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Starbase Deep Space Five is the hub of commercial and military traffick coming in and out of the Typhon and Argolis sectors. Its future timetable intends it to be the hub of commerce for most of the Argolis Reach region. However, at the present time, Deep Space Five is little more than a communications relay, refueling depot and military outpost on the edge of Federation space. Her primary mission is to support craft in the area and to watch for any sign of Borg invasion. To that end, Deep Space Five's systems, defenses and weapons are constantly being upgraded, modified and retrofitted with the newest technology. This constant work gives the station a feeling similar to a house on moving day- nothing is ever quite finished or in place and people seem very busy, despite the fact that the station is already over ten years old.

Only the most stalwart and bold of Starfleet officers are sent to Deep Space Five, mainly because DS5 is, in all practicality, a very dangerous assignment. They are the first to contend with a Borg invasion and are charged with slowing any Cube(s) advance until Federation forces can be marshalled. Needless to say, most people on DSFive have been assigned for a relatively short amount of time. It is dangerous enough that the entire feeling aboard the station is also one of strict military regimen and the presence of security; a feeling one gets used to and indeed begins to desire, in this space. The evidence of this being a military outpost extends even into the logs entered by the crew. The Commander regularly enters, "Station Logs" in "Combat Days". (i.e. Station Log, Combat Day 43561.6.)