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Erica-Mara Kang

Mara Foundation Rep


Rank: Civilian | Sex: Female | Race: Human

Height: 5' 8" | Weight: 130 lbs. | Eyes: Blue | Hair: Brunette

Home Planet: Tempest V | Age: 20

Of Note -

Personal Traits: Agile. Stealth. Swiftness. Skilled  in thievery and weapons, as well as Temporal Mechanics.
Personality: She can be very blunt at times. Do not  expect her to be prim and proper but she will act like a lady when the need arises. She likes making friends and learning anything she can from them.
Hobbies: Reading Federation Most Wanted listings.  Acrobatics. Keeping fit.
Family Information: 
Mother: Katarina Leifson
Father:  Jebediah Kang
Stepmother: Mira Alden Kang
Brother: Isaac, Rueben, Kamen
Sister: J'iola
Personal History: Born on a prison planet called Tempest V, and named after her two grandmothers. Grew up learning from the inmates on thievery, weapons, self-defense, trickery... and science from her mother. Handy in several forms of  self-defense. Worked as a Bounty Hunter.

Academy: Did not attend. She applied by taking the Standardized Officer Test. Turned down a commission as a SF officer to work as a Relief Worker for the Mara Foundation.  She was tutored by her mother as well as a rogue group of characters.
Major/Minor Area(s) of study:
Major: Security
Minor: Tactical and Temporal Mechanics
Previous Assignments: Some time as a Prison Guard.
Special Note: Tempest V, where she was born, is a Temporal Planet.


Mission Statement of the Mara Foundation


Named after the wife of Kang, the Mara Foundation's purpose is to help colonies that had been abandoned by their sponsors or ones that are in dire need of assistance in helping. They are much like Earth's Red Cross. 

Starbase-10 recently has requests out as it attempts to become a center for inter-galactic, diplomatic affairs.

Current mission is to help the Homo-Sirkatans establish their homeworld. This advance humanoid species were first seen in a joint mission between Deep Space-15 and the USS George W Bush in the IDF Fleet. The humans were infected by Sirkatans, "energy crickets" with a special chemical that transformed them into something stronger than human, giving them very strong bones and an amazing immunity system. Three members of Deep Space-15 were Homo-Sirkatans. (Leeta Gill, Michael and Janice Bristow St. Martin.)

< Mara Kang, wife of Klingon Captain Kang (TOS)  >
