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Chat Transcripts: Galen & McKenzie

Soap Opera Digest Galen Gering/McKenzie Westmore interview: IT TAKES 2 TO TANGO

On 'Passions', Sheridan Crane and Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald usually make war, not love.... Unless they're the tango. Quite a contrast to their portrayers, McKenzie Westmore and Galen Gering, who are VERY much in sync.

DIGEST: What would it take for Sheridan and Luis to mind their fences?

Galen Gering[Laughing]: Get naked!

DIGEST: Nah, that's already been done. What if they gave in to their primal urges?

McKenzie Westmore: It's what everyone is dying for. I know it's going to happen.

Gering: I hope they keep taking it slow because their relationship has to remain sacred as it progresses.

DIGEST: IS there anything you do to keep the relationship chaste?

Gering: I always make sure Luis keeps his distance-physically-unless he has to save Sheridan or something. If not, he'd be all over her, all the time! No excitement of "Oh, my God, they're holding hands."

Westmore: Sometimes, we're told when to touch, but usually it comes naturally. One day, I realized that Sheridan had never really touched Luis, but it was a time when she really wanted them to be together. Even though, it didn't happen during rehearsal, I made sure I touched him during the scene.

Gering: Those are the moments in life that people in love really cherish. You don't know what's happening or where it's leading. It's electric!

DIGEST: Sort of like Sheridan and Luis?

Gering: Exactly. McKenzie and I have discussed when they're going to touch and the things we're going to do to keep that certain magic going in their relationship.

Westmore: Also I think a lot of the magic has to do with the friendship that Galen and I have.

Gering: Obviously, we have a thing that we do, and it works. But, we definitely put a wall up between our characters. It's like Sheridan and Luis are two magnets-if you flip them over, they're going to stick together. Otherwise, they're completely opposing each other.

DIGEST: Do Galen and McKenzie ever oppose each other?

Westmore: We honestly get along really well. He keeps laughing to the point when I know I have to cry in a scene I separate myself from him because I know I'll laugh the whole time.

Gering: We talk about ridiculous stuff. We're like best friends.

DIGEST: Being so close, do you get embarrassed when you have to film the 'naked' scene.

Westmore: We blush a little, but that's about it.

Gering: I get on stage and the guys are like "Don't you have a wife at home?"

DIGEST: What does your wife, Jenna, think about your 'pseudo' love scenes?

Gering: Jenna jokes around, but she knows the business, so that helps. Years ago, I kissed 3 girls in a pilot, Jenna was like "what are you doing?" She was freaking out a little bit but once she started [acting], Jenna realized what it was all about.

DIGEST: Could you and McKenzie do another project together?

Gering: Yeah! Something like Grease.

Westmore: I wish!

DIGEST: Is it better for Luis and Sheridan to get along or to bicker?

Gering: Both. It's usually after something intense that we get along better; it's almost like 'make-up sex.' Sheridan and Luis have that roller-coaster ride, which obviously has been a staple in their relationship..... if you can call it one.

Westmore: Yeah, it's weird because they're not really even a couple yet.

DIGEST: The viewers might disagree.

Westmore: [The response] has been amazing. [The couple's popularity] really hit after our first tango. I noticed when I looked on the Internet. It was shocking.

Gering: That was a huge revelation for us-to see how many people were watching the show and loved Sheridan and Luis. It was great.

DIGEST: Galen, when you go out to dance, do you .....

Gering: Do I tango? Yes, of course. Actually, I went to a party and I danced the tango with people and they were like- 'Oh, my God ... where did you learn that?" It was great.

Westmore. It helps that he's a great dancer.

DIGEST: What were you surprised to learn about each other?

Westmore: Besides the fact that he's married? He graduated at the top of his class-that's very impressive to me.

Gering: That McKenzie was in Raging Bull. Also, how much patience she has. It's hard being a girl in this business. As a guy, I just go to work, shave, go to make-up. But she has to arrive much earlier then me. And, she never complains. She's got a great work ethic, which makes working with her very easy.... And fun.

