Title: Dear Bill … (1/1) Author: Tanja E-mail address: voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl or tanyavoet@hotmail.com Rating: PG-13 Keywords: Scully Angst, reference to MSR and post-Requiem (again …) Summary: Dana writes a letter to big brother Bill to give him a piece of her mind … Archiving: Gossamer & Shipperworld always, anywhere else, please let me know. Disclaimer: They're not mine, but I don't have a life, so please just let me use them for this one little story *g*? Author's notes: Too much coffee + not being able to sleep = crazy and mean ideas entering my mind and turn themselves into a fic. ;) If you like Bill Scully, leave now, this is not to offend anyone, but I'm not too kind to him in this fic ? Sorry, guess you can make out of this that I'm not a big fan of him. Though I'm sure he has his good sides too. Dedication: Jo and Traci, two wonderful friends! Dear Bill … (1/1) Dear Bill, You are probably wondering why I didn't tell you this earlier, why I didn't tell you this face-to-face. Why mom and a few friends have known about this for some time already, while you had no idea. I have decided to write you, because I do not want to see the look on your face when I tell you this. To tell you the truth, if it hadn't been necessary I might not even have told you, but I have to tell you sooner or later. Would the situation have been different, would your behavior over the last couple of years have been different, it would have been sooner than later. Eight years ago I was partnered with a man you have disliked from the beginning. You disliked him before you even met him. A man who is, according to you, cause of all the bad things that happened over the years, to me and to our family. You judged, without giving him one chance. A good man, Bill. Even though you apparently don't agree with that. What you seem to ignore or don't want to accept is that he didn't force me to stay with him. What if I would say that he tried to get me transferred more than once? Right in the beginning, immediately after we were partnered, because he didn't trust me. After I disappeared, because he trusted me, but didn't want me to get hurt. After I got sick, because he didn't want me to get hurt and after Emily died, because he didn't want me to get hurt. Do you see a pattern here, Bill? Mulder does NOT want me to get hurt. He loves me. He wants to protect me, but not everything can or wants to be protected. Because that is what it was actually like, Bill. He doesn't force me to stay, I chose to stay. So if there is anyone you want to blame, blame me. Blame me for Melissa dying and blame me for disappearing and blame me for getting sick. But know this, Mulder isn't the one who hurts me, you do. Again and again, every time you show me, tell me you don't approve of the choices I make. Don't approve of the life I chose. And that brings me to the main reason for writing you this letter. Like I said, I do not want to see the look of disapproval on your face. I will no longer listen to your words, telling me that I am so wrong and you are so right. I love him; Bill and I will not allow you to turn something beautiful into something ugly. Something so right into something so wrong. I let you do it too long and now the time has come to put an end to that. Five months ago we were working on a case in Oregon and Mulder disappeared. Until now he hasn't been found. And the last five months I have been searching and I have been hurting, because he wasn't there. For so long there was the two of us and all of a sudden I was back on my own again. Imagine it would have been Tara, Bill. What would you have done in my place? Imagine you would be the one crying yourself asleep at night. Scared, alone, not knowing what the next day will bring, not knowing if you will ever see her again. Fearing that your child will have to grow up without his mother. Because that is what it feels like to have the person you love taken away from you. I cried and I was angry and I even denied it. I tried to do it on my own and found I couldn't. I needed my friends and they were and are there for me. They too are worried, they too miss him and they too don't know if we will find him or not. But they are there and that is in the end what matters most. Two days before he disappeared we got married and the day after he disappeared I realized I was pregnant. Against all beliefs, after I was told I was barren and would never be able to conceive children of my own, I am pregnant. I never imagined that it would be like this. I didn't even expect to get pregnant in the first place and I sure as hell didn't expect to be pregnant, while my husband is out there somewhere, missing. Not even knowing I'm pregnant, I didn't even have the chance to tell him, because I didn't know at that time. I don't know if our son or daughter will ever know his or her father. I hope he will, but I also have to be realistic. He might not come back and if he doesn't I have to go on with my life. A life without him, no matter how difficult that might be and no matter how painful it would be. He would want me to. But whether Mulder does or doesn't come back, I will no longer accept your sneering and denigrating remarks towards him. It's fairly simple: either you accept that I love him; you will accept that we are married and soon will have a child or you won't. I took my decision, I chose the man I love and the family we will have. It's your choice whether you want to be a part of that family or not. Sincerely yours, Dana The end Am I too harsh? Man I can be such a bitch sometimes. Oh well, case closed, damage done … Feedback welcome!