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MCPO Eshel Najur

Chief of the Boat

Rank: Master Chief Petty Officer | Sex: Female | Race: Orikaian

Height: 6' 4" | Weight: 110 | Eyes: (solid) Blue* | Hair: Gold

Home Planet: Orikai XIII | Date of Birth: 2263 | Age: 43

Skin tone: Pure White

Mother: Tiak Najur (Historian, deceased)
Father: Oroma Najur (Cartographer, deceased)
Sister: Lio (Philosopher, deceased)
Her main hobby is meditating (which she does naked), but she can also be found practicing her Umir'Tah (a form or Orikaian martial arts).  She also likes botany, anthropology and art. 

Eshel Najur is a patient and thoughtful individual who doesn't like to be rushed.  But she is not to be underestimated, as she has a fiery temper and can become very scary and intimidating when provoked.

Personal History:
Eshel Najur had a normal childhood on Orikai XIII, a happy one with her parents and younger sister.  She went to lessons and temple, played with her friends and grew up awed by the galaxy.  When she was six, Orikai XIII entered the Federation and she began to meet other races.  She became fascinated by the aliens that now walked among her people and was determined to learn more about them.  She studied every piece of information she could on the members of the Federation and the species they encountered.  

When she was 10, the age when Orikaian children must choose their future path, she decided that she wanted to enter Starfleet and explore the stars.  She was sent to numerous lessons about engineering, science, tactics and strategy, medicine and countless other subjects to prepare her for what was to come.  

When she was 16 she was offered the choice to either enter Starfleet Academy or Starfleet NCO Training.  She chose the latter, wanting to spend as much time in Starfleet as possible (as the average Orikaian lifespan is around 500 years). 

Though she didn't enter the Academy, she excelled at NCO Training and while she received several opportunities to transfer to the the Academy,  she turned them all down.  She completed her year training course at the top of her group and awaited her first posting. 

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:
Major:  Operations, Piloting and Communication
Minor:  Engineering, Xenobiology and Security

Previous Assignments:
2279-2280: Starfleet Non-Commissioned Officer Training. Ables'man.  Excelled in many areas but focused on bridge operations.

2280-2284: Starbase 103.  Yeoman.  She served as one of the countless NCO's on board, performing routine duties until 2282 when she was promoted to Chief Engineering Officer's Yeoman.  She worked very hard to please her supervisor, doing whatever he asked and often doing things before he asked her to do them.  Her hard work paid off and she was promoted and reassigned. 


2284-2285: USS Enterprise.  Petty Officer.  Her new posting was onto the Cadet Training Ship under the command of Captain Spock.  She was assigned as a junior quartermaster/transporter technician.  She applied the same skills, hard work and dedication aboard the Enterprise as she had on Starbase 103.  She survived the attack from Khan and once the ship put into spacedock she was once again reassigned. 


2285-2291: USS Excelsior.  Petty Officer.  After the Enterprise she was assigned to another important vessel, the 'Great Experiment' USS Excelsior.  She received a bridge assignment to the Propulsion Station and did her bit for the project.  The transwarp drive system was scrapped in 2287, and the majority of the crew were given the chance for reassignment, but Eshel stayed on to help with the installation of the conventional warp drive and general refit.  Her dedication rewarded her with another promotion in 2289 when the ship was re-launched, now serving as the Helm Relief Officer.  She had a promising career ahead of her on the Excelsior, but tragedy struck in 2291 and she left this post.. 


2291-2293: USS Nightingale.  Chief Petty Officer.  Orikai XIII was attacked in 2291 and Eshel requested to assist with relief efforts.  She was reassigned to the USS Nightingale as a security officer.  She discovered that her entire family had been killed in the attack from a nearby race called the Dersek.  Seeing no other choice, she remained in Starfleet... there was nothing back on her home world for her.  During her time on the Nightingale, her perfect record faltered slightly as she was late for the occasional duty shift and she went against direct orders from the Chief Security Officer. 


2293-2295: Starfleet Command.  Chief Petty Officer.  She was reassigned to Earth as an operations technician at headquarters.  She saw a psychologist about her grief and loss and began to reassert her dedicated and hard-working self.  She was recognized with a promotion and transferred to the security division in 2294.  In 2295 a Klingon Ambassador was on Earth speaking with Fleet Admiral Morrow. The Klingon pulled a knife and lunged at Morrow but she threw herself in front of the blade, saving Morrow's life.  In recognition of her bravery he awarded her another promotion and immediate transfer back into space. 


2295-2303: USS Osiris.  Master Chief Petty Officer.  Once she was back in space Eshel was made the Communications Officer aboard the Osiris, where she worked as hard as she had done before to make the operations aboard the Miranda-class ship the smoothest of any in the fleet.  She impressed the Commanding Officer so much that in 2300 he appointed her his new Chief of the Boat.  It was three years later when on a search and rescue mission to Parthon VI, that Eshel discovered an unusual vortex on the planet surface.  All attempts to scan it failed, and she was unable to contact the Osiris or the rest of the team.  As she turned to leave, the vortex emitted a graviton wave and pulled her into it.  The vortex sealed immediately afterwards and no trace of her was found.  She was listed as Missing In Action. 


2376-2377: Starfleet Command.  Civilian.  The vortex was actually a temporal phenomenon that brought her forward in time by 73 years and left her on Parthon VI (now a Federation colony) where she was discovered and taken back to Earth. She was debriefed and then placed on an advanced learning program to learn all the information, history and developments she had missed since her time on the Osiris.  After a year she was pronounced fit to return to active duty. 


2377-2379: USS Pandora.  Master Chief Petty Officer.  Her first posting was to an aging New Orleans-class ship, which performed numerous tasks within Federation space.  Even on this posting where the majority of the crew were looking forward to retirement, she performed with the same level of dedication and hard work she had in the twenty-third century. When the ship was finally decommissioned in 2379 she looked for a more important assignment and found one on a key outpost for Starfleet and the Federation. 


2379-: Starbase 10.  Master Chief Petty Officer.  Assigned as Chief of the Boat. 

Distinguished Service Comet--Saved the life of Fleet Admiral Adam Morrow 2295

Hard work and outstanding performance.  Lt. ch'Rathar; CEO, Starbase 103
Excellence and dedication.  Capt. Styles; CO, USS Excelsior
Courage, bravery and dedication.  Fleet Adm. Morrow; Starfleet Command.   
Professionalism and excellence.  Capt. Tomenak; CO, USS Osiris

Reported late for duty shift eight times, USS Nightingale. 
Belayed the orders of her immediate supervisor on three separate occasions, USS Nightingale.

Honors and Decorations:

