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Victoria Concord

Operations Offcier / Assistant XO

Rank: Commander | Sex: Female | Race: Betazoid/Human/Ligonian/Vulcan

Height: 5’7" | Weight: 158lbs | Eyes: green | Hair: black, mid back

Home Planet: - | DOB: April 1, 2341 | Age: 37

Married: - | Children: -

Of Note -
Soft pointed ears
Athletic build

Personal Traits:
Victoria believes deeply in routines and schedules. She maintains a strict morning routine workout. She goes holo-adventuring once a week, at the same time and day each week.

She tends to interpret rules and regulations differently from most people. Typically the things she does would be considered inappropriate by others using their common sense, something Victoria seems to lack. This has lead to her butting heads with superior officers over her methods on a semi-regular basis, four formal reprimands to be placed on her permanent record, and two transfers based on "personality differences". In Victoria's defense, it has been stated that dispite how she gets things done, they do in fact get done on time and very well, which was what lead to her two promotions.

She claims her personal motto is: "If God is watching, the least we can do is be entertaining." She loves a good, harmless, prank.

She doesn't claim any particular religious belief. When asked about it she simply replies: "What we call ancient technology was once called magic by our ancestors."

Holo-adventures (which she creates) with sister

Classic Engineer. Victoria Concord is not so much a loner as she is unskilled in social situations and dealing with others. She naturally lacks the intuition of how to best interact with people, which makes her uncomfortable or seem like she prefers to be alone at social gatherings. However, her mental training allows her to suppress these natural tendencies and follow the cue of others well when necessary. She also possess an uncanny ability to comprehend most any technology she comes across, as well as having the capacity to recall the most minute details about any place or thing (though not people or conversations), even if under stress at the time.

She is happiest when "fiddling around" with some new piece of technology, theorizing advanced concepts, physical training, or singing along with a favorite song (the list of which is almost inexhaustive). She prefers any music with a beat, so she can dance to it. But she listens to all types of music, except the Country-style from Earth and Vulcan Musical-poetry. Despite her love of music, she never had much talent with any instrument other than her own voice.

She actively dislikes speaking/singing in front of large audiences, large social gatherings, and broccoli.

Family is the most important thing to her, whether or not it's her own. This carries over, to a lesser degree, to the item or ship she is working on, as she considers anything she creates almost like a child. She can often be overheard talking to equipment and such, trying to coax them into working for her or telling their secrets to her.

Personal History:
Father: Robert Concord
Mother: Alorria Concord
Twin: Captain Priscilla Myst

Victoria and her twin sister, Priscilla, were born unexpectedly during their parent's visit with Robert's Mother on Vulcan for no apparent medical reason. When Robert's father, who was on assignment in Starfleet at the time, finally received word of the birth, it is said he laughed hysterically for at least five minutes. When he was finally able to speak again, he explained about an old Earth significance of the day the girls had been born on. He also said he had always wanted someone he knew to be born on April Fool's Day, and swore it was a sign the twins would be troublemakers. From then on he was a defining influence on the girls' lives. While their parents wanted to teach them how to use their mental abilities, the girls were always far more interested in the holo-adventures their grandfather sent them. It was hard for their parents to compete with that temptation, especially since no one was quite sure what the girls' mental capabilities were. Any one quarter Betazoid or one quarter Vulcan had only a small chance of inheriting the mental skills of that race, and no one knew what the possibilities were for a Betazoid-Vulcan combination. However, before the twins were two years old, their Betazoid grandfather discovered while playing with them that they had already had a strong telepathic connection with each other. At that time they began to display knowledge of what the other was thinking or doing, and when one was injured or changed emotions the other acted as if the same had happened to her, even if they weren't in the same house! So when the girls grew old enough for schooling, they also began being trained in the basics for both Betazoids and Vulcans, with the hope that they would take to one or the other. The girls never developed the empathic or mind-reading abilities of the Betazoid, except between each other, yet they were able to learn to communicate telepathically with other telepaths. The most they ever got out of their Vulcan education was to hide their thoughts and emotions from other telepaths, except each other, and suppress their emotions for a time. However they did learn how to selectively suppress emotions or thoughts, which made it exceedingly difficult for any parent or grandparent to determine what the twins were truly up to. True to their human grandfather's prediction, they got themselves into all sorts of trouble growing up in the name of fun or exploration. The first division in their personalities showed up in Priscilla's growing ability to talk her way out of anything, and Victoria's growing ability to figure out a solution to any situation. By the time they were teenagers, Priscilla was definitely the social one and Victoria was definitely the technical one. Yet with the telepathic bond they shared, each could call upon the other for help to supplement the skills they were lacking in. This also meant they practically never studied for their classes, relying on their own natural understanding of things or their sister's of everything else. Instead they spent their time in more interesting pursuits of music, dance, exploration, holo-adventures, and socializing for Priscilla and building things for Victoria. When the girls were seventeen, their most beloved family member, their grandfather, was killed in the line of duty. Though saddened by this turn of events, they understood that was the risk he had taken with his life. The girls actually thought it was a noble way to die. They decided that to best honor his memory and life, they would follow in his steps and join Starfleet. This meant, however, that even though they did well in it, they had to knuckle down and get serious about school.

