Response-O-Matic Form



Affiliate UFO-PSI

UFO Report Form

NOTE: Please read before you continue to fill out the form.

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.

Section 1 - UFO Event Description
Please do not enter any names, email addresses, etc. into this report form, as this info will be published on the web.

Event Date :   << Use MM/DD/YY format           
 If you do not know the exact date, enter your best guess 
 and check this box  >>   
Event Time :   << Use HH:MM 24 hour format.  Examples:
                                  0:00 = Midnight
                                  1:00 = 1:00 AM
                                  12:00 = Noon
                                  13:00 = 1 PM  
                                  23:00 = 11:00 PM 
Event Duration :
City :
State / Province :
Zip Code :
Foreign Country :
County  :   << enter if inside USA only
Number of witnesses :
Shape of Craft :
Number of craft seen :

- Enter your information precisely as you can in brief detail - such as descriptions of the object(s) seen, what they did, how many of them were observed, and what shape and color they were. A description of the backgrounds of the observer(s) is useful as well.  This information will be posted on the web exactly as you enter it. 
Please do not enter any names or contact info in this box!  

Characteristics of Object (Check all that apply) : 
There were lights on the object 
The object left a trail 
There was an aura or haze around the object 
The object emitted other objects 
The object emitted beams 
The object changed color 
The object landed 
The object made a sound 
There were aircraft in the vicinity, or aircraft chasing the object 
There were electrical or magnetic effects, such as a car engine stopping 


Section 2 - Witness Contact Information 
This information will not be published and will be kept strictly confidential, 
unless you check the "permission to release your name" box.

Name :
Email Address :
Street Address :
City :
State / Province :
Zip Code :
Phone Number :
Occupation :

Check all that apply :
I give permission to release my name 
I am emailing image files

Cancel report and return to:

Submitting Evidence:

A photograph of the object(s) is the most useful form of evidence in any sighting. Including a photograph, an illustration of the object observed, even a simple outline drawing of its shape is beneficial. Also, a scanned copy of an official map, indicating where the observers were located and what direction(s) they were looking is also helpful. If you can provide such data, please e-mail at:


(Note: If you can provide a Video of your sighting(s) please contact the above e-mail address for additonal information. Thank you).

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