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Cricky Mates It's Outback Aussie on a Walk About!

G'Day Mates and Welcome to Outback Aussie's site. Miles O'Brain is the name. I hope that you will join me on a bit of a walk about and look over some different things I find interesting about The Land Down Under.

My Favorite things about the Land Down Under

My Favorite Web Sites

26.915 Radio Group
Star Trek
Welcome to Jamacia Man, Travel, Food, and Culture A#1 Site
DX Gemini's music site has a good selection of rock

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  • Kickapoo Lake
  • Shakamak Lake
  • Lenape Lake
  • G'Day Mates, I am going to work flat out like a drunkin lizard and try to put together a site where I can share a few of my favorite things with all of you. I hope to include more music, movies, pictures, etc. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

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