Two years after their grandfather's death, both Priscilla and Victoria were accepted into the academy. Victoria immediately plunged into the engineering classes and began absorbing everything she was taught. Priscilla didn't find her niche so easily. She started out with generic classes until an advisor recommended psychology. Priscilla happily started down that path, but quickly gravitated to medicine. She only lasted a year and a half there before becoming dissatisfied again. So she switched to command classes. She found them much more fulfilling, but not exactly her cup of tea. She supplemented her course load with alien language classes, though she already knew Vulcan and Ligonian as well as English from her family. But none of it was the right fit. Finally it was her time for the Kobayashi Maru exam. She was doing an average job until things took a very interesting turn. Priscilla immediately recognized Victoria's handy work, and attempted to refuse to proceed with the exam. The instructor agreed with Priscilla's wishes due to the obvious tampering, but the two found they couldn't stop and leave the simulation. A message then appeared, informing them that the test would not let them leave until it ended, and that the test would not proceed if Priscilla stopped interacting. Therefore Priscilla was forced to finish out her sister's modified version of the exam. She was determined not to let her sister's interference give her an advantage. She intentionally did all she could to fail the exam, and succeeded in doing so. But not before she displayed her diplomatic skills. After the exam was over, Priscilla refused to turn her sister in, even though most people suspected Victoria. However without proof, as Victoria had been very careful to cover her trail and even have alibis, no disciplinary action was brought against her. Impressed with her integrity, the instructor had passed Priscilla, and then recommended that she look into diplomacy as a career option. Priscilla profusely thanked the instructor for the accommodation and advice. Priscilla's anger over the whole situation eventually caused Victoria to turn herself in, even though she had only done it all to help Priscilla in her up until that point mediocre career. Victoria was punished with a loss of a year's standing. Priscilla stayed an extra year at the academy to pursue her new found career path. So the twins graduated together.

However she had served less than three years in Starfleet when Victoria decided Starfleet was too rigid for her tastes. She left for a career of her own design, and ended up excelling as a civilian engineer. It was then the twins discovered the limitation on their natural mental abilities. They had never before been separated by more than being on opposite sides of the same planet. It was a very distressful and hard adjustment period that the girls each went through, learning to be without the other's mental presence. But with time, and by drawing upon the discipline instilled by their childhood lessons, they managed to make it and get their respective lives back on track.

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: General Engineering
Minor: Propulsion Theory & Design
Minor: Power Distribution Systems

Previous Assignments:

-USS John Doe, NCC-0000-
Expertise: Power Transfer Efficiency and Warp Core/Field Specialist
Promotions: Lieutenant Junior Grade, 5 March 2365

-USS John Doe, NCC-0000-
14 September 2365
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Expertise: Assisstant Engineer
Promotions: Lieutenant, 31 September 2366

Victoria quit Starfleet less than three years after she graduated the academy, giving up a very promising Engineering career in favor for what turned out to be a possibly even better civilian engineering career.

About 11 years later, Priscilla, who was about to be given her first command, convinced Victoria to return to Starfleet. Victoria opted to try for the Chief Engineer position on the newly commission USS Goldeneye instead of working under her sister's command.

-USS Goldeneye, NCC-0000-
Lieutenant Commander
Expertise: Chief Engineer

During a mission involving time issues Victoria nearly died. She was then discovered by a few pre-Federation Starfleet officers from the past, and in trying to minimize knowledge of the future being given to them, she passed as a half-human half-vulcan and did all she could to keep the officers from the past from interacting with anyone else in the crew, including refusing medical attention. During a combat with the Goldeneye's attackers, Victoria managed to get ahold of one of the one-man time transporters. The officers from the past finally abandoned the Goleneye when they saw no alternative, taking Victoria with them. Their doctor was able to keep her alive and concious long enough for her to get the time transporter working. It turned out to be a one way trip. She managed to get the shuttle she had been given to autopilot to the nearest starbase, where after intensive medical care, she survived. The Goldeneye was lost. It is unknown to her if any others made it back to the present or even survived.

-Starbase 10-
Aug. 2378
Lieutenant (demoted for losing a starship)
Expertise: Chief Engineer

Nov. 27, 2378 - Promotion
Lieutenant Commander

Jan. 11, 2379 - Promotions
Expertise: Operations Officer / AXO

Awards and Commendations:
Special Operations Ribbon

Commendations: None.

Unoridox Methods, 19 May 2365
Unoridox Methods, 7 September 2365
Unoridox Methods, 26 February 2366
Unoridox Methods, 13 December 2366
Poor Judgement Befitting an Officer, 21 March 2378

Honors and Decorations:
November 27, 2378: Starfleet Cross
