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As it happened...
Photo Gallery
About Me

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Do it yourself!

If you fancy doing a Trekforce Expedition just contact Trekforce Expeditions to find out about no-obligation open days by clicking here. Alternatively visit the website here. You can also write to them ate 31 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RE or phone them at +44 (0)20 7828 2275. Please mention this website - I don't get anything for it, but they will know where you came from! I would highly recommend it - it will change your life and give you memories and friends that you will never forget.

It's all over now! :(

See the pictures

I arrived back from Malaysia on 4th June 2004. Thank you to everyone who helped me to get there, who wrote to me, and to all of the people who looked after us while we were out there.  Otherwise, find out more about:


what I was doing there.


what life in Malaysia was like, as it happened.


how I raised the money to go.


who I am.

Links to Trekforce information

Photo Album

Take a look at some other Trekforce-related websites, including those of other volunteers.

Look at my online photo album filled with pictures from my whole expedition: jungle and teaching.

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This site was last updated 04 September 2004