be fine, Mulder. Don't try to..." "Scully?" It went totally silent on the other side of the line. Mulder realized that Scully's battery was empty and he silently hoped that everything would be fine. He got up and fell on his back on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST SOMEWHERE IN THE FOREST Scully put her phone away and shook her head. "Problems?" "Of all the times, now is the time my phone decided to go empty on me." "And is that a problem?" "No, but for Mulder it will be. He's worried." "He really loves you, doesn't he?" "Yes, he does. But he can get overprotective sometimes and it's frustrating." "You'd better believe Jack has the habit of doing that too." "Men!" "Oh yeah, you're right about that." "But what would we do without them?" "Have a very boring life? I don't know, but I guess it'd be lost without Jack." "It's funny how quickly you depend on your partner, isn't it?" "Yes, but..." "You don't want to depend on him too much, is that it? It scared you to death. That you come to depend on him that much, if you'd ever loose him, you'd loose yourself. Sam, it doesn't work like that. You can't lock your feelings away in the hope that it won't hurt if you loose him. You have to let him care about you. He's not the only one you're hurting. After a while, you'll come to realize that you're only hurting yourself. Sam, can I give you one advice?" "Sure, you are very good at it." "You need to unlock that chain around your heart. And you don't have to do that alone. If I were you, I'd give to key to Jack." "And then what? What do I do next? I don't know where it will be taking me and..." "You need to be in control." "Yes. Dana, how come you know all this?" "I'm speaking from experience. You have to take your relationship step by step. Don't try to stay in control the whole time. Let yourself go from time to time, be the kid you once were." "If only it were that easy, Dana." "Let me guess: regulations?" "Yes. And they don't make them stricter than in the Air Force If we broke them, we'd be court-martial led. And I don't want to put my career on the line for a fling." "A fling?! Do you think that Jack would be nothing more than a fling?" "I don't know, Dana. But it could be." "Sam, I don't agree with you on that. I have seen how Jack acts around you, how he looks at you. Sam, he deeply cares about you. He would never see you just as a fling. And I doubt he feels good enough for you." "Not good enough for me?! Where would he get that idea from?" "Have you ever bothered to tell him? Does he know all this?" "No." "Sam, he's a man. And they need to hear we care about them." "Dana, I can't tell him that. And besides, he already knows." "You need to tell him without it being forced out of you. Let your heart speak, but as long as you keep it locked you will be going nowhere." "Sounds like a vicious circle to me." "Yes, and one of you has to break it before it's too late." "But..." "Sam, stop being a soldier for once and forget about rules and regulations. Be yourself and stop thinking, just act." "I think I can do that. Thanks, Dana." "I'm glad I could help." "There's something I need to say too. Why don't you follow your own advice?" "It's so obvious how much you care about each other. And you're wasting too much time being just friends." "Maybe." Sam and Scully started giggling. "We'd better get back. It's getting late and I don't want to worry Mulder." "Yeah, I'm getting cold anyway." They turned around and walked back. If you ever leave me (3/4) ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE, 11.21 pm Mulder was surfing through channels and threw his remote on the bed. He sat up and put his shoes back on. Before he had reached the door, he heard a soft knock. With a boyish grin, he opened it. "Scully, I... Oh Jack, it's you." "What a nice welcome." "Sorry, I was expecting Scully." "I guess they didn't make it back yet?" "No, and I'm really getting worried." "I hope they're okay." "I know what you mean. If only I knew where they went. I had Scully on the phone a while ago, but she didn't say where she was." "Why don't you just call her back and ask if they are okay?" "I would but her phone went empty on her. I already tried a couple of times, but nothing happened." "Shit." "Okay, let's go to the manager and ask him if he has seen them." "Good idea." They left the room and ran to the manager of the hotel. Mulder hoped he had seen something, but he doubted it. Just as they were about to enter to reception he got out. "Agent Mulder, right?" "Yes. What can I do for you?" "Did your partner get back yet?" "No, that's why I came to see you. Have you seen her?" "Yes, that's what I came to tell you. I saw her and another woman heading to the woods a few hours ago. I tried to stop them, but she said they would be fine. I couldn't argue with her and let her leave, knowing they would be fine. But after what I have heard on the news..." "What did you hear, sir?" "A trucker driving by the forest saw a polar bear heading into the woods. I just received a call from the police, asking me to warn all my guests. But if they are still out there, they are in big trouble." "And why is that, sir?" "Because the polar bear is most likely to put himself between the lodge and your friends. He won't let them get past him. I'll go and call search and rescue." "We will look for them too." "I don't think that's a good idea." "Listen, I won't let you tell me what to do. I am armed and we will be fine. Do you have another weapon we could use?" "Yes, but..." "My friend here is in the Air Force and we would appreciate it if you could give us your weapon." "Okay, but be careful. A polar attacks people, it doesn't run away from it like a black bear or a grizzly. I hope your friend..." "Yes, Scully is armed." "Good, at least that will give them an advantage. Hope she is a good shot." "The best there is." "Good luck." The manager ran inside, came back a second later with a 9mm and ran back inside. Jack and Mulder looked at each other and headed for the woods. 