Soap Opera Digest Interview with Galen Gering: Sept/11/00

Evil Charity orders Tabitha to burn Miguel and Kay alive... Theresa prepares to tell Luis about her love for Ethan... Gwen vows to destroy anyone who tries to take Ethan from her... Grace's horoscope is the bearer of bad news... Chad and Whitney share a close moment... Sheridan and Luis decide to clear the air. Luis has had enough, and he's not going to take it anymore! The no-luck police offer has recently been dealt a major blow: Eve informed him that Sheridan confessed to Martin Lopez-Fitzgerald's murder, then backtracked and insisted that Ms. Crane was not the culprit. So what's the deal: is daddy dead, or has he simply gone AWOL? According to Galen Gering, the worst part of Luis' predicament is that he doesn't know whom he should be angry at: his father, for leaving the Lopez-Fitzgerald clan in the lurch; or Sheridan and Julian, who may have played roles in a grizzly murder. As if that weren't bad enough, Luis has fallen hard for Ms. Crane, and would be hesitant to take action against the blonde bombshell even if she has taken a letter opener to the Lopez-Fitzgerald patriarch! Below, Gering dishes the dirt on Luis' precarious predicament, whether or not the tapdance between he and Sheridan will ever be resolved, and which offscreen blooper makes Gering burst out laughing.

Digest Online: Luis talks about how he's going to make his father's killer pay. Do you believe at this point that he really has it in him to take any action against Sheridan?

Gering: Well, I don't think that deep down he believes that it was really possible that she could have committed a crime like that, but if that's the case -- if he finds out that it's her -- then it's going to be very hard for him not to do something about it, you know? Luis is kind of a by the book a kind of a guy, and [Martin] is his blood and all. So I don't know; it will be really interesting to see how it's written.

Digest Online: When Theresa finally comes to Luis and tells him how she feels about Ethan, how do you think that he's going to react to the fact that she's also falling in love with a Crane?

Gering: Not very well, not at all. Especially just the fact that she's been lying to him for so long, too. I mean, my whole family's lying to me, basically! [Laughs] It's pretty bad when you think about it: he's spent his life trying to do everything he could for these guys and now they're lying to him. But at the same time, how can he justify being angry at Theresa for [wanting to see a Crane] when he also is, you know what I'm saying? It's like the pot calling the kettle black. If you're gonna set an example, then you have to carry through with it.

Digest Online: This is a sticky situation. How does Luis approach Pilar about the fact that the Cranes might be responsible for Martin's death?

Gering: I think I had that exact same sentence! [Laughs] That's pretty much it! Luis just wants what we all want in that situation: to be reassured that the person that we love or care about didn't do something that is terrible, so that we can still justify being in love with them.

Digest Online: Do you think Luis will ever give up all hope of being with Sheridan, or he never hits this rock bottom?

Gering: I don't think so. I mean, at this point, things are definitely on the mend as the story moves forward into what we're doing right now. You see them have more adventures where they really grow closer and have special bonding moments. Even though some bad things have happened, I think a lot of that is due to misunderstandings. I think once the truth comes out about what actually did happen -- I'm talking about the Luis imposter, not the death of my father, because we don't know what really happened with that -- they might be able to really move forward dramatically. Drastically. It will be interesting to see where it goes, but we've had some really cool adventures together since that sort of stalemate, that have caused us to grow together. And then once again, we have to ask ourselves if that means anything or if we're still stuck in the same place that we were.

Digest Online: This whole storyline is really coming to a head right now. Are you enjoying the opportunity to play this conflict?

Gering: Well, the conflict's always great, especially in a relationship, but at the same time we certainly anticipate and look forward to a resolution in one way or another, you know? It's always hard to ask the same questions over and over and over and not get an answer, whether it be on TV or in real life. [Laughs] I think that that's coming, and when it does it's gonna be a lot of fun to see it play out.

Digest Online: You're probably just as anxious to see Sheridan and Luis finally get together as the fans are. Gering: Yeah. Either get together or not, but have some sort of resolution one way or the other so that they can both move on and have things going with other characters or whatever. Just as long as something's happening.

Digest Online: Have you gotten sick of saying "Those damn Cranes!" yet? Gering: Yeah! You know, it's funny, because a lot of the stuff that I'm saying now is stuff I had said in the beginning that had kind of died out. And now we're back. [Laughs] It's just interesting to see the revolving door of how some issues get resolved but then come back later on.

