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Name: George Styczynski

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Home World: Earth

Place of Birth: Poland, Grudziadz

Date of Birth: January, 17, 2355

Age: 25

He is quite small and slim, even after Academy training. And he doesn’t like to participate at any strength sports, more likely you will find him in tree crowns on holodeck or on the chessboard - and probably it will stay so.

Weight: 50 kg

Height: 172 cm

Eye color: Gray

Hair color: Blond

Skin Tone: White

Distinguishing Marks: No visible, many scars at the chest after a console explosion and few scars made by disruptor fire.

Mother: Lucyna, dead, killed by Jem’Hadar on Betazed
Father: Marek, dead, killed by Jem’Hadar on Betazed

Special Abilities: None

What makes him what he is is knowledge of the galaxy and all dirty places in it. And tactics that he has learned from Orions and Pakleds. He is not the best, but he is one the most ruthless. Klingons fight for glory. Skorr fights for religion, Jem’Hadar for Founders. But he fights only for victory. And for victory, he will do anything well. He can also cook and is quite good at it - especially with a polish kitchen.

He doesn’t like fight hand-to-hand and truly has not much chances in it. And never fight fair. If he must - will use all dirty tricks - but in fair fight wont have a chance against a baby. And he fears spiders. Well to say the truth, he fears all insects. Even intelligent, so be better carful on taking him on first contact missions with Insectoids.

Likes: He like Irish music and few musicians from twentieth century like Vangelis or Enya. And chocolate. In any form but most - mint choco-sticks.

Dislikes: Replicated food. He hates it so much that at any possibility buy as much vegetables and fresh meat as possible. Or hunt it on all possible occasions. And if he cannot get any fresh food - then eat mostly emergency rations.

Quirks: He is very shy. Avoid people as much as possible but is always gentle to any, who speak to him. It’s good to say that at any sign of nearing women - he magically disappears.

Only one - its cooking. Not programing a replicator but real cooking. In his quarter he has a true kitchen and if go on M class planet almost every time he hunts and then the crew has splendid feast.

To any he says that what he have is anything he can wish. Money, fame in ‘true’ (uncivilized) regions of galaxy ... But truly one thing that he really wants is family. And a son. He is the last one of his family and if he dies - family will end.

2360-2368 - Primary school in Poland.
2368-2372 - Secondary school on board of USS Kiowa.
2372-2373 - College in Poland, broke after his parents’ death.
2374 - Tried for SF Academy, but after half year broke, sell anything that he has, bought a warp-capable shuttle and gone for a “walk”.
2374-2380 - Spent this time flying around Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Service Record:
2374 - Flown ‘around’ in Alpha quadrant.
2375-2378 - Spent this time with a Ferengi weapon trader and learned how to “make profit”.
2378 - Bought a Ferengi ship and modified it for a warship.
2378-2379 - Spent this time with Pakleds. Had many successes - biggest one was to stole a cloaking device from Romulan Warbirds (why Romulans have not hunted him for this, even he doesn’t know. Perhaps were ashamed to be manipulated by Pakleds).
2380 - At beginning of year talked with Starfleet command about his services for Starfleet. Has been accepted but only as a Starfleet member. He accepted Starfleet propose and went to SF Academy.

Service Record:
2381 - Assigned to USS Pegasus after stint at Starfleet Academy.

Promotion History: Promoted to Lieutenant junior grade shortly after arriving on the USS Pegasus.

In ‘true’ regions of space (outside Federation) he is respected mostly for his accomplishments in weapons and slaves trading and avoiding capture by the Federation. The Pakleds sees him as a “Strong Friend.”

= = = Starfleet Academy, 17.01.2380 = = =: Well counselor. What can I do for you? ... What You can do for me!? I do not know. Academy Commander has told me to go to you, so I’m here. Why, I don’t know. But I want to end this Academy so I’m here. ... About my family? ... I have none. My parents were killed on Betazed. I have never any sibling. After all those wars and skirmishes my family was reduced to two. My parents. And now I’m the last one. You know counselor, my family dates to the beginnings of Poland. We have been warriors, priests, diplomats. Even kings. Hah. I have “blue blood” in my veins. And now I’m the last one. Two thousand years old history will end with me. And no one will remember us ... Why I will not put a family? For what counselor? What can I show them? Wars. Death. Pain. This part of the galaxy is now bathed in blood. If my children should live in such times - then it is better that they never be born. ... No counselor. End of theme. I don’t want to talk about this ... Yes. Good bye. We will see us next week.

A week later

Hello. Thanks. If You are so nice than hot chocolate, please. With touch of mint ... ah. What aroma. You know, counselor. I have always drunken it. Orions, Klingons, Ferengi ... have fun with it. They don’t accept naything that don’t have any alcohol ... This drink has something in it. It always remembers me of home. Real home. As we have on Earth. Little wooden house without all this modern things like replicators. Have you ever lived without this all ..? All this technology. Ever caught your own dinner. Ever seen stars with fire cracks merrily nearby ... no? Than you have never truly lived. Try it when you have chance ... no. No hunting. If you relay on this, you can starve. ... holodecks. This is only simulation. Not live ... No ha ha ha, no counselor. You should counsel me, not I You. Yes. About my friend ... I don’t remember them. Well. Those human ones. I think that I have some in school. But that was eons ago ... No. After my parents were killed, I have not made a friend until ... no. You will laugh. ... You will. Trust me. No. Perhaps later, when you understood how it is there. In space ... You have been there? No. You have been on Starfleet ship. Not in space. ... Perhaps. Perhaps not. Yes counselor. I will tell you how it is out there. But next week. Good day.

