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Anywhere in Canada!

Couple Travling

Dreaming of Places' That are Exotic? In Canada? Then you have come to the right place W.E.T.A. has the best places' and prices that are good for any couple wanting to further thier relationship. For more info on hotels Click Here

Singles Looking For That Special Someone

Not very many singles like to go out and hunt for the "right" person. So we bring them to you in this group trip that will allow you to meet and "Hang Out" with them. It is that simple! For more info and sign up sheets Click Here

Family Adventures!

We all know that kids want to go to Disney Land and we also know that average famlies can't afford a trip like that so why not try something a little less expesive but just as fun? Where you ask? A little place I like to call West Edmonton Mall! Still too far for you then why not try Drumheller? Too hot for you then cool down at banffs ice fields?

Normally trips such as these cost way too much but booking with us makes it affordable and fun. Here you'll find out all the little details for bookings and time throughout the year.