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Castel’s English-Cree Dictionary and Memoirs of the Elders
Memoir 10

How the White Man Took Care of a Wihtiko
Athanase Castel, 1930-
Pukatawagan, November 11, 1998
Interviewer: Robert Castel
Well, the wihtiko would not eat a white person, you know, just Indians.
Those white people used to be all over, too, long ago. One time a wihtiko
came upon a white man who had whiskey. It did nothing to the white man,
whereas it would have attacked an Indian right away. This white man made a
home for the wihtiko, made him comfortable, you know. He started caring for
it by giving it food. But the wihtiko would not eat properly. It refused what
was offered. Well, the white man poured the wihtiko a glass of whiskey, and
another and another. Eventually the wihtiko began to thaw, to melt. That’s
because the wihtiko is frozen inside, iced up, you know. But the alcohol has
the effect of making you sweat even if you are cold. You sweat right away.
And that’s what the white man did to it. He plied it with whiskey until it
started to thaw. It started to leave him. It did nothing to the white man,
whereas it would have harmed or killed an Indian right away.
Now, long ago there were a few of the old people who knew how to
overpower a wihtiko. But I don’t think the wihtiko ever killed many people,
just a few of the old people long ago. It did not have a nice, kind way of
life. I only heard about these wihtikos I am telling you about.

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