Digest Online: What's your favorite aspect of this storyline so far?

Gering: Well, I like the love story; that's a lot of fun to play. I also like the buddy relationship I have with Hank. Some of the scenes are like, "Oh, I'm going for Sheridan." "Well, I am too," blah, blah, blah, you know what I'm saying? Those aren't as fun as the other ones, where we're really supporting each other or working through something together. [Dalton James; Hank] is just a lot of fun to work with. And it's gonna be cool, because a lot of this is coming to a resolution very soon, so I'm excited about that.

Gering: Oh, absolutely. In the beginning, like you said, he was just very hard-edged; he really only had one note. We didn't see the sensitive side of him, we didn't see the caring side. We just heard, "Oh, I did this and I did that and I hate these people." So over time we've definitely seen that he really has a big heart and cares about a lot of things. Obviously [we've seen that] with his family, and with the fact that he's falling in love with this woman that he really shouldn't be in love with. I also think that the writers have given us the opportunity to have scenes where we have fun. We're actually in light situations that have roots: something might be very light, but the meaning of it runs deep. Like we had some scenes at a pool hall where I just really wanted to see if Sheridan could relate to some of my friends, you know, who are obviously more working-class. I wanted to see how she felt about it, and they were fun scenes. But in addition to that, [Sheridan and Luis] have also spoken a lot about where the relationship can go. So I have [seen Luis grow] and I hopefully will continue to.

Digest Online: We've seen so much hate between Luis and Julian. Is it hard for you to keep a straight face doing scenes with Ben Masters (Julian)?

Gering: Oh, man! That guy kills me! He's so awesome; I love this guy. If I'm not in my dressing room or in Dalton's, then I'm usually over in his dressing room. You know, he's really been, in large part for me, a mentor. He's always very supportive and will sit down with tapes [of the show], and we'll talk about stuff. I love the guy; I really can't say enough great things about him. And I'm very fortunate, again, to have someone like that, especially in an adversarial relationship, which sometimes carries over off screen. The guy is so funny! We'll be in scenes, and if I flick him or push him or something, his facial expressions just... [Laughs -- a lot] Honestly, sometimes we do just bust out laughing. In one scene we had, I was like, "I'm going to push you into this chair, but don't worry. I'll grab your tie and pull you back." But part of the set sort of fell apart -- I pushed this railing and the railing gave way, and then when I pushed him I was a little off-balance. And he was hand-cuffed to his chair [Laughs] and I wasn't able to catch him! He just fell straight back into the chair, flew into it, you know? There was nothing he could do! Luckily it had a high back so he didn't hit his head. That guy is awesome.

Luis has been through a lot since Passions˜ debut last July, but he's got nothing on Gering, who landed a great job, got married, landed on People Weekly's 50 Most Beautiful People list, and, as of this week, will be moving into a new home in the Hollywood Hills. Gering has welcomed the whirlwind changes, and when he's asked about them, the refreshingly honest, down-to-earth actor wastes no time waxing rhapsodic about the wonderful twists and turns that he's spent the better part of this year navigating.

Digest Online: Have you ever stopped to say to yourself, "Wow! Look at this past year!"

Gering: Oh, yeah. I try and reflect on it a lot, otherwise it goes by so fast. Every day actually, for the most part, I try and take a few minutes and really take it all in and enjoy it. You know, either way -- had this happened or not -- I was really enjoying what was going on before in my life. So I think it's great; I've definitely been blessed. A lot of my friends laugh, because they're like, "Dude, you fall in sh-- and come up smelling like roses!" [Laughs] It's ridiculous! And it has been a total roller coaster for me. It's been phenomenal. I mean, I hope the notoriety and things like that will continue, but I also hope that I remain grounded and keep some goals in mind about being a good person and being able to make a difference, which I think is really important. I know kind of sounds clich, but I think that if I'm empowered to be in a position to help other people because I've been so lucky myself, I really should. I'd like to start with my family and friends and sort of move on from there, because I feel like I have enough people around me who are sort of needy in that respect. You know, think globally and act locally and that whole thing. But it's been a great year.

Digest Online: What do you think you would have said two or three years ago if someone had told you you'd be where you are today?