1 HOUR LATER "Damn!" It was the first thing said between Jack and Mulder in half an hour and the curse was coming from Mulder's mouth. Jack turned to look at the man walking next to him; they had been looking for their partners for the last hour. They didn't have any results until now. Not many words had been spoken between the two of them; both were elsewhere with their minds. Jack could only think of what he would do if something would happen to Sam. He regretted everything that had been said and hadn't been said the last few days. No matter what would happen, as soon as he had found her, he was going to tell her the truth. That he loved her and wanted to be with her, to hell with regulations and careers. He realized that she was more important to him than all those things. If he could only be with her by retiring from the Air Force he would. No matter how much he loved his job, he could always find another one. Sam was the only thing that he couldn't and wouldn't replace. Looking at Mulder he saw the same feelings on the man's face. He was obviously scared and worried out of his mind. "You okay, Mulder?" He asked. Mulder shook his head. "Not really." He admitted. "And I won't be, not until we found them. I have to find her Jack, if anything happens to her I don't know what I am going to do." His voice broke. "It doesn't matter that she knows I love her and that I know she loves me. I never actually said the words to her, never actually saw her face when I told her. I need to say them to her and to hear her say them back to me. I..." His voice drifted away. Both he and Scully had known and said it. They were best friends, friends who had not yet crossed the thin line between friendship and more. Not because they didn't want to, but because until now timing had never been right. Mulder knew one thing, as soon as he had her safely back, he would make time right. He was not going to wait any longer, for a moment that might never come if one of them didn't take the step to make it come. Scully was his friend and soul mate. She was the one who kept him sane. The only one who could make everything better with only a look or a touch. He loved her and needed her. He would never forgive himself if something happened to her. No matter how many times she said that things that happened were not his fault, he did feel like they were. It wasn't his fault that she had been abducted, but why did he still feel like it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been partnered with him? She wouldn't have been abducted, she wouldn't' t have gotten sick and she wouldn't have lost Emily. She would have had a normal life, with a husband and children. She wouldn't have been chasing aliens with Spooky Mulder. One night, about two years ago they had spoken about it and she had tried to make it clear to him that she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He had only partly believed her, but that night he had promised himself that he would do everything he could to prevent her from getting hurt again, to love her and make her happy. And now he felt like he was failing her once again. Both men sighed and continued their search for their partners. Hoping that they would find them soon. AT THE SAME TIME NOT FAR AWAY FROM MULDER AND JACK Scully and Sam had been okay, at least they had been, until they had been about 15 minutes away from the hotel. It was Scully who had realized that something was wrong, when she heard a sound coming from the trees behind them. "Sam?" She whispered. "Yes?" Sam whispered back, wondering why they were whispering. "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "That sound." "I didn't hear anything, what sound." She didn't finish, when she heard something growling too. "That sound?" She asked Scully. Scully only nodded, trying to figure out where the growling was coming from. Something told her that this wasn't good. Her hand automatically reached for her gun, praying that whatever it was hiding behind the trees, it would leave on its own. "Oh my God." That was Sam next to her, when the thing came out of its hiding place. was the first thing that came into mind, but she knew better than that. If they would run, they would only be in more trouble than they already were. Scully was thinking the exact same thing. Standing only a few 100 meters away from them was a polar bear. Until now she had never really seen one in reality and she had preferred to keep it that way. She didn't know a whole lot about bears, but she did know that they were in trouble. Trouble with a big T. "What