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Character List

Player: Bob

Name: Charlie "The Titan" McNeal

Species: Human

Occupation: Smuggler

Weapons: Laser Blaster

Abilities: skilled pilot and expert mechanic

Brief History: parents killed in tragic accident leaving Charlie no choice but to go into some kind of illegal occupation to stay alive. Whit his trusty ship, "The Black Lightning", Charlie became the most promising smuggler in the galaxy

Player: Corn

Name: Kaden Balin

Species: Human

Occupation: Ship builder/modifier

Weapons: Blaster

Abilities: master mechanic, can repair or build anything, skilled pilot

Brief History: Grew up as a rebellious kids, from his parents. He began at a young age racing and modifying small ships for fun and later went into business building his own line of ships on a small ship yard.

Player: Morgan

Character: Isabella A'duele

Species: Human

Occupation: A 24 year old woman attending a local high school in order to avoid going to college..she hasn't been caught...yet.

Weapons: a pencil sharpaner

Abilities: can touch nose with tongue, working on more abilities..more info later

Brief history and description: Black hair, about my length, 5'7, brown eyes, illegal alien from Barbados, knows both Spanish, russian, and English, has a tendency to fall in love with random piano players, despises rap music and forwarded e-mails, no family in the US, one dog..a Great Pyrineese, and has a tendency to have a bad attitude, and really bad PMs at times...which is when she wears a shirt that says: Warning, contents under pressure.

Player: Chris

Name: Antoine "MoFizzle" Williams

Species: Human

Occupation: Ghetto Thug

Weapons: Alien imported Gallic Gun

Abilities: expert theif and deal maker, marksman

Brief History: grew up in the ghetto and decided to expand his business though-out the galaxy so now he travels from place to place making deals and robbing anyone he sees fit

About Bob