Gering: Oh, I'd tell them they were out of my minds. I mean, one of the main reasons for that is because I just never saw myself doing a soap opera. I was a film major and so I was on a completely different path in terms of the kinds of films that I wanted to make -- kind of like a total 180 from a soap opera, you know? And to think that I would be like this... [Laughs] I don't know! It's just interesting. But I'm enjoying it completely.

Digest Online: Do you think that the personal changes that have gone on in your life help you flesh out the changes in Luis's life in a way that makes it real to you so that it can be real to the viewer?

Gering: Yeah, definitely. And those events that go on in our life are sometimes hard to dig up, not just because they're hard to go through emotionally, but because it's hard to figure out what you might need for a certain scene and what will work and what work. There's no substitution for life experience, and being able to bring that to the screen. And there have been some instances where I've really relied heavily on some experiences in my life to carry me through some scenes. And it's been interesting, I gotta tell 'ya; it's been fun.

Digest Online: Does it feel different being a married man?

Gering: Well, my perception is very much the same, but everyone else's is very different, you know? They look at our relationship with more respect, and I think some of my friends do feel like, [feigning a whine] "Oh, we've lost you; you've gone to the dark side." Blah, blah, blah, all this stuff, which isn't the case. I have a wonderful wife and she really supports my friendship with friends, which is great. But for me it's pretty much the same. And we're living in the Hollywood Hills now. I just met with the mortgage broker. As of Sunday I'll be moved -- very cool.

Digest Online: Now you get to do the fun moving in stuff -- lots of boxes and unpacking.

Gering: Oh, don't remind me!

Galen appeared on the Ainsley Harriot Show on February 14th, 2000.

Ainsley: We are excited because we have one of the hottest stars in daytime television here today. And let me tell you that he's the guy that any woman would love to spend Valentine's day with.

(They show a clip of Luis and Sheridan dancing at the youth center on New Year's Eve).

Ainsley: Mmm, from the NBC show "Passions" please welcome Galen Gering.

(Galen comes out dancing/moving his feet wearing a black sweater and blue/black jeans. The audience cheers loudly and Galen puts his hands in the air. He walks over to Ainsley and shakes his head.)

Ainsley: How are you?
Galen: Alright, thanks.
Ainsley: He's so ugly, isn't he! (He says joking around while pointing to Galen) He is ugly, ha, ha, ha!

(Galen puts on a black apron that says "The Ainsley Harriot Show")

Galen: Alright, so we are going to get busy here huh?
Ainsley: How are you doing Galen?
Galen: Good thanks.
Ainsley: Yeah, hey welcome to the show.
Galen: Glad to be there.
Ainsley: Lovely, yeah good. Are you a bit of cook their Galen. Do you like going to the kitchen and having a bit of experimenting and doing your thing.
Galen: Yeah, I do. I mean now I don't have a lot of time, but when I can, yeah.
Ainsley: Yeah.
Galen: I like to get in there.
Ainsley: Yeah you like to get in there.
Galen: So, we are going to today.
Ainsley: Yeah, we are definetely going to be doing some cooking and also you are going to be whisking...
Galen: Can you do that up. (Galen is asking Ainsley to tie the back of his apron.)
Ainsley: Oh yeah I certainly can. Maybe we could get one of the girls in the audience to do it.

(The girls in the audience cheer)

Galen: Ohhhh!
Ainsley: Their very enticed.
Galen: It's kinda tight there. (Referring to how tight the apron is tied).
Ainsley: Well you're taking three of them off for a bit of lunch after. So are you prepared for a..prepared for that Galen?
Galen: Yeah!
Ainsley: That'd be quite nice wouldn't it. Will be plucking out those from one of the cupids will come out and have a little basket and will take those out...
Galen: So from here. (Galen points to the audience.)
Ainsley: Yeah absolutely!
Galen: Oh excellent.
Ainsley: And there beautiful aren't they? Some of the girls out there. (He points to the audience).
Galen: Oh yeah!
Ainsley: Mmmm humm. I've got this great romantic dish as I've said before. It's my soft of passionate pitansa pasta with spicy sausage. Do you like a bit of spicy sausage?
Galen: Yeah, I do.
Ainsley: Yeah, fantastic. Well let's get cooking then. Here we are, I am just going to slip my floppy hat on. Pop my floppy hat on. You know it's time to get cookin'!
Galen: I like the hat.
Ainsley: There you go. Very nice. Woooohooo!
Galen: Wooohooo!
Ainsley: Now you don't have to worry about a thing. Now Galen we are just going to get a little bit of heat under there. That's it, now we can start up.
Galen: Alright.
Ainsley: First of all, we are going to get a little bit of drizzling. You can just copy me. If you'd like to pick up your oil. Can you see the olive oil there?