should we do?" Sam asked. "I have no idea. Stay where we are and don't make a move. Hopefully he will leave." Scully whispered back, doubting the bear would leave, now that he had seen humans, but it was the only thing she could think of to say right now. MULDER AND JACK Mulder and Jack were starting to give up the hope that they would ever find their partners, when they heard the sound of gun shots. "Scully!" "Sam!" Both men screamed, running in the direction where the gun shots were coming from. "Scully!" Mulder screamed again. "Scully, where are you?!?!?!" "Sam!" Jack screamed too. "We're over here, Mulder, right behind the trees!" Mulder sighed in relief, when he heard her voice answering their calls. Running the last few meters they finally saw them. Standing in an open space in the woods, not far away from them a bear lying dead on the ground. Even though it was dark, they could see their faces were pale and they were shaking like a couple of leafs. "Thank God." Was all Mulder said, before he ran to Scully, pulling her in his arms. He held her as close as he could, without completely crushing her. Stroking her hair, he mumbled, "Are you okay?" She nodded against his chest, still shaking, but slowly starting to feel better now that Mulder was here. Holding her in his arms, making her feel safe. "I am now." Letting go slightly, he cupped her face in his hands. "Never ever do that to me again, understood? God, I was so scared that something happened to you, that we were going to be too late." She leaned in even closer and whispered "Me too. Mulder?" "Yes?" "I love you." Mulder wiped Scully's falling tears away with his cold thumb, forgetting all fear and anger over the fact that she could have done something this stupid. He leaned in closer and tenderly kissed her nose. Scully sniffed and looked up at him. "I love you too, Scully. More than you can imagine. I have loved you for a very long time. I never found the right time to tell you, I was scared as hell that you would laugh me in the face if I told you. I was frightened they would tear us apart if they found out. But I don't care about that anymore. All I know is that I love you and that I won't let anything or anyone come between us. I want to be with you, more than anything. I love you and that's all that matters to me." "Oh Mulder, I want to be with you too. More than you can imagine. I have been in love with you for a long time too. I was scared of the same things you were afraid of. Wanna know something?" "What?" In the meantime, Mulder had taken Scully both hands in his and his face was only a few inches from her's "When I saw that bear coming at us, I had only one regret. You would never know how much I care about you. You would never hear me say how important you are to me. And that I would never be able to tell you that I love you." "We've been pretty silly, haven't we? All this time, we both wanted the same things. We both wanted to be together, we were scared of the same things. And what did we do? Play hide and seek and loose too much time. Time that we could have spent together. Pretty silly huh?" "I couldn't agree more." "So what happens next?" From behind them, Jack was listening in. A huge smile spread on his face. "Kiss her already Mulder, or you'll wake up the death." Jack could swear he saw a small smile cross Sam's face. He looked at her and she just turned her back. Jack sighed deeply and despite the coldness Sam showed him, he smiled at the two agents in front of him. Mulder tenderly circled Scully's lips with his thumb. Despite the darkness, he could see tears standing in the corner of Mulder's eyes. Scully wiped it away with her finger and tenderly touched his lips with her's. Mulder smiled into the kiss and pulled her closer into his embrace. This kiss was soft, tender, gentle and full of future promises. Scully broke away first and they looked at each other, grinning like idiots. Mulder took Scully's hand and they walked to Jack. To Mulder it felt like the most wonderful thing in the world to have Scully's hand in his. Jack smiled at them. "You guys ready to go?" "I am, but I won't speak for Carter." "Huh, Jack, where is Sam?" "She's... or better, she was standing right behind me. I guess she's gone." Scully spotted her standing a little further away, staring at the bear. She made a move to go to her, but Jack held her back. "Let me take care of that, Dana. I owe her a big apology." "Okay, we'll wait for you guys." Jack walked over to Sam and she had his back to him. He gently laid his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. She avoided his gaze. "Are you okay, Sam?" "I'm fine, Sir. I've never felt better in my life." She looked up at him a cold look crossing her face. If her eyes could have shot Jack, he would be death by now. "Sam, I..." "Don't bother, SIR! I'm fine, you are fine, and we are all fine. We are one happy family. Can you just leave me alone right now, you're the last person I need to see." "But Sam..." "Drop it, Colonel!" Jack's eyes became dangerous and dark. An angry look crossed his face and he walked over to Carter. He stood right in front of her, his face close to her's. "If that's the way you want to play it Carter, fine! Why do I bother anyway? You're not even worth a look. And in case you were