A week later

It’s nice to see you, counselor. ... Thank you. You know what. I have almost missed our little talks. I think that you are the only person here with which I can talk ... most of the cadets are good specialists, but ... perhaps I have spent to many years in space ... No, no counselor. I like them, and even go for a beer from time to time with them. But they talk about girls, warp coils, plasma and stellar cartography. ... About what I can talk. How to get something that his owner doesn’t want to share. How to catch, sell or buy slaves, weapons, narcotics. How to trick a Romulan captain. I’m a vagabond. Not a nice federation citizen. We don’t have common subjects. ... Girls? Sure that I like them ... well. I like girls but ... you know what Orions have talked about me? ... That I’m a magician. ... Why? It’s simple. If girls have shown nearby, I have vanished. Magically ha ha ha ... Shy? Afraid? Noooo ... yes. I think. It’s funny. I have faced Romulans, Orion crime bosses, any type of scum of this part of the galaxy. And I’m afraid of girls. I have thousands ... well hundreds of them. Have bought and sell them. But never, ever used one. Hell. I’m twenty five and still a Virgin ... eeee ... good bye counselor ...

And next week

I’m late, I know. And I’m sorry. Really. This is for you ... Its polish speciality ... thanks. I’m pleased that it taste you ... what it is ... well. Sometimes it’s better not too known ... ha ha ha, I know that this is a cake. It’s called mazurek. I don’t know any proper translation. A replicator recipe? Counselor. I will never, ever give a replicated cake as a gift ... yes. I have baked it myself ... Thanks. So. What do you want to know? ... Something about my life in Orions Space ... I really don’t know what to say. For short it’s so: if you are not an Orion and in Orion space then you have big ship, are an officer or mercenary. If not, than you are a property of one of Orion syndicate bosses. Or a slave. What is a difference between them? If you live on Orion planet you are free men. Well. You can travel were you want, you can have family and so. If you want to have an interest or make money - you must have agreement from Orion Syndicate on your planet. And pay them. And if you are a slave you can do only what your owner tells you. Or you can die ... if you are lucky. ........ I was a mercenary ... and merchant. I have my own ship, friend between Ferengi merchants and was quite good in space-fight. And I have sold weapons that they need. Of course that I have. ... Liked? Only someone who never have killed can ask something like this! ... I know that there are ... individuals that like to kill. The galaxy is full of perverts. ... No. ... I have killed because I must, to survive. But never, ever for joy. ... NO! ... Sorry. You know what. Someone long time ago have said than one death is tragedy, millions its only statistic. Think that it was Iosif Stalin. Or perhaps Lenin. Not important. Important is, that he has right. I remember anyone whom I have killed. Anyone. And trust me counselor. There are many of them. Sometimes I can see them in my dreams ... no. Not nightmares. Just dreams. I’m not afraid of deaths. They cannot harm me. But you know what. I cannot remember even one names of those ships destroyed by me. Silly huh? I have killed hundreds on those ships and I remember not even one of them ... Why? I think because fighting in space is as fighting against a machine. Not living creatures inside, but hull, disruptors, shields. But to see as life vanish from eyes, to fell last heart beats on your knife. To smell blood. It’s something that you never forget .......... Slaves? ... Ah, yes. I have few of them. You know - a weapon merchant without a beautiful slaves wont be respected. He must have them if not for any day than for ... ahm ... official thing. And buying and selling slaves is quite profitable ... disgusting? Yes. Very. And humiliating. You don’t know how. But there are worse things, and I try to forget them. The look in their eyes ... Forget it, counselor. I must go. Be lucky that you have your precious Federation. You don’t know how lucky you are.

Next week

Last one? Well. Perhaps commander is right. So. What do you want to know now? ... My friends that I have mentioned. All right. They were Pakleds. ... Don’t smile. I know what rest of the galaxy thinks about them. But trust me. They are wrong. You all see them as they look, or speak. It’s wrong. They can think slowly, but this not makes them stupid. You know that some Pakled ships are most powerful that our Galaxy-X or Sovereign class cruisers. You know that they have cures for diseases that we even not known. They are able to connect Federation, Ferengi, Romulan and who know what else technologies. And make them work. When I have come to their world, I have thought like you. And quickly learned that that was a mistake. I have given them my ship and they have given me a crew. You won’t believe what they have done. Perhaps most impressive was stealing a cloaking device from Romulan Warbird. I don’t know how they made this. But they have. ... No. I think Romulans were too much ashamed to hunt us. If anyone would know that they have been tricked by Pakleds they will be a laughing stock for everyone in the galaxy. ... Few weeks after this I have leaved them. And came here. Pakleds are my only friends after schooldays. When I leaved, they have escorted me and called me their Strong Friend. And you know what. I’m quite rich, even by Ferengi standards. I have contacts on Ferenginar, personal contact to most Orion bosses, I was a good know trader. But nothing of this have made me so proud as this title given me by Pakleds ... Yes. Pity that our little talks are over. Here. It’s for you. A recipe for mazurek. Try to make it. It’s not the simplest cake, but its worth the trouble. Good day, counselor. May fortune smiles to you ...