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                                                Aircraft Fighters



The sleek fuselage of the Razor-X-wing starfighter is 12.5 meters long. The long, narrow spaceframe is flanked in the aft quarter by four massive realspace engines. Each engine has an aerodynamic S-foil mounted on it. The wings not only serve as stabilizer surfaces in air travel, but also distribute deflector shield energy and serve as weapons mounts. The surface of each S-foil bears squadron and fighter markings.

Located midway through the ship is the Razor-X-wing's cockpit module. Behind the X-wing's cockpit is an astromech socket. The astromech droid provides astrogation data for the fighter's hyperdrives, and serves as a co-pilot and technician during flight. Three landing gears extend when the fighter is docked.


Cruising: Warp 1
Maximum: Warp 2
Emergency (Warp Jump): Warp 4 (6 hours)

       Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2
       Launchers: 8
              Micro-torpedo casings in wings: 8
       Micro-quantum: 8
Defensive systems:
       Light Shielding System
       Ablative Armour

Length: 12.5 meters
Width: 9.5 meters
Height: 4 meters

Technical Specifications for Broadsword Class

Category: Fighter


Cruising: Warp 1
Maximum: Warp 2
Emergency (Warp Jump): Warp 6 (20 minutes)

       Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 4
       Launchers: 2
              Micro-torpedo launchers: 2
       Micro-quantum: 12
Defensive systems:
       Light Shielding System
       Ablative Armour

Length: 12 meters
Width: 14 meters
Height: 4 meters


Valkyrie Class

The Valkyrie is based on an aerowing design, which is suitable for limited atmospheric flight. The smoothed aerowing surface encases the twin warp nacelles and impulse engines. The cockpit incorporates features similar to a standard Starfleet shuttlecraft, with additional mission specific equipment, and the incorporation of a manual steering column. The cockpit also incorporates an Emergency Transporter system for the flight crew.

The two-man crew is composed of a pilot and gunner station, both working in tandem to maximize the Valkyrie’s systems. The flight suits the crew wears provide reserve life-support functions, and there has been no accommodations made for crew relaxation or rest outside of their flight seats. The Valkyrie is small enough to operate from a standard Starfleet shuttlebay, and it can also dock using the ventral docking port, which also serves as the crews’ primary hatch.

The escape pod is incorporated into the forward fuselage/cockpit and is designed to separate from the engineering section of the fighter. In case of catastrophic damage the crew can eject the forward 1/3 of the Valkyrie and get clear of the explosion. In this mode, the cockpit can serve as a standard Starfleet escape pod, complete with reentry capabilities and an encoded subspace distress beacon. The Valkyrie also features a low-powered tractor beam system. This allows the Valkyrie to be used to retrieve escape pods, cargo, and allows it to tow other fighters back to the base of operations.

The Valkyrie is built around the Two Type U+ Pulse Phaser Cannons, which are considered its primary weapon system. Two conventional Type V Phaser arrays have been incorporated along the Valkyrie’s dorsal and ventral spine as defensive weapons. The Type V Phasers are also intended to deter pursing spacecraft, and when an experienced pilot/gunner team utilizes the Valkyrie’s capabilities they can be used to herd enemies into firing position.

The Valkyrie’s close-range weaponry has been augmented by the addition of two-microtorpedo launchers. These are utilized during short-range strafing attacks, and when the Valkyrie is utilized to support Starfleet ground units and a photon torpedo strike would endanger friendly and enemy units alike.

Technical Specifications for Valkyrie Class

Category: Fighter


Cruising: Warp 2
Maximum: Warp 4
Emergency (Warp Jump): Warp 7 (10 minutes)

       Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2
       Type V Array: 2
       Launchers: 2
              Micro-torpedo launchers: 2
       Micro-photon: 10
Defensive systems:
       Ablative Armour
       Light Shielding System

Length: 19.13 meters
Width: 14.56 meters
Height: 2.89 meters

Wraith Class


The Wraith Class of fighters measures just over 16m in length, and 10m in width- making it around a similar size to a type-11 shuttlecraft. Therefore, it is small enough to be carried on most ships, can enter a standard Starfleet shuttlebay, although it does have the capability to dock via the ventral docking hatch- which is a feature shared with the Valkyrie space superiority fighter.

Also, like the Valkyrie, the Wraith’s aerowing design allows it to enter atmospheres for limited periods. This, combined with the sensor capabilities of the Wraith, makes it an invaluable scouting unit- ideally suited to planetary surveys, or covert missions where use of a starship would be considered too great a risk. The nacelles and impulse engines are encased in the space frame of the ship, with a cockpit based on that of a type-9 shuttlecraft, although it can only seat one person.

What makes the Wraith Class such an invaluable design is the inclusion of a high-powered sensor array, allowing it to carry out tasks that would normally prove difficult for a shuttlecraft or runabout. As with any major benefit, this comes at a price. On the Wraith, some of the battlefield weaponry and armour has been sacrificed to accommodate slightly longer warp endurance and higher speeds at impulse.

The craft also features basic crew facilities, such as a bunk for rest, and a head. These features were incorporated to allow the crew to be away from their support vessel for up to several days at a time.

Technical Specifications for Wraith Class

Category: Fighter


Cruising: Warp 1.5
Maximum: Warp 3
Emergency (Warp Jump): Warp 5 (24 hours)

       Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2
       Launchers: 2
              Micro-torpedo launchers: 2
       Micro-photon: 6
Defensive systems:
       Light Shielding System

Length: 16 meters
Width: 10.6 meters
Height: 2.89 meters