(Galen grabs the olive oil)

Ainsley: That's it. Now add a little bit of style here Galen. Olive oillllll!

(Ainsley shakes his hips as he drizzles the pan with olive oil. Galen drizzles the olive oil as well.)

Galen: Oh yeah!
Ainsley: Oh yeah that's what we like. Here we are. I got some sausage here. Nice little bits. You can use any type of sausage by the way. So you know we got a nice kind of spicy sausage here.

(Galen and Ainsley continue to cook the receipe entitled "The Passionate Pasta with Spicy Sausage")

Ainsley: One of the things about Valentine's day is you try to capture your loved one's heart don't you?
Galen: Absolutely.
Ainsley: And you captured your loved one's heart quite recently.
Galen: Ohhh!
Ainsley: But there's a little bit of story associated isn't there?
Galen: Uh yeah.
Ainsley: How did that work out there Galen?
Galen: Well a we were on a road trip. We went from Nevada to Utah, Colorado and ended up in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Ainsley: Yeah
Galen: It was New Years and I just thought and I had been almost three thousand miles with this woman in the car. And I just and you know honestly we didn't fight the whole way. I've been with this woman for six years and I just thought...
Ainsley: You can tell so much can't you? If you spend a long time in the car with a girlfriend or partner.
Galen: Yeah, yeah.
Ainsley: You can tell such volumes.
Galen: The clock had already struck twelve and everyone was partying and I said hey let's get married. Will you marry me? I got down on one knee...
Ainsley: How romantic!
Galen: Yeah, yeah. It was great. She's wonderful.
Ainsley: Is she a great woman?
Galen: Yeah she is.
Ainsley: Oh, wonderful and she said yes instantly.
Galen: Yeah she did.
Ainsley: Yeah
Galen: Thank god!
Ainsley: Did you have to get down on one knee?
Galen: No, I was on one knee.
Ainsley. You were? Hey! You did it with style.
Galen: Yeah, I don't mess around.

(Ainsley and Galen continue to cook together.)

Ainsley: I gotta say you've done an awful lot of travelling. You're a model, so you've travelled all over the place. Is that kinda nice? Is that why you like Italian food?
Galen: Nothing can really go wrong with Italy. I mean the food their is amazing. You know it's like, you walk into a place and for like seven, ten dollars. Mmmm (Galen put his fingers on his lips and presses them together to demonstrate how delicious Italian food is.)
Ainsley: It comes alive. I mean it is the atmosphere, it's also the sunshine and everything else too. Isn't it?

(Galen hums (da da) a tyical Italian theme song that is used in commercials that advertise Italian food.)

After a commercial break:

Ainsley: Welcome back everybody. Hey, thanks for joining us again. We are in the kitchen with Galen Gering. Of course you know him from NBC show "Passions." This is the man that gets your heart racing in the middle of the day.

(Audience cheers loudly)

Ainsley: And he is also getting to get three of our audience members hearts racing because he will be taking them off for a rather romantic Valentine's Day lunch.

(A minute later Galen asks the audience)
Galen: How does this smell? Do you guys smell this?

(The audience cheers: yeah! Ainsley and Galen continue to cook)

Minutes later, Ainsley grabs a cheese grater and calls it "Suzy". He turns to Galen and says:
Ainsley: Suzy would just like to have you hold her for a bit.

(Galen holds the cheese grater)

Ainsley: Say hello to Suzy.
Galen: Hello (Galen says hello using an English accent.)
Ainsley: I know Suzy I think he's gorgeous too.

