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Thes Reilgon

Chief Tactical Offcier

Rank: Lieutenant | Sex: Male | Race: Trill

Height: 5' 10" | Weight: 188 lbs | Eyes: Green | Hair: Dark Brown

Home Planet: Trill | DOB: August 6th, 2050 | Age: 28

Married: - | Children: -

Personal Traits:
Likes to make sure his weapon systems are running at optimum efficiency at all times. Lives his life by the clock and is rarely ever late and is always functional.

He is very focused and patient. Comes off as a friendly gentle person, but when things heat up, he turns into a highly skilled combat officer who is ready for anything.

Personal History:
When growing up on Trill Thes excelled in school, especially in his creative writing and mathematics. His only problem was he was very introverted and made few friends and spent a lot of time reading. His father always tried to get him to go out into the world and to try new things. Finally after getting after his son for years, Thes joined the Symbiosis Commission and soon after was joined with the Reilgon symbiote. A strange scenario, since he was supposed to have been denied. His competitor backed out and the Commission then granted Thes the symbiot. After being joined Thes Reilgon changed dramatically. He learned hand to hand combat techniques, and became a weapons expert. Writing became a hobby, his attitude and manner also changed. He became more assertive and confident. Months after being joined Thes decided to enroll into Starfleet and he fit in well there. With over 600 years of experiences and memory on his side from the Reilgon symbiote, Thes is a very capable and talented officer.

Went to school until the age of 18 on the Trill Homeworld. Became a writer and artist, selling his work wherever he could until his father urged him to send an application into the Symbiosis Commission. Thes was accepted into the Symbiosis Commission's host program at 22, and almost lost his chance to be joined with the Reilgon symbiote until his competitor backed out for unknown reasons. At the age of 24 Thestin was joined with the Reilgon Symbiote. Joined Starfleet academy at the age of 24 as well.


Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Tactical
Minor: Security Training

Previous Assignments:
Assistant Tactical Officer of the USS California

Awards and Commendations:
Commendations: None.

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: None.
