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Megan Wren

Chief Science Offcier

Rank: Lieutenant | Sex: Female | Race: Human/Betazoid

Height: 5’5” | Weight: 114lbs | Eyes: deep blue | Hair: black, long

Home Planet: Earth | DOB: December 25, 2356 | Age: 22

Married: - | Children: -

Personal Traits:

Megan is a very playful person who finds pleasure in most aspects of life. She enjoys the company of friends but is shy around new people. She sometimes enjoys being wild or just plain silly, but tends to be self conscious. Megan also tends to get fully absorbed in her work or any task. She places a high value on family and friends, and adores children, probably because she didn't spend much time around them when she was a child.

Personal History:
Megan is the adopted daughter of Christopher and Marie Wren. Christopher is a Biologist who studied Current Evolution, which is part of the reason they traveled on earth so much. As a child Megan helped her father with his field work, but her interests lay more in the stars than in the earth. Marie was a musician and a home maker, as well as being Christopher's field assistant. She was in charge of Megan's education, and taught her to play the guitar.

Megan was adopted when she was 3 weeks old, and the names of her biological parents or why she was abandoned is unknown. From her appearance it can be concluded that her Human biological parent was at least partially of Asian decent.

Megan was home schooled by her parents until she was 12, at which time she began to attend regular school. Because of her home schooling she was ahead of other children her age and graduated early at age 15. She then went directly into the Academy because of her high test scores and the pulling of some strings by her parents.


Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Starship Operations
Major: Subspace physics
Minor: Spatial Anomalies

Doctorate: Astrophysics

Previous Assignments:

Awards and Commendations:
Received Young Scientist Award at age 10 for her paper and experiment on the adaptability of Vizcon Beetles.

Received invitation to study at Vulcan Institute of Science upon graduation from High school. Declined due to desire to study at Star Fleet Academy.

Has 2 papers published in the Starfleet Journal of Science, one on Theoretical Anomalies of Astrophysics, one on the Properties of Particles in a space/time warp, and is one of the youngest people to be published in the journal.

Commendations: None.

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: None.
