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Andrew Clifford

Chief Security Offcier

Rank: Lieutenant | Sex: Male | Race: Human

Height: 6’1" | Weight: 170lbs | Eyes: Red | Hair: White

Home Planet: Earth | DOB: 2345 | Age: 34

Married: - | Children: -

Of Note -

Personal Traits:
His long white hair and red eyes make him stand out in a crowd. He has a scar running down the left side of his face, the result of a childhood fight that wouldn't heal properly.

He is quiet by nature and this makes him seem broody. He stubborn in the extreme and enjoys puzzles.

Personal History:
Andrew is rare, he is an albino. Born in Eastern England, near a local city of Norwich, he never enjoyed being outside. As soon as he was able to he applied to Starfleet to get off Earth. His skin causes him problems under anything except artificial light.

Spent his early life in Eastern England, with his parents John and Marie Clifford, both teachers at the local University. He enjoyed outdoor pursuits but his fair skin made him susceptible to the sun and he was being constantly treated for skin ailments. At the age of 15 he was involved in a fight where he picked up the scar on his left cheek. The wound never healed properly despite being treated by the best doctors in the area.

He studied at Norwich High School and passed with good but not exceptional grades in all the basic subjects. From there he went to the City College, and studied Maths, Physics and Law. As well as out door pursuits he studied martial arts and although he became proficient in several different styles, he prefers Aikido.


Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: General Security

Previous Assignments:

After graduating he served on board the USS California, a modified Excelsior class starship, first in astrometrics, then as assistant tactical. It wasn’t until his third posting that he got his first taste of security, when his knowledge of martial arts got him temporarily assigned to guarding a Vulcan Ambassador, during a mission to Rigel 4. Then as Lt Jg., he was then posted to StarBase 118 as security officer, after 6 months on SB 118 he was promoted to Assistant Security Chief. This is Andrew’s 4th posting and his first as Chief of Security.

Awards and Commendations:
Special Operations Ribbon

For guarding Diplomat Vo’cam

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations:
January 11, 2379: Silver Star