(Galen smiles, and then they continue to cook for the next 10-15 minutes)

Ainsley: Now Galen you are getting to have a little bit of a try of this. But before we are going to pick out the lucky audience members.

(Three little girls dressed as cupid's come out. Galen says "hi" to them and picks three lucky winners.)

Ainsley: So what does he think of our passionate pasta.

(Galen tries the pasta and says)

Galen: Let's go folks. (He eats the pasta) Alright mmmm. Not bad.
Ainsley: Is that good?
Galen: Join me.
Ainsley: Of course I will.

February 12, 2000 at 11:00am/PT, 2:00pm/ET: Chat with Galen Gering and McKenzie Westmore at TalkCity and here's what they said...

M - stands for McKenzie Westmore and the G - stands for Galen Gering

The Beginning of the Chat:

M - Thanks for joining us!
G - Thanks for logging in!

Passion1fan: Are you having fun in New York?

G - We are having a blast!
M - We are in the NBC experience store at Rockefeller Center right now.
G - We had an autograph signing here
M - It was unreal!
G - The biggest turnout they ever had.

Sasha - Have you ever been to NY before?

G - Yes I went to school here, I'm originally from :LA, but I moved to NY to do modelling and I ended up going to New York university.
M - I was here years ago with my parents on vacation for about a week. We saw a different musical every night, it was amazing.

Franny8: What do all of you plan to do during your trip?

G - All kinds of things! We have a full itinerary.
M - We're going to see Saturday Night Live tonight. That should be really awesome. Photos tomorrow in Central Park.
G - Monday I'm doing the Ainsley Harriot Show. We leave Monday night.

Maryanne2: What is your favourite thing about working on Passions?

G - Just working with the cast.
M - Everyone is so nice - we're like a little family.

Biana - Do either of you have any formal acting or training?

M - Yes, I studied at Lee Strasburg Institute and the Howard Fine school where I also took a master class with Uta Hagen. A lot of my training has been in singing and dancing.
G - I studied with a lot of private coaches, but in college I specialized in film making, not acting. It was a lucky, big break for me.
M - I was getting ready to leave for the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music when this came along.

Nanadee: Why do you think you have such good chemistry together?

G - ‘Cause I'm in love
M - I guess we just get along
G - I think anyone would have good chemistry with McKenzie
M - Awwwwww (happy face)

Paula - What is a typical day on the set like for you?

M - it always varies - our workdays can be so different. Some days we work from 6am to 9 or l0 at night, if not later. And some days we have off.
G - We shoot an episode a day, in the morning when you go into the studio, there'll be a rundown, telling you when your scenes are chronologically. So if McKenzie has scenes with Ethan or Ben, she'll be able to tell when she's on, and on what set.
M - For the girls, they give us an hour and half or so for hair and makeup. The guys just kinda show up!
G - Awww! Well yeah, it's true. We have it easy! These poor girls...the hair, the makeup...
M - I'm lucky - I have short hair

Nicole - What have been some of your favourite scenes to tape so far?

M - First tango, All my scenes in Paris.
G - New Year's stuff was great. It was so intense and rewarding. Everyone put a lot of work into it, from the produces to the set designers. It was fun to shoot.
M - You made it when you cried.

Luvspassions - Do either of you hope Sheridan and Luis will get married one day?

M - Sure, why not?
G - If she behaves!!!
M - If he's LUCKY!!!

Britan - Do you ever get embarrassed shooting love scenes?

G - Well... of course not.
M - Galen had to come out in these teeny flesh-coloured shorts when we had to do the locker room fantasy scene. And I couldn't stop laughing!
G - Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing!
M - And everyone had to show up to see Luis in the pants.

Luvsgalen - Have you gotten letters from fans who are upset you are engaged now?

G - You know, surprisingly not. I even get cards addressed to my fiancee and myself, congratulating us. It's amazing.

SilverHawke - Hi! I'm loving Sheridan and Luis!! What a couple! Galen yesterday there was a horrible hoax on the web about you quitting. Can you confirm here that it really was a hoax?

G - Yeah, it was a hoax. I'll be on Passions for at least three years. So any rumours can be dispelled.

Passionsfreak - McKenzie, have you spoken to anyone yet about Sheridan singing on the show? I would love to see it!

