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Name: Mei Ling Avia Lim MD PhD

Race: Human/Betazoid

Age: 27

Height: 5ft 9in

Place of Birth: Hong Kong, Asian Continent, Earth

DOB: Dec 2nd, 2353

Hair: Black

Eye: Black

Physical Description:
Mei Ling has a body that reflects her dancing background. She likes to keep her hair long and natural. She also does not try to mask the freckles on her cheeks and nose.

Marital Status: Single

Temperament: Gentle but authoritative

Likes: Chocolates

Dislikes: Spicy foods and arrogance

Strengths: Empathy and willingness to try new things

Weaknesses: Indecision

Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Standard English, Betazoid, Klingon, Romulan

Mei Ling has inherited the telepathic abilities of her mother, although her ability is not as developed as full Betazoids.

Mei Ling is an accomplished dancer, being proficient in: Ballet, Ballroom Dance and Jazz. Through her studies at the academy she also developed an interest in the martial arts, studying Tai-Chi Kung Fu as well as dabbling in Klingon. She also enjoys listening to ancient Chinese and European opera.

Father -Dr. Duk Jo Lim, Fellowship of Telepathic Research, United Federation of Planets Institute for the Sciences
Mother -Iskara Ren Lim
Sister -Commander Ling Ling Karulla Lim, First Officer, USS Schumann b. 2344
Ensign Wai Sze Joyey Lim, Medical Resident, USS Satie b. 2357
Ensign Yi Sze Lusie Lim, Medical Resident, Starfleet Medical b. 2358
Cadet Yun Fat Benvie Lim b. 2359

2370-2376: University of Beijing School of Medicine
2376-2380: Starfleet Academy, Medical Resident, Minor-Intelligence

Service Record:
2381: Assigned to USS Pegasus, ACMO
2382: Promoted to Lieutenant JG and CMO

Duk Jo Lim met Iskara Ren while doing post doctoral work on Betazed. He was a doctor who, during medical school had developed in an intense interest in both the biochemical and psychological aspects of telepathy. He was from a very traditional Chinese family who could trace their roots back to 1300 BC. Their dedication to the preservation of Chinese culture was such that very few members had married non-Chinese let alone an alien. They were strict followers of Confucianism and ancestral worship. Their whole family had even been given an award during the 21st century for their efforts to recapture the many aspects of history lost during the 20th century Cultural Revolution. Thus, Duk Jo's choice to move to Betazed for a fellowship at the University of Betazed was not well received.

Iskara Ren was from an unremarkable family. Her parents were both diplomats, a popular choice for many Betazoids at the end of the 23rd century, and fiercely proud of their culture. Iskara, however, had decided not to follow in their footsteps. She was much more artistic and had perused a career in ballet. By the time she met Duk Jo she was one of Betazed's premiere dancers. In fact she met him at a party thrown by the ballet company for visiting fellows of the university. Iskara was quite intrigues to hear about Chinese culture and to meet someone's whose parents were as devoted to their culture as hers.

They were married in 2342, Duk Jo's parents nearly spontaneously combusted. The arrival of Ling Ling two years later soon softened their demeanor. Her arrival also coincided with the completion of Duk Jo's fellowship. They made the decision to move back to Earth.

Mei Ling arrived seven years later quite in the shadow of her older sister. Ling Ling had become an accomplished martial artist with the goal of becoming a Starfleet officer. Mei Ling felt inadequate because she didn't have a goal in life nor had she had found her niche in academics or physically. Ridiculous sentiments for a young child, but not when she had the example of Ling Ling to live up to. This problem was only exacerbated by the arrival of Wai Sze four years later. She was as driven as Ling Ling and was determined to become a doctor just like their father. Yi Sze and Yun Fat who arrived in quick succession after Wai Sze were the same. Her parents were at a loss as to why Mei Ling was not driven.

This alienation from her siblings and in many respects her parents drove her into the arms of her grandparents. Nai Nai and Ye Ye, her father's parents loved to lecture on Chinese history. Mei Ling spent much of her youth in their home, learning all she could from them. Cantonese was the language of choice in their home, but her grandparents also taught her Mandarin and the more obscure Hokkien. On her mothers side her grandparents also taught her about Betazoid culture. They were also very instrumental in the development of her telepathic abilities when they began to emerge in her teens.

Despite the rich culture her life was filled with she still lacked a direction. Desperate for her parent’s approval she decided to study ballet at the ripe old age of 10. This move overjoyed her parents and she was welcomed back into the fold. Dancing was certainly a wonderful experience, she even diversified into Ballroom and Jazz. Unfortunately she could tell this was not her calling. As the prospect of university approached Mei Ling once again felt pressured to find her path. Ling Ling was already excelling in her career as a security officer and she seemed keen to lecture Mei Ling on the merits of being focused. She had followed in her mother's footsteps, so it was time to follow her fathers. Thus, at age 18 she entered the University of Beijing's accelerated 6 year undergrad-MD/Phd program.

Medical school was tough, but her father had little sympathy. By the time her six years were up Mei Ling was convinced again that this new endeavor was not the path she was meant to take. She applied to a residency at Starfleet Medical to become an officer and told her parents she was going to do medical research, however she did not plan on doing any research. She quite her research residency almost at once and enrolled in a primary care residency and the academy part-time, studying intelligence. Her father was at a loss and thanked the gods that the rest of his children were focused. Mei Ling felt content, despite being in the same class as her younger sibling, Wai Sze.

Mei Ling is still unsure whether she has found her calling, but she is excited to be embarking on a Starfleet career.

Psychological Profile:
Indecision is the hallmark of Mei Ling's life. Such a problem is not uncommon with children who belong to highly driven families. Even the most talented ones tend to feel inadequate if they do not find their interests at an early stage. Unfortunately, she does feel chronically inadequate and is constantly trying to prove herself. The professional successes she has served to diminish some feelings of inadequacy. However, I feel that she will not solve this problem until she finds a career she feels she belongs in. I just hope that her desire to find her path does not blind her to it.

The strong relationship with her heritage and grandparents is a great source of strength. She still has problems with her parents, but has been able to form bonds with her siblings in her adult life. Fortunately for all of her siblings, reality has led them to accept their sister, not look down upon her as they had done in the past.

Despite the fact that she appears to have a harsh exterior she is quite sweet and tends to make friends easily. The empathic side of her telepathic abilities seems to be very helpful in this.

-Counselor Cindy Rew, Lieutenant Commander, Starfleet Academy