my trek


This is where I will be leaveing my updats as I make my trip to las vegas on mountain bike. the reason that I have descided to do this is for none other then these reasons; one a job offer that I have there, two a possible female that I may be able to have a realtionship with, and I want to get home. So far I started my trip about three days ago. adventully I will get my pic on here so, one of these days any way. I have started in salem oregon and I plan on endind up in las vegas. Part of the reason that I am takeing the trip is so that way I break my self of a few things that I need to break my self of. one of thse things is the fear of asking people for help in stead of suggesting that I might need help and hopeing that people can figure it out on their own.

click here for the latest entry.

Wensday november 24:
Salem, OR - Albany, OR.

Started from salem or on my way to Las Vegas. on my tirp there I made it ok. part of the way I ended up comeing to an area where there was some concrcret wall block that the state ue to blokc off roades pushing me towwards trafic. So like an idiot I descided to go to the other side of that side of the highway and well after a while I was stoped by a oregon stae patrol officer that seemed conscerned that I might kill my self. After runnign my name and social security number he stoped the trafic so that way I could get back across the highy way. Once I did that then I was on my way agin. further on down the road my stuff on my bike fell off of the puny rack that I have to place my stuff on to, and I descided that my bag was too heavy so I unloaded afew things from my bag a bunch of usefull papers that dealt with dungeons and dragons. Along with a few other things that I didnt need. in the proscess of that some really nice lady and a nother police officer stoped to see if I ok. Fortunatly I was ok, just dealing with my crap and worn out. the officer knew that I had been contacted by the police eirler that day and well left soon after detrmining that I was ok. the lady offered me a ride so I made the rest of the 2 or 3 miles that I had to make with some one didnt know though I was ok with that. we packed my bike and things in her car and then she droped me off at my friends house who seemed excited that I was there (bening as though they havent seen in oabout a month). I spent thanksgiveing here king of with them, they let me puts arround on the computer whily they spent thanks giveing with family. I was ok with this, after all im used to spending the holidays alone.
special thanks to lynn, mike, and travis a coupple of wounder full frineds in salem.

Friday, November 26:
Albany, OR - Eugene, OR.

Got started on my trip and discoverd that my back tire had a major problem with it. so I had to aquire a new back tire(some one is going to be mad at me when they find there back tire gone, oh well needed it more than they did hopefully). What had happened to the tire was the berring caseing had gone out and most of the berrings basicly shattered and fell out. So I had to replace the tire. Tomarrow will be a new day and my trip shall continue yay for me.
Special thanks to candy and justin my wounder full friends in albany.

Saturday, November 27:
Albany, OR - eugene, OR.

I made it from albany to eugene finnally yay. On my way there I had found one of those beani hats with the bill things I picked up that thinking that it may be helpfull and sure nuff it was, and I found a dollar (hmm unuseall? May be not). Once I got there had no clue as to where I was going so I stoped at a church for istructions to the eugene mission. I never found that so I stayied in a park and well went from there. Although the church was helpfull by giveing me instructions also on how to get to the library in eugene. I had found some thing that I could keep my neack warm last night which was helpfull. and had picked up some clips to make things faster for me to tie my stuff my bike rack. In the morning I had taken a coupple of bungie tie downd so that way i could get things tied securly to my bike not knowing if I would need them. Sure enuff it paid off. After asking another church for some food (which they gave me a box full) I was able to attach it to my bike, and now I'm off agin
Special thanks to our saviors luthren church and st. thomas episcopal church in eugene.

Sunday, November 28:
Eugene, OR - Redding, CA.

On my way from eugene to roseburg oregon which obviously I never made it there, though I did make it to redding california which is a good thing. I got tired of haveing to deal with the problems of my bike (every thing seeming like is was going to fall)pluse it was getting dark I descided to hitch hike. Which was near curtin or. Some thing that I havent done befor from fear of other people. Obviously that is broken. When I started to thimb it as people call it I found it hard to get aride but manny honked at my so I just gladly waved and keep walking. Eventully some one picked me up. Which is where I was able to redding. That was nice, along the way we talked and bullshitted with each other haveing a good time I guess that one could call it that. he stoped and offered to get me some thing to eat and I accepted of course haveing only so much food and along way to go. Not to mention that I wasnt going to pass up any chance to get any thing to eat for free. He gave me 20 bucks and I was able to keep what was left over, which was nice. As I was walking I also found a working mag lite though the battried were dead and the bulb was nearly burned out. So I changed out the buld and went on. now I'm just hopeing that I can some get some battries for it. I also found nother bungie thing that had some sotrt of plastic thing arround that. I cut it off and used it to help attach my small box of food. I have also found a utility knife that may come in handy one of these days though has no blades. After the guy that picked me up droped me off I had to go find a place to sleep which was in the bushes next to a hotel or a motel.
special thanks to pablo a stranger willing to help some one get some where on the highway.

