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Classic Lines: Continued...

46. Luis and Sheridan at her cottage after vistiting Hank at the Hostpital.

Sheridan: You know I wasn't ready to come home, I wanted to do some shopping.

Luis: Yah but it's safer around here and I don't want you out there roaming the streets.

Sheridan: I don't roam the street. You know what I'm not even going to argue with you, I'm going to save my fight for something more important.

Luis: Oh yah like what?

Sheridan: Like bring able to go out on my patio and sun bathe.

Luis: I don't think that that's a good idea.

Sheridan: I don't care what you think. I will do what I want if I have to stay cooped up in here with you all day than I will chew my own foot off.

Luis: ALRIGHT! Alright already.

Sheridan: Fine I'm going to go change into my suit.

47. Luis see's Sheridan Topless

Luis: There's no wound in here back, I suppose it did an x.
( Sheridan wakes up and slaps Luis.)

Sheridan: What do you doing your doing?

Luis: Ou

Luis: Your alive?!

Sheridan: Yes of course I'm alive, I must have fallen asleep sun bathing, what are you doing why were you hovering over me like that?

Luis: Well I heard gun shots and then I thought you...I was looking for a bullet wound.

Sheridan: I don't believe you.

Luis: What? You think I came out here to see you naked.

Sheridan: Well maybe you were trying to get me back because I've seen you naked.

Luis: What?

Sheridan: How could you be so petty? You know it was an accident when I saw you in the locked room at the Youth Center prancing around.

Luis: Prancing around, what are you talking about. Sheridan: Ohh acting so proud of yourself, it was also an accident when I saw you naked this morning too. Luis: Yah i'll bet.

(Luis here's another gun shot and jumps on top of Sheridan.)

48. Luis feels someone is outside Sheridan's cottage. He turns off the lights and Sheridan get's the wrong impression.

Sheridan: Well the kitchen is sparkling, if I do say so myself.

Luis: That's great Sheridan why don't you go to the bed room.

Sheridan: Beg your pardon.

Luis: There's a draft out here I don't want you to get sick.

Sheridan: There's no draft.

Luis: Sheridan go to the bed room.

Sheridan: What kind of woman do you think I am.

Luis: No this is not.

Sheridan: So that's why the lights are dim, you son of a...

Luis: Sheridan, calm down.

Sheridan: You know, is this how you treat all the girls' in Harmony, do you just gaze at them with your deep beautiful eyes, flex a deltode on your perfect body and then poof they just fall back into bed breathless for you to...

( Luis just looked at her. A person with a gun comes in, Luis tackle's him and the gun goes off.)

Sheridan: LUIS!

49. Luis and Sheridan Talking After He Sees Her Topless

Sheridan: Someone's shooring at me?

Luis: Shh, I don't know

Sheridan: What, where are you going?

Luis: Shh, stay there be quiet.

Luis gets up, looks between the fences and sees the gardener.

Luis: Better give your gardener a raise so he could buy a new truck.

Sheridan: What?

Luis: Shots I heard were backfire--backfires.

Sheridan: Alright, show's over.

Luis: Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

Sheridan: I wasn't uncomfortable. I got topless on the beach all the time. In fact, almost all the beaches in Europe are topless now.

Luis: Wow, too bad I didn't hit the beaches while I was in France.

Sheridan: You would of been a kid in a candy store, many goodies to choose from.

Luis: Well there are goodies...and there are--goodies!

Sheridan: So what exactly are you saying Luis?

Luis: I thought I was pretty clear.

Sheridan: So, if you were on a topless beach with hundreds of women.

Luis: And you were there too.

Sheridan: You could tell which one.

Luis: Oh I can pick you out just like that.

Sheridan: How?

Luis: Trust me.

Sheridan: Well I guess you got a pretty good luck before I grabbed the towel.

Luis: Well my family taught me that it was impolite to stare.

Sheridan: Well then what would you call it govelling?

Luis: Storing away information.

Sheridan: Why, in case you needed to arrest me again?

Luis: Why, why else?

Sheridan: Well, if a need more time to study the evidence, I could always give you a second look.

Luis: I wouldn't want to put you out.

Sheridan: I wouldn't let you.

Luis: No, I guess you wouldn't.

Sheridan: You afraid Luis?

