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Rachel Torran

Assistant Security Officer

Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade | Sex: Female | Race: Klingon/Betazoid

Height: 6'0" | Weight: - | Eyes: Emerald green | Hair: Red, long silky

Home Planet: Deep Space 6 | DOB: 2350 | Age: 29

Married: - | Children: -

Of Note -

Personal Traits:
Torran has faint ridges on her face , if she didn't have them, she would look like her mother.
Cartography, archaeology, Holodeck, Reading, martial Arts, music, and Sciences. She lists Senior Officers as one of her interests.

stubborn, loyal, honourable, and sometimes pig-headed, Torran doesn't allow anything to get past her. She is quick, diplomatic an ethical. She has a tendency however to go off and investigate things on her own sometimes leading to extreme danger. She is not afraid to try something new and often challenges other crew members to do the same. At times can be hot-headed, and has a severe stubborn streak.

Personal History:
Father : Krell of the House of Koloth (deceased)
Mother : Angela, House of the Chalice. Betazed Ambassador to Starfleet, Deep Space 6.

Rachel is a telepath, but not a strong one like her mother.

When Rachel was 16 years old she joined Starfleet Academy. Because of her upbringing, by the time Torran graduated from the Academy, she not only spoke her own language but 53 Universal languages and a few unknown varieties. Her mother had passed on her photographic memories to Torran, who never Really had to study hard for anything because she knew her subjects totally. She Took an interest in Stellar Cartography and Archaeology and excelled in them. Plus adapted herself to the knowledge of other species.

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Stellar Cartography and Archaeology
Minor: Anthropolgy

Previous Assignments:
Starfleet Academy. After 2 years in Security, Torran excelled herself in the Dominion Wars and the Klingon High Council insisted she return and take up a position on her fathers ship. After serving 18 months and learning everything she could , she joined the IKV Mara as First Officer. When her Captain was killed in a feudal dispute, along with her father, the crew were disbanded and sent elsewhere. She transferred to DS11, there after serving as an Instructor in Security to the USS Andromeda as well as Security Officer to the station, the ship is a Starfleet Intelligence Training ship and she trained cadets in Cartography, Science and Tactical Security. She steadily rose in rank from Lt. To Second Officer over the next five years. As Second Officer of the Andromeda she no longer trained Intelligence cadets but did take them on away missions to various planets and had many interesting encounters with various wildlife. She also saved the life of her Captain on one occasions. Then the unthinkable happened she was relieved of command as 2nd Officer on the Andromeda and sent to work with Section 31 Black Ops Division of Starfleet Intelligence. From there she was placed into the USS Sentinel as a Tactical Officer for a few months, her intelligence gathering however had the Sentinel moth-balled and decommissioned. Realizing she had no option but to accept wherever Starfleet Command sent her, she was reassigned as Security Chief to DS6, the station where her mother was Ambassador and where she had been born. Almost a year after arriving she had a falling out with her OC on a personal matter, and she requested a change of venue to Starbase 10 as its new Assistant Security Officer. Unfortunately the OC decided that her talents lent herself better to the Marine Unit. Rachel was upset as she was older than most of the Marine Officers which are normally assigned to Starfleet Stations. Her rank she volunteered to drop out of respect for the Station crew. Her career is a long one and there would always be time for a raise in rank. She has the experience to deal with anything on the Starbase.

Awards and Commendations:
Special Operations Ribbon

Commendations: 7

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: Order of Valor, Dominion War Badge, Star & Cluster x 4
