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Name: Angel, Leilani
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Expertise: Operations
Position: Logistical Officer
Stationed: Starbase Ten, Fourth Fleet
Division: Special Operations
Security Clearance Level: Alpha-6
Emergency Clearance Level: Pi-6
Service Number: N026-4355CO

Birth/Family Records

Date of Birth-
Earth Calendar: January 24, 2354;
Stardate: 31063.1;
Location: Vista, California - Earth.

Father: Viggo Angel;
Mother: Callista (Maude) Angel.

Sister: Alaynah Angel, 22
Brother: Nikoli Angel, 19
Brother: Aaron Angel, 17
Brother: Theodore Angel, 12
Sister: Tamara Angel, 9
Sister: Elizabeth Angel, 5 

Marital Status-


Physical Characteristics

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Blondish brown, wavy, medium length.
Eyes: Hazel.
Skin Tone: Very fair.
Identifying Marks: 

Height: 5-1.
Weight: 105lbs.
Build: 6-Average Human Female.
Strength: 5-Average Human Female.
Agility: 6, 6-Average Human Female.
Telepathy: 0-Average Human Female.
Tele-Kinesis: 0-Average Human Female.


General Education-

Post General Education-

Starfleet Academy-
Accepted: ;
Major (general): Operations;
Minor (general): General Sciences, Emergency Medical;
Graduated: ;
Class Rank: 

Academy Tours-



Career Plans: "


Service Record - Starfleet

Previous Assignments-




Honors and Decorations- 
Operations and sciences academy graduation ribbons, and various (2) service ribbons.

Personal Characteristics

Preferred Title(s)-
On Duty: ;
Off Duty: .

Legal: Leilani Angel;
Preferred Full: Leilani;
Preferred Casual: Lei;
Nickname(s): N/A.

Temperment: She is in simple terms, outgoing, opinionated, and sarcastic.  However she is extremely friendly, and at times methodical and quiet.




Hobbies: Enjoys reading, creating small holodeck/computer programs, acting, singing, playing the piano, and in general, music.







Pre-Starfleet: Leilani was raised in Vista, California, Earth.  She was born to Viggo and Callista Angel in 2354.  She attended Bobier Elementary School, just down and across the street from the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, where her family regularly attended three hour Sunday meetings.

Leilani attended Lincoln Middle School, participating in the sports and music programs offered there.  She attended private piano lessons for about two months, just before entering high school.  Finding her new academic life too stressful, she quit piano lessons, and never managed to have lessons again, being mostly self-taught thereafter.  She attended the junior college in the nearby town of San Marcos during the summers to build up high school credits and leave more class room for drama and show choir.  It was during these summers that she became interested in space travel after attending an astronomy class. She graduated Vista High School with a class rank of 213/700.


After graduation she attended Palomar Junior College, San Marcos, on a more regular basis, taking an Administrative Justice class and a few language classes in French and American Sign Language.  Near the end of her college attendance, Leilani took and passed an accelerated EMT Basic class.

Starfleet Academy: Leilani joined Starfleet in 2372 at the age of 18.  She began work in the medical field, but soon dropped the major after only a year and a half of pre-med.  She transferred to Operations, having discovered that she enjoyed a position that offered a broader base of experience in several areas (such as engineering and logistics, etc), as Operations Officers.  She graduated from the academy as an average student, and took her first post at Starbase-217 as a Logistics Officer.  Upon her promotion to Lieutenant-Junior Grade in early 2379, she was transferred to Starbase-10 in Independence Fleet.

Commission: Leilani experienced a rewarding tour on Starbase-217, being able to work not only in operations, but to aide science during her off time with her limited experience.  Upon her promotion to Lieutenant-Junior Grade in early 2379, she was transferred to Starbase-10 in Independence Fleet.  She wishes, should the opportunity present itself, to expand her knowledge in the sciences. But to also join the military police branch of Starfleet.

Medical (brief):  



Last updated: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 03:59:10 -0400
Ensign James Gregory
Lieutenant C.J. Christensen
Starfleet Headquarters
