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You Know You're Obsessed With Duo When:

Soory people! Some of your submitions to this area were deleted! See if you or you e-mail is here, if not, please re-send the ideas! Sorry! ^_^;;

1. You watch, and like every episode of GW/EW that Duo's in.
2. You call yourself "Hilde", because she's Duo's girlfriend.
3. You hate yaoi for the main reasons: You believe Duo should only be with you, and you believe he is NOT gay.
4. You HAVE to own every piece of Duo merchandise ever made.
5. After 4, you then start hording the original animation cells from the show.
6. You create a Duo Maxwell dedication site.
7. You belong to every Duo Maxwell fan club/mailing list/webring on the net.
8. After 7, you create your OWN Duo Maxwell fan club/mailing list/webring/etc.
9. You spend your free time thinking up ways to tell if you're obsessed with Duo.
10. You have collected and saved every Duo pic on the web.
11. After 10, you draw your OWN pics to add to your collection.
12. You downloaded every Duo Maxwell song, wav, ra, midi, MP3, voice clip, etc on the net.
13. You can quote Duo.
14. (from 13) your daily life.
15. You have memorized ALL his lines, and talk along with him, while watching the show.
16. (from 15) you don't want to talk while he's talking, 'cause you like hearing his voice.
17. You only pay attention to the scenes Duo is in.
18. You put all the Duo poster/wallscrolls in your room.
19. (from 19) on the ceiling.
20. (from 19, 20) above your bed.
21. You write Duo fanfics.
22. (from 21) with Duo paired with yourself, or a character you would like to be.
23. Your friends call you "Hilde".
24. You call your boyfriend "Duo" or "Shinigami".
25. (from 24) you make him grow his hair out, and braid it. (oh, about a yard long)
26. (from 24, 25) you make him call his black car "Deathscythe".
27. (from 24, 25, 26) you make him call you "Hilde" or "Shinimegami".
28. You WANT Duo so bad,...
29. (optional) you dress like Duo (or Hilde).
30. You learn Japanese mainly because; when you watch/hear the Japanese version, you want to know what Duo's saying.
31. You wish there were more Duo (optional: /Hilde) scenes.

Submitted by: (not yet confirmed)

32. You wear only black because you know it's Duo's fav. color.
33. You convert to Catholocism because he is.
34. You name your pet(s) Duo(Shinigami,Max,Hilde,etc,,,)
35. You rename your dog's name from Dingo to Duo (Shinigami) -
36. Whenever you hear duo's name the hairs on the back of your neck stand up( : -

ok, now YOU can come up with some. Sumbit here. Thank you.