Monday, November 29:
Reddong, CA - Red bluff, Ca.

A day late and a dollar short I have finnaly made it to red bluff. I discoverd that on the free way here in california I am not able to be on it, with that exception of one small strech which there is no way arround it. So I had to make one hell of a detour to get there. Any way I am on my way yet aging though exausted so im going to try and get me soem rest. Although every thing is ok and in order I plan on going to wards los molinos via 99 which was part of my plan any way. Thoughts on the way "god this is one long trip"

Thursday, December 2:
Red bluff, CA - Corning, CA.

Well I eneded up staying in red bluff for about a day and resting. Besides I had gotton a flat tire and it took me all day to get that fixed. Not to mention that it took me all day to fix the dang thing since my flat repair kit wasnt working. Hmmmm I guess that rubber cement and an old innertube dont workl after all though that I had done some thing like that be for and it worked (may be used diffrent kind of glue. Finnaly I descided to ask arround the local ocnstruction sites and see if there wasnt any thing that I could do to make some cash to get a new inner tube. That failed misserably. I ended up asking some one from a churcuh and was able to get that fixed. By then it was to late to get going. So I ended up findedin a few people that I could stay with, even though it was on the streets. But hey better that I am ok that go to jail hu? Well I ended up getting sick off of some thing that I drank or that I ate there and descided that it would be a good idea to wait that one off and it was. Pluse I needed to get my cliths washed. I got that done by helping them can as thay call it and got enough monney to get my laundry done. I also turned up a milk crate which makes it eiser for me to carrie my food and what not with me. Pluse I got a really good idea to take with me, some thing that a person had suggested by simply makeing a remark about davids trailer for his bike. Which the idea is to make trailers for those electric scooters that people are in all the time.
Special thanks to david and his friend and the church (which I forgot the name).

Friday, december 3:
Corning, CA. - Orland, CA.

I made it to orland so far. Although I did have to sleep on the side of the highway last night so I didnt quite make it to orland yesteday. Fortunatly I was able to find a bridge to sleep under that way I wansn't able to be seen from the road. Hopefully I don't have to do that too often. Although I can take care of my self still that's not the best thing to do. But then agin I am the one that descided to make this trip which soo far has turned out too quite an adventure, and seemingly profitable. After all I do have an idea that I will be tring to get up off of the ground and see how it works. I did make it there today as one can see since I have added to my web site that is being constructed.

Saturday, December 4:
Orland, CA - willows, CA.

Made it here with no problem or at least much of one. I did end up with another flat tire which I have fixed after asking for another five bucks and getting a new inner tube. I descided that since I'm getting this manny flat tiers that I'll place the old inner tube in the tire then the new one and inflate it that way. Latter on down the road I came across some one that was on the negative side. I walked with him and listened to his negativity as it passed the time some what and gave me a break from things for a while. That seems to be working so far. I did have a little bit of troubble finding some place to sleep although I found one adventully. That was a peacefull place in a bunch of dead trees.
special thanks to the group of people outside the school

Sunday, December 5:
Willows, CA - Yuba city, CA.

I descided to take the route hwy 20 through towards hwy 99 and either arround sacremento or through it not sure I will probably go arround it. I did stop in calusa to see about getting some food through a church, which I found rahter odd since they give out food certificates that have to be signed by the sherifs department. At the time that I had gone there to get mine done it was their time to feed the inmates that they had there which was going to be a fourtie minnute wait. Since I had been given twenty five dollas from various members of the church I descided aginst that. Besides I find it rather odd that one mush have an id ran to get a box of food, pluse I wanted to get going on my way. I spent most of the monney on food and the rest to some things that I needed then I went on my way and found I kept getting lost. Finnaly I got headed in the right direction and well on my way. Soon it reached night time and well on to the seemingly nightly quest a safe place to sleep which was a not soo peacefull place although safe. Thoughts along the way "Thank god for febreeze other wise my shose would probably smell worse than a russian whore house."
special thanks to trinity united methodus church although some of the help proved to be useless.

Monday, December 6:
Yuba city, CA - Woodland, CA.

