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Jenn: Since you departed Passions, what have you been doing?

Marianne: Whenever I wasn't working on PASSIONS I always continued to audition and accept other roles. With PASSIONS I never know if I'm really NOT coming back so I just conintue working elsewhere until I get a call. That's what I did for the three seasons I actually turned up on PASSIONS.

Jenn: Do you regret leaving the show?

Marianne: I didn't really leave PASSIONS. They just didn't write for my character. They always said they would use me again either as NORMA or a new character. When I got a new job on a new series I figured that was the end of it for PASSIONS. I also thought since Josh had died they probably wouldn't bring me back since my storyline was about trying to get Timmy and Tabiltha.
When I finished shooting my first season of my new series my agent called and told them I was avaialbe for PASSIONS during my hiatus. They didn't have anything for me.
To my astonishment they called just two days ago to ask when I am avaialable to shoot NORMA again. So now my agent is trying to figure out if my new contract will allow me to work as a regular character on another show while I am working on my new series. He's trying to get permission from my current bosses (Touchstone) to let me do it. My contract says NO which is a standard thing in such contracts, but historically, exceptions have been made. We'll have to wait and see.
At least now, I have hope of coming back again at some point, either sooner or later. I do miss my PASSIONS family and fans.

Jenn: Many fans have been asking, where you are now? Are you doing any new projects, we should look out for?

Marianne: Please look for me now on reruns of the ABC hit comedy LIFE WITH BONNIE, Tuesday evenings. When the new season starts in September we will be part of their new TGIF on Fridays. I play Gloria the housekeeper/nanny. It's a fabulous show of which I am immensely proud. I hope you'll take a chance and watch it. Thanks for remembering me and NORMA. The fans of PASSIONS are the best!

*Interview sole property of Jen's Passions Page. Interview conducted by Jenn webmaster