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John Murdock

Assistant Tactical Officer

Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade | Sex: Male | Race: Human

Height: 6’2” | Weight: 260lbs | Eyes: Dark metallic blue | Hair: Black

Home Planet: Earth | DOB: Dec. 31, 2350 | Age: 27

Married: - | Children: -

Of Note -

Personal Traits:
Spent several years before joining Starfleet as a bounty hunter, following in his father's footsteps and making a name for himself in the Alpha and Beta quadrants as one of the best in the business. John is the proud owner of a small starfighter known as the Wraith, which he has been modifying and upgrading since he "confiscated" it from a fugitive.

John is an easy going and level-headed, he is a very outgoing person, who is sometimes labeled as arrogant. Those who know him well, know that he is extremely self confident, and a little cocky. He also is a self-proclaimed ladies's man, and can usually be found in the mess hall talking to the cute ensign over in the corner. Extremely bright, he loves technology, and can sometimes be found in a science lab, tinkering with a new weapon he is perfecting. Although new to Starfleet, he easily makes friends, and adapts to new surroundings. Another place he is often found is in the holodeck, where he loves to run and also design combat programs.

Personal History:
As a child, he was often prejudged by his peers because of a rare condition that made his eyes a shiny metallic blue color but also gave him increased night vision. John showed much promise as a student in high school, graduating with top honors. He then went on to further his education, but dropped out during his first year of college, to take up his father's mantle as a bounty hunter. He quickly made a name for himself, and was constantly in high demand by dozens of different races to do their most important assignments. With his career, came many risks, and the one he hated most was losing a friend. During a particular mission, he lost his entire team. He was the only one to make it out alive from a secret installition where a fugitive was hiding. He finished up his last few scheduled missions, then began to search for a new career. A few months after that incident, he decided that from his past encounters with Starfleet, he would enroll in Starfleet Academy. He again he excelled in school, and graduated in the top 10% of his class. The skills and techniques he learned as a bounty hunter allowed him easily gain the reputation of one of the best close-quarters fighters ever, easily humbling any fellow student who challenged him to war games in the simulators. .

Special studies in advanced weaponry, close quarters combat, combat tactics

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Combat
Minor: Command
Minor: Security

Previous Assignments:

-Weapons specialist (USS Washington NCC, 11988)
-Assistant Security Officer (USS Washington NCC, 11988)
-Chief of Security (USS Washington, NCC 11988)

Awards and Commendations:
Distinguished Service Award, Phaser Rifle Marksmanship Ribbion, Hand Phaser Marksmanship Ribbon

-outstanding overall service aboard USS Washington
-outstanding service in the Security Department aboard USS Washington

Reprimands: 2

Honors and Decorations: Purple Heart, Medal of Valor