M - There has been some talk about it. Hopefully, some day soon. I would probably like to do opera, because I can see Sheridan having trained in opera in Italy with one of the top-notch teachers. I'd sing Oh Mia Babbino Cara from Gianni Schicchi.

os0sweet213 - Hey McKenzie and Galen! I just wanted to know if Galen's hand is ok since Jesse ran over it?

G - It was pretty gross, but I'm ok now.
M - It was all black and blue - really gross!

Christina-gh: McKenzie and Galen, what's been your most embarrassing moment on the show so far?

G - Weiner pants!
M - Weiner pants!

Evigal - A question for both, have you ever at anytime watched a soap opera? BTW, you two are incredible actors.

M - I watched Days of Our Lives, for a little while.
G - Not really - every once in a while, I'd see part of one, but I was never addicted.
M - Oh, and Dark Shadows, when they did the remake - I loved that! And the reruns on the Sci-Fi channel are cool too.

SheridanLuisFan - McKenzie and Galen: Hi I wish I could have came to New York today to meet you both. Do you meet and greet like that often?

M - No, this is the first one we've ever done. Hopefully, we'll be doing more in the future.

Tweety6545- You guys were both incredible doing the Tango. Did you have to practice for that, or you already knew it?

M - We did have to practice. We had about three days to learn the sets, and practice it. Over the three days, that was about three hours. I have some dance training in jazz, tap and ballet and a bit of swing. So that helped. My only problem is that I kinda want to twist my feet, like in swing and they had to stop me from doing that.

Christina-gh - For both of you, if you weren't a soap star, what do you think your job would be?

M - I wanted to go into musical theatre. But I had to pick outside the realm of the arts, I'd be a vet.
G - I want to make films, and design homes and furniture.

CarrieUA20 - I love the chemistry between you two on screen and I can't wait until Monday. I used to live for my weekends, but now I count down the hours until 1:00 Monday!! Are there more good things in store for us "Shuis" fans?

G - We've got some great stuff coming up! M - It gets pretty exciting with the ice skating stuff, and after that it will focus in on us a bit more, and where our relationship is going.

Two_lovely - McKenzie, I saw you on Star Trek What was that like as an experience?

M - That was great. The funny thing was that I had been auditioning for Star Trek for years. My dad does makeup for the show and that didn't help one bit! So when I finally got on, my dad was doing the makeup my brother was doing editing for Deep Space Nine, and his fiancee was doing makeup for Voyager as well, so it was fun - a real family experience. I've grown up around those people.

Sylinwisc - Galen I wanted to ask who are some of your favourite directors?

G - I like some of the stuff that Oliver Stone has done. I like Tarantin, and Fellinin, the Italian director.

Shuis_Savvy148 - Galen and Mac, How do you feel having made Shuis addicts out of everyone?

M - I think it's great! It's so much fun.
G - We couldn't be enjoying it more.
M - The fans are wonderful.

Tweety6545 - In these episodes no where you are iceskating, did you have to learn?

M - We had a day of practicing. I roller blade, so that helped.
G - I skated a bit already - I played hockey sometimes.

Tweety6545 - Hi Galen. I want to know if you did any movies before Passions. Cause you are a great actor, and very hot!

G - No, I did some small films, but nothing that's in the video store. It's something I'd like to get into thought, absolutely.

EveTheFireStarterRules - McKenzie, in the first couple episodes were you really in Paris? Tu parler francais?

M- Yes I was. Un peu!

Evigal - You two have been on every day this year (except McKenzie in one Jan episode, yeah we keep count) We will continue to be blessed with this kind of camera time?

G - For the most part, yes.
M - Yes, it's a very good sign.

Christina-gh - Galen what do you think really changed Luis' mind about Sheridan? Was it the trip to New Mexico?

G - Yes, I think it was the trip to New Mexico. It sort of opened his mind, and he made a lot of generalizations before he really knew who Sheridan Crane is. Don't get me wrong - there are still some questions he has to answer.

SheridanLuisfan - Hi McKenzie and Galen. You two are the best! First off McKenzie thank you for the autographed photo. My question to McKenzie is I was wondering who you use to play on Day of Our Lives and when was it? I read that you use to play on there. Happy Valentines day to you.