wondering; As soon as we get back, I want you out of SG1!" "I wouldn't have it any other way, SIR! I'll feel much happier if I never saw you again!" "That's wonderful, Carter, cause that's exactly the way I feel too." With that, Jack strolled off, hands in his pockets. Scully and Mulder looked at him and noticed the sad look in his eyes. Scully squeezed Mulder's hand and motioned for him to follow Jack. She on the other hand went over to Sam and her heart broke when she saw the young woman cry. "You okay, Sam?" "I screwed up, Dana, I screwed up big time. I'll be lucky he ever speaks to me again." "Want to tell me what happened?" "Yeah, but can we do it walking, cause I'm freezing." Sam and Scully started walking, staying a safe distance behind the men. Scully turned to look at Sam. "It'll work out in the end, don't worry." "I'll doubt it, Dana. I didn't give him a chance to talk. I didn't let him speak. He wanted to say something, he wanted to apologize, but I didn't let him. We had another argument and he told me that as soon as we got back, he wants me out of his team." "Oh Sam, why did you do that? Why did you scare him away?" "I can't let him hurt me, Dana, not again." "Sam, he won't hurt you. I have seen the look on his face. That man loves you more than he loves himself. He'll never hurt you. He just wants to tell you how he feels, but you never give him a chance. Sam, open up. You really need to open up or you'll loose him for good." "I think it's too late for that. I have lost him for good this time." "No Sam, you haven't lost him. Let things cool down and talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Sam, if you don't do it, you'll end up regretting it for the rest of you life." "I'll talk to him tomorrow, after the conference." "And do it, cause this time I'm pretty sure if you don't, it'll be too late." Sam and Scully had finally reached the lodge. Mulder was waiting for them, broadly smiling when he saw Scully approach. Sam looked at Scully. "How does it feel, Dana? How does it feel to see you dreams come true?" "Wonderful." They reached Mulder and he immediately put his arm around Scully's shoulder. He tenderly kissed her on the cheek. He then looked at Sam, who looked a little lost. Mulder immediately sensed what was wrong. "I'm afraid Jack went to his room, Sam. He feels like hell you know." "I can imagine that. I was awful to him. I'll talk to him in the morning." "He didn't mean a thing of what he said. He blames himself for what happened." "Mulder, if it is anyone's fault, it's mine. But I'm afraid I might have lost him for good this time." "Trust me on this, you haven't. He feels lost and alone without you. He's the one being scared you will never speak to him again. But you'll have to be the one to make the first move, cause he's afraid that he makes the first move, he'll make more damage than there already is." "Thanks, Mulder. Have fun you guys and see you in the morning." "Yeah, our talk. Not looking forward to that." "Your boss was right, you are just perfect to speak to a bunch of fools like us." Sam winced at the happy couple and left for her room. Mulder turned Scully around in his arms and looked her deeply in the eyes. "What do you want to do now, Scully?" "Sleep Mulder, I'm tired. And besides I'm cold." "Of course you must be cold." Mulder sighed deeply and Scully stared at him. "What, Mulder?" "I'm so happy that you are okay." "And I'm glad to have you in my life." She tenderly kissed him on the lips and felt Mulder shudder. "What's wrong, Mulder?" "Nothing. Right now, I'm the happiest man in the world." "Mulder, did anyone know we were missing?" "Yeah, and that's a long story. But I told the manager you were okay and what happened." "Okay. Let's go to bed now, will you?" "Your wish is my command, Madam." "You're crazy, Mulder." "About you. I'm crazy about you." Scully shook her head and they continued walking, her small hand safely in his big one. They reached their rooms and Mulder leaned down to kiss Scully. "What are you doing, Mulder?" "I think that's what they call kissing someone goodnight." "Mulder, I didn't think you would sleep in your bed tonight." "If you have a better offer, I'm listening." "Mulder, you have a dirty mind. I just want you to hold me tonight." "There's nothing I'd rather to than hold you." Mulder followed her into his room and locked the door behind him. While Scully went to change in the bathroom, Mulder took all his clothes off, but his shorts. He got in the bed and waited for Scully to come out. When she joined him in the bed, she smiled at him and they briefly kissed. They both lay down and Mulder spooned Scully into his warm embrace. She smiled at the feeling and sleep came very easily that night. If you ever leave me (4/4) ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE DECEMBER 23RD, 10.13 AM Mulder and Scully were to speak out to the crowds today. The conference had started at 9.30 and until 11 the teams would have to do some team practice. For most partners, it went quite well. Most of them seemed to have talked about their problems and it went much better than yesterday. Sam and Jack managed to do what they were asked, but Mulder and Scully could see they were keeping their distance from each other. Mulder and Scully spoke out to a very