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U.S.S. Rhode Island NCC-58858

USS Rhode Island A Star Trek PBeM RPG

The USS Rhode Island
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"To Boudly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before..."

Star Trek: Rhode Island The Ultimate Play-By-Email Sim!

U.S.S. Rhode Island NCC-58858

Welcome to Star Trek: U.S.S. Rhode Island! This site is a Play-By-E-Mail, (PBeM), simulation stationed aboard the Sovereign class starship, the U.S.S. Rhode Island in the year of 2386.

With the arrival of the starship Voyager who made its arrival home from there quite extensive journey in the Delta Quadrant, concluding with the ending of the Dominion War, the United Federation of Planets has rebuilt the following ships, the U.S.S. Enterprise, the U.S.S. Sovereign, and the U.S.S. Excelsior have all been issued back into service for the Federation.

Commander St. Claire has embarked on his first mission as a commanding officer on a Starfleet vessel, the U.S.S. Rhode Island, a Sovereign class starship. The Rhode Island's primary mission: to defend the United Federation Of Planets, its secondary mission: to explore space and unknown worlds. The Federation refers to the Rhode Island as a battle cruiser. She has extremely powerful Warp capability and also has a quite vast arsenal. The Sovereign class is the most powerful kind of class the Federation has to offer, but immensely following Galaxy, Pantheon, and Prometheus class starships.

If you are new to PBeM Sims please make your way to the BREIFING page. Next, look thoroughly over the SIM MANUAL. These selected pages will inform you on everything you need to know about the U.S.S. Rhode Island PBeM Sim.

If you would like to join the U.S.S. Rhode Island please fill out an APPLICATION. You may create a new character, or if you may like to transfer your character from another sim to the U.S.S. Rhode Island. Please notify your Commanding Officer if you decide to transfer to the U.S.S. Rhode Island. Commander St. Claire will look over the application. He will give you a reply back within four to five days. If you do not receive a reply back within five or more days then send the COMMANDING OFFICER a note via e-mail.

To look at the available positions on the U.S.S. Rhode Island please browse throughout the MANIFEST page.


Commander Andrew M. Rivers, Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Rhode Island NCC-58858, Sovereign Class

Vanguard (9th) Fleet, Delta Quadrant

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