This is where the PWP (Porn Without Plot or the "Plot?? What Plot?? " ) stories hang out. This section is also the home of stories that really don't fit is into the other sections. Enjoy.. To return to the main page, click on the exit button.

Blame It On The Rain- a little Angel/Tara PWP

Rose Petals- more Tara/Angel PWP

Ice Cubes & Patent Leather- A "sequel" to Rose Petals Willow/Faith PWP

Bad Puppy- a kinky (BDSM) piece involiving Faith, Willow & Giles

Collar- a Willow/Faith little PWP

Delivery- my first & only Buffy/Graham piece

Naughty- some Giles & Willow smut

Sparkle- My first attempt at Xander/Dawn action

Vegas- a happy cheery non-angsty Xander/Dawn PWP

Not Quite Southern Comfort- a grim look at a possible future for Danw & Xander