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The naval rank and commendations images were created and are the property of Steve Marriott. These images were originally developed for Tango Fleet. Gracious permission was given by him and I thank him deeply for his assistance.

The Marine ranks were created and edited by Adam Goode , otherwise known as Kuro-chan of the website Kuro-RPG. Kuro-chan proved to be emmensley helpful and exceedingly approachable. I HIGHLY recommend you visit his site and enjoy his work. He is a true testament to 'Trek.'

The specifications of the USS Bloembergen were borrowed from For the original version, please visit the aformentioned site. This is a fabulous place, one I recommend you bookmark for reference.

Other meshes, images, etc. were used from StarTrek Australia. Again, this is an awesome place, one you should bookmark.

All images, Star Trek based wording, and the use of the Star Trek universe are used with the gracious permission of Paramount Pictures , with special thanks to the late Gene Roddenberry, Mr. Rick Berman, Mr. Rick Sternbach, Mr. Mike Okuda, et al. Thank you all for showing us the better side of humanity!

Special thanks to Nicolaas Bloembergen for all the work he has done to further the understanding of humanity. The information and image of Professor Bloembergen was attained here. Additional permission was received from Professor Nicolaas Bloembergen for the use of his name. If you wish to see said permission, please contact Captain Bane.

Further thanks goes to Mike Boston for his assistance in creating the Crew Roster page and Bio's pages. Thanks, Mike!! For the buttons images on the Main Page, recognition goes to Kirby Pereira. You are my hero, man!

The Biography of Nicolaas Bloembergen was attained here and here, and slightly edited for proper meshing.

[ Main Page ]

This site was created by and maintained by the Commanding Officer, Captain Bane Plase. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or discover something on this site that is yours and have not recieved proper credit for, please use the link on the main page to contact him.