Ok today wasn't so great to get going but hey I went any way. There was an unuseally strong wind and that was irritateing. It blew so hard that after a while it made rideing my bike nearly impossible although I went on any way. After a while I descided to talk to the highway patrol and see about things and highway 99 with my bike. They highly sugested aginst it but it wasnt an illegal thing for some of the highway. I've still descided to go that route but arround the freeway parts of 99, which is where the illegal parts are. After a while of getting tired of the wind I got off of my bike and began to hitch hike, I found walking fster then bike at this point especially since I could hardly control the bike. Eventully some one stoped and picked me up then took me to wood land. He didnt speack much english and well I found that to be conflictive. After all after we got to woodland and I-5 I tryied to find out where on the map he was going I guess that he didn't understand me so I just gave up and got out there. That night it rained and I got really wet even with my failed attempt to keep dry. I had found an abondoned building that was falling appart and I thought that I would be dry but no the winds were to bad to make that possible so I(or my sleeping bag got soaked). Towards the morning I got up wraped up my spnge bag and went out to get it dry. That didnt happen untill a few days latter. Which now it is yay I happy. I'm going to wait out this weather for nother coupple of days and well hope that it clears up then I'm going to get on my way regardless. So far I have found the mission here really odd. They make you go to classes directed to get you off of the streets and employied. Not to mention that they only let you in the place for certain hours. Really odd but it's better than nothing, and I have found that my ebt card works here in cali so I'm happy.
special thanks to the wayfere center and to kris and robert. my stuff wouldnt be safe with out you and my sleeping bag wouldnt be dry. Along with the the stranger that gave me a ride.

Friday, december 10:
Woodland, CA

Well so far I haven't gotton on my way yet although things are good and I'm not just staying here because I feel that this is going to be home. So far I will more than likely be able to get a better bike rack today and that will help. I have discovered that robert knows how to weld and well I know where to find some rebar so he and I will be make a new custom bike rack for the bike that I have. That one will work better. After all it'll be welded to the frame of the bike and some what bigger. Athough it'll be some what heavire, but that works in my benifit since I plan on attaching a briggs and straton 12 horse lawn mower motor to the back of a bike one of these days to see how that works replaceing the foot pedals with the engine. I just hope that I don't kill my self. I shouldnt which is a good thing. Well I should be on my way tomarrow.

Monday, december 13:
Woodland, CA - Rio vista, CA.

Well so far it is latter than I thought it was but hey every thing is ok and all will work out. I finnaly got my bike rack done and well hell it supports me up so its got to be some thing that's durable right? Well to day I am finnaly on my way to las vegas yet agin. So now all things are good as far as I can tell any way. One thing that I can say is that I really have been sitting a bit too long I almost am getting too comfertable with this place so I alsmot dont want to leave but I will here in the next few minnutes.
The bike rack is working out great and is a good thing although I did have to rearange how I stack things on my bike but hey it's all good. On my way I did find three unused emergency flares which may become usefull adventully, not to mention that I have devised a way with things that I have found to attach them to the back of my bike rack, which may just end up being a life saver who knows I dont. Not to mention that I found a gerber multi tool whch has become usefull in its self. had to sleep under a bridge that was near watter but hey things were safe thats all that matters to me any way. havent like this highy way much so far no shoulders at all which makes it uneasy but manageable.
special thanks to robert for the most ultimate bike rack from hell.

Tuesday, December 14:
Rio vista, CA - Stockton, CA.

And yet the trip continues for me so far. I found a small pair of wire cutters that I might find usefull, not sure but hey why not right never know what you might need. I also found some sort of vinl cover for like an over hang on an rv or some thing which may come in handy to keep me from getting wet so I picked that up. Now all I need is a yellow wide load sign on the back of my bike (ha ha ha ha ha). Not to mention that I have found another flash light with battries that work and a set of sunglasses to replace the ones that I lost in eugene OR. Which is a good thing. Now I dont have the sun glareing in my eyes as I ride. Ah the wounders of newtons there great for some reason I seem to like the rasberry ones with orange juice which is a good things I seem to drink a lot of that. last night had to sleep under the free way actually but it was a bridge structure. but haey it was sort of safe (at least I wasnt bothered) since there was a lot of teenager tag work oh well. My journey continues.

Wensday, December 15:
Stockton, CA - Ripon, CA.

The trip so far has gone rather well so far. Although I did have a minor problem last night causeing me to have to use some thing that I relly didn't want to use but it was nice to see how it worked. That was the flare thing that I created which would have worked better if it wasn't for the fact that I had attached it with nylon rope. Oh well to fix that I found some of those small wire marking flags that people use to mark things. I cut them up in to peices after removeing the flags them selves leaveing the wire and attached the holder for the flares in the morning. If it wasnt for the fact that I got ran off of where I was trying to get some help I would have been able to sleep indoors last night but hey can't hve every thing now can we. So I ended up sleep in some ones orchard and getting up as soon as I could then leaveing so that way I don't end up with a trespassing ticket or in jail. The night went well and things are all ok. Although I was hopeing to be able to sleep inside but hey that's life right. May be I'll have better luck next time, (might even get laid?????).