Luis: You'd be surprised at how not afraid I am.

Sheridan: I don't think I'd be surprised at all.

50. Luis and Sheridan talking after Luis has seen Sheridan Topless

Luis: Where're you going?

Sheridan: Out for dinner.

Luis: Sorry I can't let you do that.

Sheridan: What? Are you saying I can't eat?

Luis: No, you can chow down all you want, the restaurant are out ? (something about Jean-Luc)

Sheridan: What aer you saying, I'm grounded?

Luis: Pretty much.

Sheridan: So, I have to stay here night after night until interpole and the FBI bust the whole drug cartel?

Luis: Its calling playing it safe.

Sheridan: Fine, I'll just call over to the main house and have the maid bring me food.

Luis: My mother is not serving dinner here.

Sheridan: I didn't mean Pilar I've never thought of her as a maid. I mean one of the staff that works for the cook.

Luis: Oh, I mean you got a great kitchen over here, why don't you make yourself something.

Sheridan: I would if I knew how to. The only thing I know how to make is scrambled eggs.

Luis: Whatever, scrambled eggs aren't even cooking, its a wreak, an accident.

Sheridan: Wiat a minute. That's what I made you the night that you thought your father died.

Luis: Yeah, look, it was real nice.

Sheridan: That's why you hardly even touched it. You didn't like it.

Luis: I didn't say that.

Sheridan: You know what? If that's the way you feel, then find, I'll just go into the kitchen and make myself an accident. You can fend for yourself.

Luis ::smirking:: Fine

Sheridan: Fine

51. Luis and Sheridan Cooking

Sheridan: Where'd that come from

Luis: Well I saw that your cupboards were bare, so I figured I get some groceries. The guy just delivered 'em.

Sheridan: Steaks?

Luis: Porterhouse. Corn on the cob, fresh cut tomatoes. While you're scrabling away, I'll be cooking up an all American Feast.

Sheridan: I can't believe you made your own salad dressing from scratch.

Luis: You think I'd put glob from a bottle on my fresh salad? No way. How's your eggs coming?

Sheridan: Well, I'd add a dash of wostershire sauce.

Luis: Ooh, fantastic, go for it.

Sheridan: I would but I don't have any.

Luis: Oh, that's a shame, that would of really jazzed up your dinner.

Sheridan takes a dip of Luis' dressing.

Sheridan: Needs pepper. You know, its one talent I never expected you to have.

Luis: Oh, Mama made sure I knew my way around the kitchen. See, when she was browing up, a man would never even get near a stove. She wanted it to be different for us kids. Came in handy, when pop disappeared she had to take on a second job. She wasn't around most nights. So, I had to learn to cook and clean and take care of Theresa and Miguel, bathe 'em, change their dipers, take care of them when they were sick.

Sheridan: I don't know how to do any of that stuff, the servants alwasy took care of everything. In fact, I don't think my own mother knew how to cook. Julian and I were growing up, we knew the kitchen was some place in the back of the house, but whenever we wanted something to eat, it just magically appeared.

Luis: There's no magic in our house, everybody worked.

Sheridan: More than the rest.

Luis: Yeah, was what it was.

Sheridan: You know, I don't even have the foggiest idea how to bathe a baby.

Luis: Lets face it Sheridan, you missed out. For all those years of jet setting around Europe, skiing with ??? or sailing with the prince of Monoco or whoever. You missed out on a lot. Oh sure, it wasn't always fun having all the responsibilities I had as a kid, but it made me feel good about myself. Some day I can't wait to meed someone and get married and raise a family of my own.

Sheridan: What's that smell?

Luis: Something's burning

Sheridan: Ugh, my eggs.

Luis: Nothing's worse than charred eggs.

Luis picks up steak and prepares his meal while Sheridan has burnt eggs.

52. Luis and Sheridan Eating Dinner

Luis: Mm Mm Mmmm

Sheridan: You're right, this is a wreck.

Luis: You totalled it, its first degree arson.

Luis cuts his steak and gives 1/2 to Sheridan.

Sheridan: What are you doing?

Luis: Well I am here to make sure you don't die, and that includes starvation

Sheridan: Its your steak

Luis: Tender, juicy, perfectly well steak. It doesn't eat better.

Sheridan: You sure?