interested crowd. They received a standing ovation and at 1.02pm exactly, the conference was over. Everyone left the room and they all stopped death in their tracks when they looked outside. They were in the middle of a snowstorm and at least an inch of snow had fallen in the 3 and a half hours they had been inside. Mulder and Scully went to the manager for more information. This didn't look good at all. Sam and Jack followed closely behind. "Mr. Mulder, how good to see you." "Thank you, Mr. Davidson. What's up with the weather?" "Not good news I'm afraid. A snowstorm is heading this way. It's gonna get even worse. The airport is closed already. They are expecting one or two inches of snow. Once the snowstorm is over, they'll start cleaning the roads. But until then, you're stuck here. It may take a couple of days." Sam walked up to the manager. "But tomorrow is Christmas." "I know and I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it. We'll have a party here if that's any comfort. That's all I can offer you." "Wonderful." Sam threw her hands in the air and looked from Mulder to Scully to Jack. She strolled away from them, opened the door and headed outside. Mulder looked at Jack. "It looks like she's going for a walk." "That'll be over my death body." Jack followed Sam, putting a smile on both Scully's and Mulder's face. "Sam, wait!" Jack yelled, walking after his partner. Sam didn't bother to listen to him, she just started walking faster, ignoring his calls. She didn't want to talk to him, she wasn't ready to face whatever it was that was going to happen. Sooner or later she and Jack would have to talk about this whole thing and as far as Jack was concerned, it was going to be sooner than later. And the thing that Sam was most afraid of was the outcome, the possibility that Jack might leave her. The idea that she might lose him was unbearable, but she didn't know what to do or say to stop him, to say the one thing that would make him stay. "Stay. I need you." The only thing that would make everything better. Why couldn't she bring herself to say the words? Why was it so difficult to give in to what she wanted more than anything else. Love, to love Jack and be loved by him. The answer was simple. She was too afraid to get hurt, so afraid that she didn't dare to say the words. Being a woman in a men's world had never been easy, but she had promised herself that she would be strong, she could do it and she had done it. Over the years she had earned the respect of a lot of people on base, men and women. By being who she was and doing what she did. But there were two things she had never allowed herself the luxury of, vulnerability and depending on someone. She was known as somebody who could take care of herself, but what nobody knew was that deep inside she was vulnerable, she did want to depend on someone and she needed to feel loved. She just didn't dare to admit it. Not to her family, not to her friends, not even to the person she needed above everything else, Jack. Tears were streaming down her face as she continued her walk through the snow. It was freezing outside, she wasn't even wearing a jacket, but it was like she didn't feel it. She was completely focused on continuing her walk through the snow, everything to make the pain go away. Suddenly Jack's hand grabbed her from behind and swirled her around. "Sam …" "Go away." She told him, her voice choked by her tears. "I won't." "Jack, please. Just go away. Leave me alone." She almost begged him to leave now. Everything to make him leave. But Jack didn't want to know of leaving. Jack wanted to talk to her and he was going to do it right now. "You don't want to talk, but I do and you are going to listen to me right now. Understood?" She didn't look at him, she stared at her feet. Avoiding looking him in the eyes. His hand slowly moved to her face, softly touching it to make her look up at him. Eventually she did look up and was confused by the mixture of love, fear and something else she couldn't identify, in his eyes. Tenderness? "Sam?" Jack whispered, wanting to make sure he had her attention. She only nodded in response. "Will you please listen to me, before running away again?" She nodded again. He paused for a moment, then decided to go for all or nothing. "Sam, I don't know what is going on with us at this moment. But I do know that I hate it. I hate to fight with you, I hate not being able to talk to you in a normal way. I don't know why we keep doing it, but I do know that I want it to stop. I am scared, scared that if we go on like this, I will lose you for good and I do not want to lose you. I lied when I said I want you out of SG1, I need you there. I need you in my life, not only as my partner or as my friend, but also for so much more. I am only asking this once and if your answer is no, I will respect it, I will understand and accept whatever your decision is, as long as you promise to give me an honest answer, okay?" She nodded and waited for what he was going to ask. Her heart was beating twice its normal rate. "I promise." She whispered. "I need you to be there, in every part of my life. Day and night. I want to be able to see your face and hold you in my arms before I fall asleep and I want you to be there when I wake up. I want to be able to look