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Starfleet maintains several types of security ordinance, including various personal sidearms, heavy weapons and explosive charges. It is fairly uncommon to find Starfleet officers using much more than phasers and phaser rifles, but nonetheless, the items do exist on Federation vessels, and the Southern Cross is no exception.
In the years following the Dominion War, the Federation Starfleet began to outfit its Rapid Response Teams with more protection. To that end, several new items have been added to the arsenal of Security and will be discussed below.
Type I Personal Phaser
Type I Phasers are the only weapons allotted to crew when not on a Condition alert. Most of the time, people don't arm themselves, but the few that do use this small, handy little weapon. It has the same versitility of a hold-out weapon.
  • Beam Settings: 1-8
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous.
  • Type II Personal Phaser
    Type II Phasers are standard issue to all Security and HAZARD forces and are always distributed when going on an Away mission that could be significantly dangerous. It must be holstered on the hip.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam.
  • Type IIIA Standard Phaser Rifle
    Type III Phaser Rifles are the most commonly deployed Starfleet Phaser Rifles. They are standard issue to Security and HAZARD Teams.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam
  • Type III-B Compression Phaser Rifle
    The Type III-B Compression Rifle is considered a "Light" Compression Phaser and is only used during military actions.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16; 17.
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam; Setting 17 is Compression only.
  • Type III-C/IV Compression Phaser Rifle
    The Type III-C/IV Compression Rifle is considered a "Heavy" Compression Phaser and is only used during intense military actions.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16; 17 & 18
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam; Settings 17 & 18 are Compression only.
  • Type IV-B Compression Phaser Rifle
    The Type IV-B Compression Rifle is considered another "Heavy" Compression Phaser and is only used during intense military actions. It has longer range, is lighter but is less durable than the Type III-C.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16; 17 & 18
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam; Settings 17 & 18 are Compression only.
  • Type IV-C Compression Phaser Rifle
    The Type IV-C Compression Rifle is considered a "Heavy" Compression Phaser in a bull-pup design. It is only used during intense military actions in conjunction with a Personal Force Shield. It has become very popular with Security and HAZARD forces.
  • Beam Settings: 1-16; 17 & 18
  • Beam Variance: Standard, Pulse, Continuous, Wide-Beam; Settings 17 & 18 are Compression only.
  • Isomagnetic Disintegrator
    The Isomagnetic Disintegrator is a bazooka-style energy artillery weapon used only in heavy military conflict and is never deployed and used on a Starship.
  • Beam Settings: Equal to Settings 11-18, Compression only.
  • Beam Variance: Compression only.
  • Heavy Infantry Photon Rifle
    The Photon Rifle is an incredibly powerful weapon, roughly equivalent to a handheld Grenade Launcher. It uses micro-photon torpedoes to deploy a blast radius effect. It is used ONLY off starship in major military engagements.
  • Blast Settings: Equal to Settings 11-16 with a blast radius.
  • Blast Radius: Varies; 3-10 meters.

  • Photon Grenades
    Photon Grenades are heavy explosive ordinance never used aboard a Starship, but may be used in intense military ground conflicts.
  • Blast Settings: Equal to Settings 12-18. Also has a Flash setting and Heavy Stun setting.
  • Blast Radius: 3-10 meters.

  • TR-116D Graviton Projectile Rifle
    While Beam Weapons have become the most popular weapon of choice in Starfleet, even in irradiated environments, Starfleet has found one effective usage for this weapon. It is effective against the Borg. It uses a graviton pulse to launch the projectile from the barrel, instead of gunpowder. If coupled with an Exographic Targeting Sensor and Micro-Transporter, the TR-116D is capable of displaced fire. [Not Standard Issue] The TR-116D does come with an eyepiece targeting sensor, but it is not Exographic normally.
  • Damage: Equal to Setting 6 for one round.
  • Fire Variance: Single, Burst, Spray.
  • Payload: 30 rounds per clip.

  • Stun Grenades
    Stun Grenades are used as an area-affect weapon, usually to disperse rioters and unruly prisoners and as a non-lethal means of defeating an enemy. They are deployed only when one expects large numbers of combatants.
  • Blast Settings: Equal to Settings 1-3.
  • Blast Radius: 3-10 meters.

  • Force Shield
    The Force Shield is a defensive mechanism that is brand new to the Federation stockpile and thus, is still highly experimental. Thus far, it has only been deployed to Security officers, Starfleet Rapid Response Teams/Marines and HAZARD Officers, although it is considered standard issue for all those fields. The Starfleet Security Forces have generally taken a positive view of it. While it limits the user's choice of weapons to a Type II or Type IVC Bullpup Phaser, the protection is fairly impressive.
    The Starfleet Security Force Shield is capable of repelling most phaser or disruptor blasts equal to Setting Six or less without much of a sweat. However, any settings above seven have a chance of getting through and any setting above nine will breech the shield and hit the user [albeit in a reduced form- about half to two-thirds potency, but the shield will be overloaded].
    Another difficulty discovered recently against a Federation raid on the pirate cove of Gorkon's Retreat is that an enemy can scan the force shield, determine its frequency and adjust their phaser accordingly. In this case, the Force Shield is useless even against the stun settings. The other major difficulty lies in "Human" error- one must generally anticipate the attack and be able to parry it. While the shield does cover about 2/3rds of the average humanoid body [when immobile, about half when moving], opponents can target exposed areas with a carefully aimed shot.
    Despite these drawbacks, the Force Shield has already saved hundreds of lives of Rapid Response Officers and because of that, the Federation Starfleet has decided to expand its usage aboard Starfleet ships.

    Photon Torpedo
    Quantum Torpedo