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Duo and Hilde: Just Friends

Part 1

By: Mina





Duo: Yeah guys! I really gotta visit her. I promised.


Quatre: All right, it's always good to keep your promises.


Duo: Bye guys, and hopefully I'll return with her.


Relena: Bye Duo, we'll all miss you! Right guys?


All the guys but Quatre shrug.


Duo: Yeah guys, I'll miss you too. Thanks Relena, bye!


Final call for flight 144 to Colony L1, Final Call.


Duo: Bye


Duo vanished in the flood of people who were to get on to the airplane.


Relena: I hope he finds what he's looking for. But still, that's really romantic, don't you think Heero?


Heero: No, and those two are only friends.


Relena: Ok, ruin the moment. Let's go guys.


Relena and the pack filed out of the airport and went home to wait for Duo's return.


~ Back to Duo entering from the flight into Colony L1~


Duo: I wonder if I should've called? Oh well, I wonder where she could be.


Duo walked over to a newspaper stand to talk to the sales person.


Duo: Hey, do you know a girl about yea height, with the name Hilde?


Seller: Do I know her? Son, are you blind? Who are you anyway? Not from around here are ya?


Duo: Now to conclude today's episode of twenty questions. . .


Seller: Hey son, just look right in front of your face sometime.


Duo: Ok, thanks buddy.


Duo then walks away with a confused look on his face.


Duo: What a nut job! Look in front of me, sure whatever. . . oh.


Duo then saw a huge poster with Hilde on the cover. She was wearing spandex shorts, Duo thought they looked just like Heero's, and a huge shirt with a volleyball logo on it. The poster read: Colony's L1- VOLLEYBALL all colony team: Staring the player of the year in the whole Solar System: Hilde


Duo: Whoa! I missed a lot, gotta check out the gym now.


Duo picked up his carryon bag and went down to the local gym. He saw Hilde right away practicing with her team.


Duo: Wow, she's awesome at the spiking thing!


The ball then suddenly rolled off the court to Duo's black covered feet.


Hilde: Hey! Can I have the ball over here!


Duo's thoughts: Oh great she doesn't even remember her like best friend.


Hilde: Hey! I said can I please see the. . . hey, do I know you?


Duo looked up.


Hilde: Duo! Oh my gosh! I thought you wouldn't come back!


Duo: Heh, I am back all right.


Hilde: Great! (Hilde then lets go of the hug she had given Duo) Lets blow this!


Duo: What? Isn't this like your job?


Hilde: They won't notice am gone. I am not that important ya know! Lets jet!


And with that, Hilde grabbed Duo's arm and ran off with him.


Duo: Where are we going?


Hilde: Oh, to my apartment. I gotta freshen up before we go out and have fun! Here we are.


Hilde opened up her door to an average size apartment with one bedroom and a kitchen.


Hilde: Hey, just make yourself at home, I'll be out of the shower in no time!


Duo: Sure thing, I'll just watch a little TV.


Duo heard the shower running and knew with a girl like that, she'd probably be a while. In about fifteen minutes, Hilde came out of the bathroom.


Hilde: Hey Duo?


Duo turned around to see her leaning on the doorpost in a towel.


Hilde: Hand me my clothes on my bed over there?


Duo: Sure, here ya go.


Duo threw Hilde her clothes and in the process her bra fell out.


Hilde: Umm. . . . I kind of need that too.


Duo: Oh, yeah, here. But first, come and get it!


Duo raise the garment above his head, he was slightly taller than Hilde herself.


Hilde: Sure, play games when all I have on is a towel. Come on, give it up.


Hilde swooped for the bra and ended up in Duo's arms. He twisted her around and his face was only a few inches away for her's.


Duo: Here, I was just joking with ya.


Duo said as he back away from his grasp with Hilde.


Hilde: Thanks. I'll be ready in a minute.


When Hilde was finally done, she came out wearing two tub-tops. One was white under another that was blue. She also wore jean petal-pushers with Yellowbox slip-ons.


Hilde: Ready?


Duo: Now that's what I came back for! Let's go babe!



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