Luis: Look, I figured you were disaster for the Culinary Arts so I bought for two.

Luis gives Sheridan one of his corn on the bob.

Sheridan: I couldn't.

Luis: But you will.

Sheridan: Well if that is an order. (She spots the gun on the table next to her food) Do you mind putting that thing away when we eat dinner?

Luis: That thing might just keep you from getting killed. You're a target Sheridan, lets not forget that.

Sheridan: You really think somebody's gonna come after me here at the cottage? I don't think so.

53. Sheridan Shows Luis Some Slides From Spain

[Sheridan arriving at Luis' back door]

Sheridan: Ahhh this is foolish. I shouldn't have come.

[Luis comes out the back door]

Luis: Sheridan! Well, you just missed her.

Sheridan: Really, actually I'm here to see you. Aren't you freezing out here without your coat on?

Luis: No [chuckles] I was only going to chop some wood, you know there's only two things you can do in this kind of weather to stay warm.

Sheridan: What's the other?

Luis: Oh, it's a guy's joke [chuckles]

Sheridan: Oh..oh I get it..

Luis: right. Do you want to come inside?

Sheridan: Yes, I am a bit cold out here, seeing I'm not going to be chopping wood or the…thank you. [they walk inside]

Luis: Uh…let me get your coat.

Sheridan: Thanks.

Luis: Uh..come on...come on in [they walk into the living room]

Sberidan: Ok.

Luis: Uh you know do you want some coffee? I'll make a fresh pot.

Sheridan: Uh oh no, I can't stay. Ah I just stopped by to give you something.

Luis: Oh giving me a present.

Sheridan: I hope you like it!

Luis: Oh it's ah…wow. Sheridan: It's slides from the photos I took when I was in Spain.

{Luis opening up the slide box]

Luis: Wow terrific!

Sheridan: I remember that you had mentioned that you always wanted to go there.

Luis: yeah, yeah I do, one day.

Sheridan: It was magnificent country. I though you might like to see the places I found thrilling.

Luis: I would, that's really nice thanks Sheridan, but I, I wish I had a gift for you.

Sheridan: Oh it's not a Christmas present, well not really. You did replace my compact.

Luis: Yeah well that wasn't a gift either.

Sheridan: You also made Harmony feel like home to me, that's the greatest present that anyone has ever given me.

[They walk over to the couch and sit down]

Luis: I've looked at books of Spain and looked at hundreds of pictures, but these slides are different. It will be like, will be like seeing Spain through your eyes.

Sheridan: There photos of the places I like best, places that most guide books won't include.

Luis: That's great.

Sheridan: You know if you want I can make a list of what each slide is a shot of. That way you'll know all the best places to go see when you're in Spain.

Luis: Oh yeah, you know it would be better to see Spain with a guide.

Sheridan: Yes, it would be.

Luis: Right, uh… [Luis is mesmerized looking at Sheridan]

[Luis stands up to get a better view of the slide he's holding and Sheridan joins him]

Luis: Oh wow, this is incredible!

Sheridan: Oh that's Costa de Marbella. I took those pictures of the bay at sunset. If you look really close it almost looks like the light is dancing on the water. Isn't it beautiful?

Luis: Yeah it is. [Luis is watching Sheridan, mesmerized once again]

Sheridan: You can see them much better on a slide projector.

[They both are gazing at each other and have longing looks at each other eyes and lips]

Phone rings…

54. OLD CLASSIC: Sheridan serving her hours of Community Service

Sheridan: What's my next assignment? I've got 96 hours and 15 more minutes left. The sooner I get through, the better.

Luis: Well, there's something we can agree on. Let's see. Your next assignment.

Sheridan: Cleaning the toilets? Tarring the roof?

Luis: I've considered that, but no. I've been watching you work and I can see what your real potentials now.

Sheridan: Oh? And what's that, Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald?

Luis: Well, it's a stretch, but --

Sheridan: What do you want me to do?

Luis: Order lunch. If you can handle it.

Luis: Here are the menus. They all deliver.

Sheridan: I'd rather go pick it up. I need the air.

Luis: Suit yourself.

Sheridan: What do you want to eat?

Luis: You decide.

Sheridan: I'm honored.

Luis: Oh.

[Sheridan walks in]

Sheridan: Am I interrupting something?

Luis: Yeah, well -- you got lunch?

