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Display the results of your hunt as a collage cover for your Journalism Portfolio. Make sure that the identifying numbers of the items are prominently shown on the clippings.

1. A classified ad that might have an interesting story behind it.
2. A film you would like to see.
3. A display ad appealing to one's sense of masculinity or femininity
4. Two words on the editorial page that have a strong emotional appeal
5. A humorous headline
6. A headline with three or more Ws in it
7. A dateline from a European country
8. A dateline from the middle east
9. A dateline from Asia
10. A newspaper item of interest to a farmer
11. A face with glasses
12. An animal picture
13. A long word new to your vocabulary
14. A number over 1000
15. A newspaper error or angry word
16. Your favourite cartoon character
17. A word that describes yourself
18 An unusual verb on the sports page
19. A street name
20. A favourite food
21. A classified ad for a job you might enjoy
22. An ad for something you would like to buy
23. The most important word or phrase in your horoscope
24. The weirdest story in the paper
25. A picture, caption or classified ad for the oddest job that you can find
26. World cities with highest... and lowest temperatures
27. A pleasant smell found in nature
28. A picture of the Prime Minister or another well-known politician
29. A picture of a foreign leader
30. Name of a Canadian political party
31. A logo for a company or organization
32. A cartoon caricature
33. Three different styles of printing the letter B
34. A headline that refers to a weather disaster somewhere in the world
35. Something that burns fossil fuels
36. A travel ad
37. Name of a gasoline station or company
38. Picture of a vehicle other than a car
39. A restaurant that specializes in food from another country
40. A Canadian Aboriginal reference

Compile a collection of humorous headlines.
Compile a collection of oddities in the news or unusual headlines