M - Happy valentine's to you too! It was a couple of years ago, and I played the role of Mindy which was an under -5 role, meaning that it's not a contract role. It was a character that was a part of a Bible study group the one that Taylor used to go to.
Tracy - What will you both be doing on Valentines day?

G - I'll be doing the Ainsley Harriot show and flying home to L.A.
M - I'll be on a plane too, we're flying together.

Lonnie - What's the best and worst Valentines' Days you've ever had?

M - Hmmm...
The worst I guess was when I was a little kid in school and I gave a Valentine to everyone, but the guy I had a crush on didn't give me one.
G - That wasn't very nice. To be honest with you, my birthday is the day before Valentine's so I do all my partying then and I'm hungover! I've learned (or I'm trying to learn) how to be better.

SheridanLuisfan - Ok I have sort of a funny question if you were stranded on a deserted island what 5 things would you want with you?

M - Five things? My bible, my family, my cat, my dog and one more thing? Probably a stairmaster - I'm an exercise freak.
G - A barbeque, Chardonnay, a collection of Hemmingway short stories, a boat, and Sheridan Crane.
M - Awwww

Manolis_Varnas - How do you both love to spent your time when you are not on the set of the show and do you like to travel?

G - I love to travel!
M - me too.
And when I am not on the set, I love to work out at the gym, I do road racing too, and running.
G - She's the roadrunner! Beep! Beep! I like to snowboard - I'm going to go as soon as I get back to California. I just took a great road trip through California, Nevada, Colorado and Utah seeing the little towns. It was really great.

Christina-gh - For both of you, what kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

M - Mercy Gray. Korn.
G - I like a lot of different kinds of music - I'd say probably hip hop, progressive, alternative, some jazz, even classical.
M - I listen to a lot of opera and musical theatre - Les Mis, Phantom.

Christina-gh: McKenzie, how does your clothing style compare to Sheridan's?

M - It's similar, especially lately, it's been getting a lot closer. I tend to like to wear exercise clothes at home, but when I'm going out I like bootleg pant, funky shirts and a leather coat. Or something similar.

Christina-gh: Galen, I read you like to write. Do you write fictional stories, poems, etc?

G- yes of course. I write stories about characters or things, simple people going through difficult times. I'd love to get published someday. I used to write every day, but with the show so busy, it's like jack of all trades, master of none. I'm focusing mainly on the show now, but I love to write.

Christina - gh: Recently, you had a scene with Timmy. Do you see yourself doing more scenes with him, even though your storylines don't really entwine?

M - I hope so, I would love to be able to have something with Tabitha. I was so excited when I got to do a scene with Julian, Ben Masters.

EveTheFireStarterRules- M&G - If you could do a scene with anyone from the show you haven't yet, who would it be?

G - Probably Juliet - I'd love to do a scene with her.
M - me too.
G - She's a wonderful person and a fantastic actor.

Angela - Will everyone from Passions be at the Soap Awards on March 10th?

M - Yup!
G - We'll actually be presenting an award, just McKenzie and me.

Christina-gh: Are there any hidden talents about either of you that you wish to share with us?

M - Christina, I do gymnastics on horseback! It's kind of an odd thing, but it's fun. It's more like circus tricks.
G - I stick to the trapeze! I played pro-am beach volleyball, but I don't know if that's a hidden talent.

Lovessheridan - Do either of you have any projects other than Passions you are working you can tell us about?

M - I've got some modelling in magazines coming up.
G - We do a bunch of press and stuff, but right now, I don't have time to work on other films or TV projects.
M - Our work schedule is packed - they keep us busy.

JesseM-rules - Sheridan my friend really likes you I think all the actors are good but Luis and Miguel are fine especially with their shirts off! So you guys have a website?

G - Yes -
It will be up, maybe today.
M - I don't have one just yet, but I will in the future. is one in the meantime.

NBCLive says - Looks like we are almost out of time for today. Thank you Galen and McKenzie for joining us. Any last thought you would like to share with our audience?

M - Thanks for joining us here.
G - Thanks for the support.
M - We love you all.

NBCLive - Thanks for joining us for today's Passions Valentine's event with Galen Gering and McKenzie Westmore.

The End