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                     Terran Empire Rouge Squadron
       The tyrant Tiberius Kirk is long dead, and the Terran Empire in ruins, a new leader had to step forward. Demming a former captain in the Terran Fleet, took control since he was the best choice after Tiberius Kirk, because he was the exact opposite of him. He commissioned a base and a city on dying Earth, and called it Home One. He soon began constuction of a newer starbase because the other one was getting to old. So he commisioned an Aquarius Class Starbase and named it Earth One. Soon he needed a Military to protect the Earth, seeing as Tiberius took all the ships with him and they all died at the battle of Terok' Nor. In which the Klingon Cardassian Alliance defeated the Tiberius Fleet in a battle over the Wormhole at Bajor. Soon he had several ships finished including his own the ISS Titan, the first of its class. He dubbed these ships the Rouge Squadron, the fleet which would protect the Empire from all outsiders, inluding the powerful Klingon Cardassian Alliance.
                       We are the Rouge Squadron.