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Phloe's Site Particulars, Insights

For the record- I've been a fan of the show since I was 12, which translates into more than half of my young life. In my golden days, it was all about Bo and Hope, Roman and Marlena, and my all-time favs, STEVE AND KAYLA! The show is VERY DIFFERENT now. I'll leave it at that. Let me also say this up front- if you're looking for pictures, actual spoilers, cast bios and things of that nature, you will NOT find them here. I have set up a link page to take you to those places. This page is about the SHOW itself- I don't do neat graphics and other treats because I simply don't have time. But I love to talk Days and I love to know what other people think. Please email me at anytime with your thoughts and such. I update this page as much as possible on a weekly basis, usually on a late Friday night after I've traded my corporate uniform for my Harley-Davidson Tee shirt and my sweats! Chloe is our role model here, basically because, she's DIFFERENT! And even more so, because she's the closest to a REAL person I've seen on daytime in quite a while. All the pages are her honor. I dedicate this page to the people who can relate to Chloe...especially to the people who are Chloe-s in real life. I myself, am a Nancy...and proud of it. Now, I have to say, what follows is a straight-forward look at the show. There aren't any obscenities, but there is frank language. So, if you are easily offended somehow, this may not be the site for you. Dear Friends, this is my first attempt at a web site, as most of you can probably tell. Please be gentle, but do not be afraid to tell me what you think! All help, thoughts, suggestions, conflicts, etc, are welcome. But I'm not big on archives, so if you see something you like, then cut it, paste it, print it, whatever. It'll only be around a little while. So, with that, I encourage you to click on any and all the topics on the main page and enjoy! Welcome to the Maxi Pad.

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