Sheridan: Right here.

Luis: Finally.

Hank: Smells good.

Sheridan: I ordered Chinese food.

Luis: Chinese for lunch?

Sheridan: Mm-hmm.

Hank: I love Chinese anytime.

Sheridan: Me, too. I wanted to try something different, so I ordered off the menu.

Luis: What do you mean, "different"?

Sheridan: Well, I thought we'd start with something light. Moss soup with mushrooms. {Hank starts smiling}

Luis: Moss soup?

Sheridan: Then I have fried frogs' legs with balsamic pears.

Luis: Frogs' legs?

Sheridan: Mm-hmm. Eels braised in a spicy sauce. Um -- cow tongue.

Luis: Cow tongue?

Sheridan: With a rice crust. Let's see. Steamed wild duck.

Luis: Ok, wild duck. That's something I can eat.

Sheridan: And that's sauteed with gizzard in a sweet-and-sour snail sauce.

Luis: Snail sauce? You've got to be kidding.

Sheridan: Oh, you know what? You're right. I should've ordered a light caterpillar sauce.

Luis: Cat-- what? You know, I ask you to do one simple thing -- order lunch -- and you can't even do that?

Sheridan: I ordered lunch.

Luis: Nothing edible. Why didn't you order from the book cafe?

Sheridan: Because I wanted to try something different.

Luis: Oh, and that's all that matters, isn't it -- what you want. A true Crane. You know, maybe you would think that no one else wants gizzards sauteed with caterpillars.

Hank: That's steamed duck, Luis, with a sweet-and-sour gizzard sauce.

Luis: Shut up. You're so hot to try something, why don't you try thinking about someone else for a change? That would be different.

Luis: I can't eat this. I'll have to go out.

Sheridan: Luis, wait. I ordered you some steamed rice and some beef and broccoli.

Luis: You did?

Sheridan: Yes. I figured you wouldn't want to try anything too adventurous.

Luis: Oh, you have no idea how adventurous I can be.

Sheridan: Oh. Then I guess you'll try the eel?

Luis: No, the beef's fine. No forks?

Sheridan: I thought you said you were adventurous.

Luis: I'll get my own.

Sheridan: The least he could've done was tried to use the chopsticks.

Hank: Well, you knew damn well he wouldn't.

Sheridan: He's such a basic beef and vegetable kind of guy.

Hank: Well, you read him right. He always had a cheeseburger and fries when we doubledated in high school and Latin food at home.

Sheridan: Oh, I feel sorry for any girl who dated him. Could anyone be so desperate?

Luis: Well, at least my dates could identify what they were eating.

Sheridan: Oh, I'm sure -- because you probably told them what to order.

Sheridan: Of course. Boy, you must've been something in high school. Heartthrob of Harmony high.

Hank: Well, I had my share of dates, but I wasn't the main heartthrob.

Sheridan: Oh? Hmm. Boy, he must've been something, whoever he was, to have beaten you out of the title.

Hank: Oh, he's one of the best men I've ever known. Was captain of the football team, the basketball team, and baseball team. He was not only that, but class president and valedictorian.

Sheridan: Wow. Where did he end up? Stanford, Harvard, Yale?

Hank: No, he didn't go to college. Stayed right here in Harmony and became a cop.

Sheridan: Man. What a waste. Oh, you're not talking -- oh, Luis, I'm -- I'm really sorry.

Luis: No, that's ok. I make no apologies for what I've done with my life or the choices I've made. I mean, yeah, my blue-collar job may be a world away from a Harvard grad's, but I' proud of what I accomplished. I wouldn't change a thing. Thanks for the beef and broccoli. Maybe next time we'll have cheeseburgers. I'm just going to pump up some basketballs for the tournament.

{He leaves, and Sheridan tells Hank she feels awful about hurting him}

Sheridan: {Walking up to Luis with a piece of paper} You did a background check on me? Why?

Luis: I like to know who's working for me.

Sheridan: Damn you. {She wads up the paper and throws it at him}

Hank: {Looking at the paper} Well, according to this, Sheridan's past is squeaky clean.

Luis: Maybe. But I still think she's hiding something from her past.

Hank: What could she be hiding?

Luis: I don't know. But as long as she's working here, I'm going to keep an eye on her.
