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Adam Warren

Chief Intelligence Offcier

Rank: Lieutenant | Sex: Male | Race: Human

Height: 5'9" | Weight: 145 lbs. | Eyes: Green | Hair: Brown

Home Planet: Jupiter Station | DOB: 1/3/2352 | Age: 26

Married: - | Children: -

Personal Traits:
Muscular build, with a dark tan. His hair is cut short. 1 tattoo

Adam is quick to act, and has an attitude with less superior officers. He loves the game of 3D chess, even though he never wins. He also likes to play around and make jokes. Adam keeps his cool in dangerous situations. He always loves the rush that comes with action.

Personal History:
Adam grew up on a ranch in Texas, and he had 2 younger sisters, Lilly and Georgia. His father, Ben Warren, was JAG officer, and his mother, Cara Warren, was a school teacher. His early life was simple, working with cattle and horses, and other animals. His mother and father sold real meat on the side, and grew corn, cucumbers, watermelons, and hay (for the cattle and horses).

Adam illegally raced ships for a couple months after high school. He loved the rush that came from it and won several races. His parents worried about him getting arrested and talked him into going to the academy. He did not like the idea at first, but when his friends started going then decided is was not that bad.

Adam studied both Security and intelligence at the Academy. Not an ace by any means, but an average grade student. His skill with weapons made him an above average student though. Also, came to be an awesome small craft pilot in his spare time.

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Intelligence Operations
Minor: Security Operations

Previous Assignments:
He worked as a security officer on Starbase 2 for 4 years. He then was reassigned to the Mars research facility as assistant security officer for 2 years. Then worked for Starfleet Intelligence for a year.

Awards and Commendations:
Phaser Rifle Markman, Hand Phaser Marksman

Commendations: None.

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations:
Combat Pilot award, Dominion Campaign Ribbon, Bronze Star, Starfleet Cross