at you and think 'I don't know what I did to deserve her, but she's mine'" Sam gasped when she heard him saying this. Jack looked at her for a moment, then continued, before he would lose the courage to do so. "I love you and what I want to know, need to know is if you feel the same. If there is any chance that we can be together the way I want us to be or if I'd better forget about that ever happening?" That's where he finished his confession. He had laid it all out in the open and the ball was now in her corner. She had his heart in her hands and she could either break it or take it. There was a long silence, then Sam whispered. "But the regulations … Jack we …" He stopped her. "It's not about regulations now, Sam. We can take care of that later. It's about you and me. About our life and our feelings. That's all I want to know." "Yes …" "Yes?" "I want it too." "What do you want?" He didn't want to make this more difficult than it was, but he had to hear her say it. He needed to know if she really wanted this or not. If she really loved him or not. "You." She whispered through her tears, a smile starting to form on her lips. "I want you Jack. I want us to stop fighting too. I don't know what got into me the last few weeks, but I want it to end. I don't want to lose you, I need you too and … I love you." She finished. For Jack that was the sign, the one thing he had been hoping and wanting to hear. He looked deeply in her eyes, before leaning down to kiss her tenderly. Letting go, he touched her face with his hand. "Love you." He whispered. She was still crying, but now it were tears of happiness, instead of sadness. "Love you too." She whispered back, happily leaning closer into his embrace. And that is where they stayed for a very long time. Finally putting the last few weeks behind them, finally able to admit their love for each other. Whatever the future would bring, they would face it together. ADLERSHEIM WILDERNESS LODGE DECEMBER 24TH CHRISTMAS EVENING Outside the snowstorm was still going on, but inside people couldn't care less. Two couples in particular. Everybody was happy and enjoying the Christmas party the hotel was organizing for its hotel guests. Both Mulder and Scully had been delighted when they had found out the next morning that Sam and Jack had finally decided to quit the fighting, make up and give into their feelings for each other. The four of them were now lost in their own worlds on the small dance floor the hotel crew had created for the night. Soft music was playing on the background while they danced. When I fall, you're my place to land. I lose my touch, you're my hands, The one I hold on to. If you run out of reason to try I'll love enough for both you and I I'll be the one you can run to. I'd rather go through any pain love puts us through Than to spend one day without you by my side. Mulder listened to the words and smiled. They perfectly described the relationship between him and Scully and he was sure it also described Sam and Jack's relationship. Scully had walked into his life and had become his friend, the person he trusted, his touchstone. The one he loved. Many times he had fallen and she had been his place to land. Many times he had wanted to give up and run, she had convinced him to keep on going. They needed each other, a love that had grown over the years and would keep on growing. He would never want to spend one day without her and he now knew he never would have to. If you ever leave me, will you take me with you? If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too. My home's beside you, no matter where you may go. My love's inside you, even more than you know. In a world of anger and lies I find peace in your eyes A flame in the darkness Ooh, And through all space and time 'Til every star refuses to shine You know where my heart is. I'd rather go through any pain love puts us through Sam looked up and smiled at Jack, who returned the smile lovingly. They had finally found their place. With each other. From now on they knew they wouldn't have to be without the other. Home would be where the other was going to be. No matter what problems they were going to face in the future, together they could do it. Than to spend one day without you by my side... If you ever leave me, will you take me with you? If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too, woah. My home's beside you, no matter where you may go. My love's inside you, even more than you know. And I can't remember life without you The way it used to be, Feels like a million years away. Well, Hold me 'til the angels sing Tell me every little sing Promise me forever from this day... If you ever leave me, will you take me with you? If you're ever lonely, I wanna be lonely too, woah. My home's beside you, no matter where you may go My love's inside you, even more than you know. Even more than you know Even more than you know And while the music played and the couples danced, outside you could hear bells ringing. They say that every time you hear bells ringing an angel completed her mission and got her wings. We don't know if this is true, or if it's just a fairy tale, but it's a beautiful thought and if it is true, this angel especially deserved her wings. The End Feedback always welcome!!!!! ? We live for it ?