Thursday, December 16:
Ripon, CA - Modesto, CA.

Well so far things are some what ok, although yet another flat tire they'er now getting to be overly irritateing. fortunatly I was able to find some one to give me five bucks to fix the flat tire, I wasn't however able to find a place that sold inner tubes by the time it got dark. Now haveing to find a place to sleep I asked a church where a shelter was and couldnt find it with the directions that was given to me. I ended up sleep under a treen near a highyway off ramp that keept me from being seen.

Friday, December 17:
Modesto, CA - Turlock, CA.

Hey I found the sheter that I was looking for although a little to later for my taste, and I had found a place that sold inner tubes. I baught an inner tube and then I was able to fix the flat tire problem. I got back on my way and as soon as I made it out of modesto I picked up another flat tire. Fortunatly I came across some one that had a tire patch kit nad he fixed my tire. Then I was on my way agin. Now iritated at the county due to the fact that I can't get on to a computer with out an I'd or a library card I descided that I'd just blow through the rest of the county. Half way through Turlok I descided that I was hungry and stoped at a park. I ate the oranges that I "found". Also I started talking to some one that was in the park which he said some thing about being hungry so I shared the oranges with him. Then I descided that it was getting late and descided that I would finde some place to stay at night. He had said some thing abut a shelter even though he did'nt know where it was. I asked the information building in the park for directions to where it was and found the shelter easily. Thank god I didnt have to sleep on the streets to night. Although I did find it odd that a security guard had to be there. Though that may be a good idea.

special thanks to the person caning that fixed my tube.

saturday, December 18:
turlock, CA.

Got going today and ended up with yet another flat tire now fed up with them I've descided to get one of those solid inner tubes. I was going to try an inventive idea that the person that fixed my tube suggested, which was to place an tire inside the tube and inside wall of the tire it self. I didn't find a tire but I did find an old peice of garden hose that I might have been able to use if it didn't keep breaking on me. That's also when I discovered the flat tire. Then I went arround searching for a place that sells the solid tubes I may have to back track to woodland to get one.

Sunday, December 19:
Turlock, CA.

Went arround today to various churches to seek help in getting the inner tube that I wanted which after going to a few I finnaly found one that would help me get one. One of the members of the church was willing to help me even though the church its self wasnt which was ok for me. He and I talked about god for a while I stayied for church then affter that we went to get my tube which was good. While trying to install it I discovered that it was a pain in the ass to install. Although with some creative thinking and one other person I got the tube in. Hey no more flats.
Special thanks to the member of Grace Community Church which for some reason I feel that I need to link their web site.

Grace Community Church

Wensday, December 29:
Turlock, CA.

this last week or so I have been helping some one named ernie recycle cans and bottles so that way I can get enough monney to get another solid inner tube. I finnaly got it today and I'll instal it tomarrow. The weather lately has been rather crapy so I'll wait it out and continue on my way latter on. As of untill then I'll probably help out some where to get out of the weather who knows.

Wensday, February 2:
Turlock, CA.

