BJ's bus accident, heart transplant, and death, May 13-27 , 1994 - 11 episodes from original episodes - 2 dvds These two dvds contain all of original, complete episodes from the morning as BJ goes off to school, there is a terrible bus accident and she is killed. All of the episodes around BJ's accident, her death, an ill Maxie receives BJ's heart during a transplant operation, through BJ's funeral. I have a third dvd with additional episodes if anyone would like to see more of the aftermath for Tony and Bobbie and Felicia and Maxie. I also have additional episodes previous to this for Maxie's growing illness and the Frisco's returning, just haven't done descriptions on those yet. Maxie is ill though over a couple of months before BJ dies, becoming increasingly ill. 1) May 13th - Maxie is in hospital, Frisco & Felicia at her bedside. Morning of BJ going on fieldtrip, Bobbie thinking of Damian, Luke tells Bobby Laura is expecting a girl, Bobbie & Damina flirting then kissing in the stairwell, Bus accident in front of Mary Mae's, Miguel brings out BJ, Tony finds Bobbie kissing Damian and throws him down the stairs, BJ is taken to GH, Tony & Bobbie find out BJ has been hurt. 2) May 16th - Tiff and Sean see Frisco for first time since his return, Steve Hardy tells Tony & Bobbie about BJ's accident, Tony & Bobbie see BJ in the emergency room, Tony has flashbacks of BJ, Brenda tells AJ about record co. idea, Luke & Frisco talk about having daughters when Luke sees Frisco for first time since return, Tony realizes BJ is brain dead and a heart donor match for Maxie and he tries to get Bobbie to accept it and approve the transplant, Bobbie says goodbye to BJ. Also Brenda/Lois/Sonny, Sean/Tiffany, Luke 3) May 17th - Sonny wants to invest in L&B, married Kathryn & Ned are talking about an Aids Benefit (the first Nurse's Ball), Tony offers BJ's heart as a transplant for the dying Maxie, Tony tells Monica about BJ's accident and being a match for Maxie but doesn't want Frisco & Felicia to know that it is BJ's heart, Monica tells F&F that they have a heart for Maxie but doesn't tell her about BJ, Brenda sets up for Lois to meet Eddie Maine, Tony tells Lucy about BJ - she goes to pieces, Lucy talks with Alan about transplant (great scenes) as he consoles his former wife. Tony spurns Bobbie. Lucy tells Felicia about BJ not knowing she doesn't know, Tony says goodbye to his daughter, Felicia realizes who donor is and goes to see Tony & Bobby (awesome work - heart breaking scene). Brenda/Lois/Sonny, Ned/Katherine. 4) May 18th - Tony wants to be present during transplant, Tony tells Frisco donor is BJ, Alan waits with Lucy and explains the procedure, Luke learns about BJ and tells Laura, Monica does the transplant operation which is successful, Tony with BJ after operation. Ruby consoles Bobbie. Ned/Lois, Laura/Luke/kids. 5) May 19th - Everyone waiting to see how Maxie recovers. Tony rebuffs Bobbie, she goes to Damian's arms. Lucy condems Bobbie. Luke and Laura console bobbie. Laura comforts Tony. Frisco/Felicia/Mac, Ned/Brenda. Damian drives Lucy home, she threathens to withdraw her support of ELQ. Frisco and Felicia in the park. Tony checks Maxie's heart. 6 ) May 20th - Mac/Robin. Ruby tries to intercede with Bobbie and Tony. Lucy turns to Kevin for comfort and goes to his apartment, she feels to blame. Frisco and Felicia get closer. Kevin meets Frisco. Tony and Bobbie have a blow out fight and later have to tell Lucas about BJ's death. Mac calls off his engagement to Felicia. Tony throws Bobbie out. 7) May 23 - Tony & Frisco, Bobbie & Ruby, Mac & Felicia, Brenda & Lois, Ned & Katherine, Alan & Monica, Ruby & Tony, Bobbie tells Damian that Tony threw her out. Alan tries to reason with Bobbie. 8) May 24 - Edward/AJ, Frisco with Maxie, Damian shows up at Tony's and they argue. AJ & Jason, Tony & Frisco, Tiffany & Mac, Bobbie & Damian, Lois and her parents, Ned & Katherine. 9) May 25 - Frisco is packing. Tiffany offers Tony advice. Bobbie with Damian. Luke & Laura, Sly & Lucky find a gun in the attic. Monica tells NEd about BJ. Frisco & Felicia frolic in the rain and then make love (just before he leaves town -this is when she gets pregnant with Georgie). Lucy warns Damian to stay away from Bobbie, Bobbie appears. 10) May 26 - Luke goes to see Mary Mae. Felicia, Tony, Alan. Bobbie & Damian, Lucy. Alan. Mac & Sean at the hospital. Laura is concerned about Tony. Monica notices her breast is tender, Alan & Monica. Damian drops by to bother Lucy. Lucy goes to warn Bobbie that Damian seduced her on a bet. 11) May 27th - BJ's Funeral - Tony has a montage of BJ flashbacks to Reba's
"If I Had Only Known". Damian shows up. Sonny/Brenda/Lois agree to
L&B partnership . Luke & Laura. Kevin & Lucy. Robin tells Kevin
about Mac and Felicia breaking up. Katherine sees Ned & Lois kissing. May 31 - Bobbie catches Damian in bed with Lucy. Katherine eavesdrops and hears AJ, Alan & Monica discussing the evidence in Ray's death. Katherine sucks up to Lila. Ned & Lois frolic. Tony/Lucas/Tiffany, Sean & TIffany. Bobbie tells Monica that she slept with Damian. Lucy berates Damian and he threathens retaliation. June 1st (missed first 7 mins news report) - Katherine steals the evidence. Luke/Laura/Sean. Mac & Felicia & Maxie. Sonny & Lois. June 2nd - Brenda & Lois. Kevin & Lucy. Tony & Bobbie argue at the hosptial, Alan intercedes. Luke/Laura/ Mary Mae. Bobbie takes a gun from the Q's. Justis arrives in town. June 3rd - Bobbie goes to Damian's apartment. She hears Katherine's voice. Monica tells Alan about the gun and calls Luke. Justus & Mary Mae. Bobbie cons her way into Damian's room. Bobbie waits for him and fantasizes that she shoots him. Ned & Katherine at the Outback. June 6 - Bobbie confronts Damian. He pleads his concern for her. Luke to the rescue though the gun isn't loaded. Monica & Alan wait for news. Sean/Mac/Miguel. Ned & Lois. Ned & Katherine. Laura & TIffany. Luke & Alan. Damian & Katherine. This is a partial episode, remainder of episode continued on next dvd. |