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Cdr. Cassie Knight

Chief Operations Officer/AXO

Rank: Commander | Sex: Female | Race: Human

Height: 5'2" | Weight: - | Eyes: Blue | Hair: Brown

Home Planet: Earth | DOB: March 5, 2353 | Age: 25

Married: Commander Lennex | Children: Sarah Ann (F), Dec. 31st, 2378

Personal Traits:


Personal History:
Cassie excelled in her studies during her years at Starfleet Medical Academy. She graduated earlier than normal & at the top of her class. For as long as she could remember Cassie always wanted to be a doctor & serve on one of the starships. Cassie is the youngest of six children. Her four older brothers & one older sister all serve in Starfleet also. Each of them went different routes while at the Academy. Jason, the oldest of them studied Engineering, Matthew the next oldest studied Security, Amanda the third oldest studied Counseling, Gregory the fourth oldest studied Operations, & Marcus who was closest to her in age studied Science. Both of Cassie's parents, Commodore John Knight & Commodore Kathryn Knight, are instructors at Starfleet Academy. For many years Cassie & her brothers & sister would live on one of the Starships as her parents served on one of them before they were offered the positions they currently hold at Starfleet Academy. Cassie's mother is currently one of the instructors for Astrophysics & her father is one of the instructors Federation History & one of the many courses for the Cadets going the Command route.

While onboard the USS Sunfire, Cassie met & married T'Maekh tr'Lennex. Cassie is currently pregnant with their first child. While on the USS Sunfire, Cassie made several new friends & many of them had moved on to other things before she & her husband T'Maekh decided to make a change in their lives & careers also by making the move to Starbase 10.


Major/Minor Area(s) of study:


Previous Assignments:
USS Sunfire

Awards and Commendations:
Special Operations Ribbon

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations: None.