Well yes it's been a while since I have made any real entrys on to my web site but hey I'm still going to go to Las Vegas. There are a lot of things that has happened since I last made and entry. I gressed my bike which turned out to be a futile thing since that didn't long my bike still squeeks (it's the cluster of gears on the back tire). I had pourposly not tightened down the nuts on the front forks and then forgot that I did that. I then got on my bike and took off, instead of going arround the hole that I cane across I tryied to jump the front tire over it and well the tire came off since the nuts were lose then I bent the hell out of the rim oh well time to get nother one or "find it". Which lead to the discovery that as I thought changeing a rim or tire with one of those solid tires is a pain in the ass. I also spent a few days with some one that turned out to be gayer than a three dollar bill so I got ot of that one since I'm straighter than a board. On some days I do what I call mucking which entails me looking arround for what ever in the alleys mostly bike things and stripping or scraping out the parts that I want to keep. Now I have five three peice cranks, one full derailur system, one half of one, cut off frame parts, cables, berrings (mostly neack berrings), and break pads ( none of which I have much use for. Christmas was a blahhh alnog with new years, but hey nothing diffrent than I'm used to. Although I have some friends here which isnt a bad thing but still I need to get home. Which by the way the girl that I am chseing after has agreede to spend the week end after I get there in Red Rock canyon which is a nice thing, and should be intresting. Some of what was keeping me here was the weather, even though now the weather is descent and perfect to travel in I do have a few things that I have to get done. I do what I say I'm going to do no matter what as best as possible. Most of what I have to do is maintenece on bikes. I'll then be on my way regardless of what is left to do. I do know that I have made an impression on the people here. A coupple of them have dogs are on the intresting side one of the is a chow and german sheppard mix, sharpe and rottweiler, and the last one is a chocolate lab. all the dogs are fun to be arround and when I leave I can honestly miss them along with the few friends that I have here. But hey thats life. My stay here has been nothing less than intresting and the rest of my trip should be more so. One thing that I find rather irritateing is people are stupid, it seems no matter what one dose to help people they don't seem to see the better picture. with the shelter that I have been staying at there is an issue that I have started with the movies. Each time that smokers go to smoke a "lung dart" or "cancer stick" they pause the movie for ten, fifteen, or twenty minnutes and some times they plain forget it's paused. Then start it when they get back. Which is rather irritateing since those of us that dont smoke have to watch a still screen or a blue screen. My thought for a happy median was this the people that smoke just leave the movie play and when they get back rewind it and watch that part of the movie over agin. The only down side is rewatch part of the movie, which really isnt that bad. The bad thing is that only the smokers seem to be in my favor and get it. The ones that dont are too stuck up to see the bigger picture. Oh well not my problem any more I'm not going to be here much longer. Then at one point my stay here a guy named aero gave me a really neat utility knife and multitool kit made by husky. The utility knife is a folding nife typed thing. Then just afew days ago I did some tweaks to a friends bike and on one of my trips back from the college (I was moveing like a bat out of hell not to mention) I took a turn at an angle and braked. Then as useall like that you well fall over. With that I tryied to take out a handi caped sign. I was fine but found it intresting. Any way monday I will be leaveing no matter what.
special thanks to all of those that has made my stay here in Turlock intresting.

Monday, February 7:
Turlock, CA.

So far I have descided that I am going to leave tomarrow although I am debateing weither or not to leave till after I get kens bike worked on, after all I could use the monney but then agin I would like to get going. There are a few things that I felt like i would add here one of them is this: some thing that I did that made even me laugh; one of the nights that I was staying the shelter I had sat down to grab my soda that a friend of mine had given me at that same instant I stood up pretty much with every thing that I had, and well stood up in the the thermostat that controls the heaters there. I shouted ouch some what loud as I sat down then I got back up and began laughing. later on I examined the thermostat and the metal caseing that houses the wireing for and discovered that I had dented it. The surpriseing part is that I didn't dent my head oh well what don't kill me will only make me stronger right? Some time soon I should be on my way I have talked to one of the people that runs a place called the united samaritens oundation here in turlock to see if I can't get about a weeks suply of food off of them that way I can survive while I'm on my way. I'd be leaveing today but I descided that since I had found some new html tags to use on my site I figured that I could see if they worked or not instead of woundering if they did or not. so far I have added a jump page link, and open in new windows for the guest book. any way will be adding more to the site either as I find the tags to use or the information to add.

Wensday, February 9:
Turlock, CA.

Yet agin I descided to wait for the security guard to get me his bike so that way I can fix it. Well the good thing is that its going to put some monney in to my pocket and well I'll be able to get some things that I need to get done be for I go, like wash my sleeping bag, and more blades for my razor. Any way back to the bike thing; as of for thirsday I'm planing on working on his bike the problems are simple. Mostly just adjustments other than that it's simple things. Well I'll keep every one posted on that one. Besides if it dont happen then I'm going to be leaving any way on friday and I'll have to figure out a nother way to get my sleeping bag washed. Knowing me I'll figure that one out after all I'm a smart person.

Thursday, February 17:
Turlock, CA.

I have descided to go through greyhound instead of finishing the trip off like I have started it I need to be there bascly yesterday. I need to get about sixty bucks be for I am able to go that way though I am a brillent person and I'll be able to find that adventully one way or another. It just means that I need all the help that I can get in getting the monney. I have a few ideas that I am going to try. After all i need to be there by the thirteenth of next month she turns 18 then, and I must be there by then. Knowing me I'll make it there.

special thanks to all of those that helped me in my journey to get to las vegas even if it was as small as giveing me directions that helps a lot. After all I wouldn't have made it this far with out you.

Feel free to leave me a message in my guest book, or feel free to send me an e-mail I will respond as soon as I can. You'll have to copy paste the e-mail address I am working on a mail to thing.

read my Dreambook guestbook!
sign my Dreambook!