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USS Odyssey NCC-8965-B

Crew Manifest

Position Rank Character's Name Status Bio
Commanding Officer Captain Tomasso Gambini GM
Executive Officer Lt. Demosthenes Rubert Vol’ivian AGM
Second Officer N/A
Captain's Yeoman N/A
Chief Helm Officer Lt. j.g. Jennifer Taylor NPC
Helm Officer N/A
Chief Engineer Lt. j.g. Eddie Hales NPC
Engineer Ensign Sunday Sanford NPC
Engineer N/A
Engineer N/A
Engineer N/A
Engineer N/A
Chief Medical Officer N/A
Medical Officer N/A
Nurse N/A
Chief Security Officer Lt. j.g. Jonathan Logann NPC
Assistant Chief Security Officer N/A
Security Officer N/A
Brig Officer N/A
VIP Gaurd N/A
Cadet N/A
Chief Science Officer N/A
Science Officer N/A
Stellar Cartographer Chief Petty Officer (3rd Class) Frank Krentz NPC
Biologist N/A
Language Specialist N/A
Physicist N/A
Alien Anthropologist N/A
Fighter Squadron
Fighter Squadron Leader N/A
Fighter Pilot N/A
Mechanic N/A
Civilian Specialist N/A
Crew Family Member N/A

GM = Game Master
AGM = Assistant Game Master
PC = Player's Character
NPC = Non Player Character

If the position you want is not listed, please select other on the application form and fill in the appropiate field. Thank you.

The pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBeM-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files free of charge to anyone who takes the time to ask him for there use.