Episode #26 - Megalomaniacs

Read a transcript of the episode

Sketch List:

Theme - It's Called Histeria!
Megalomaniacs Opening
The Last Custard Stand (1868)

[commercial break]

World's Oldest Woman Jingle
Barry Ding Live: The Dowager Empress Cixi (1898)
Quote of the Day: Veni, Vidi, Vici
Genghis Khan vs Cho Cho and Lucky Bob (1206)

[commercial break]

The Sound of Stalin (1944) (song)
Megalomaniac Memories: Talking of Tyrants
Megalomaniacs Closing

Images from the episode:

The Megalomaniacs episode introduction
intro again
1868 at Little Big Horn, Montana
World's Oldest Woman introduces Custer
Miss Info leads us through Native American tribal grounds
In comes Gen. George A. Custer, called 'Yellow Hair' or 'Stares in a Mirror'
Col. Father Time begs his General to camp out somewhere else
Not the top of a bluff where everyone can see them
Including Loud, who has no problem sneaking up
Charity actually likes pralines and pecans
Aka wants hers to go
And her name ain't Sue
Aka complains that they're hungry and he'd better get them custard
Cho-Cho reasons with Custer
Pepper finds him
Cho-Cho tries to get him to change Big Fat Baby
The Dowager Empress (and her long, sharpened fingernails) on Barry Ding Live
Cixi's nephew, played by Pule Houser
Cixi could have Ding purged in a nanosecond
Pule throws a fit
Barry figures out how the young emperor got the name "Pu Yi"
The World's Oldest Woman Jingle
She's o-o-old!
Genghis Khan is psychoanalyzed
And Cho-Cho and Lucky Bob try to sell him things
Cho-Cho whispers into a sleeping Khan's ear
Khan starts to lose it and calls security
Toast and Froggo drag the trespassers away
Lucky Bob tries to sell his own 'sneeze'
Cho-Cho and Bob follow Khan on his horse
Khan can't take it anymore and leads his forces into China
The Sound of Stalin
Stalin spies on V.I. Lenin
Stalin watches the invading Germans...
...freeze to death
Stalin starts his own personality cult
The kid chorus inside Stalin's teeth
Bill Straitman wakes WOW, dreaming of winning bingo
World's Oldest wishes Hitler no good
WOW makes sure Bill won't forget her sour balls next time
Vedi, Vini, Vici...I came, I saw, I conquered lunch

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