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Today was the day that we finally got to see Tarn (I've met him once before). We drove down to Peterborough and checked into out hotel. I think we took a nap. hehe Tarn met us at the hotel and then we went to the movies with him. We saw Bandits, which was pretty coo. Beavers and Ducks! We drove around for a little bit after the movie and Tarn brought us back to the hotel.


Today we get to meet Loogie!

We got ready and picked up Tarn and off we went to Toronto (with a quick stop in Oshawa). Tarn got to drive my car (the speed demon!). We got to Toronto, parked near the Air Canada Centre. (That was an adventure in itself... getting there. hehe "Where's the tall pointy building?" "I think we should have taken the next exit.") We went over to Union Station and called Loogie. We had to wait about an hour for him to meet up with us, so we had a bite to eat.

Mr. Sub Steak & Cheese. *drool* Oh yeah, and the people in Oshawa drive like maniacs.

Loogie got there and we decided to go to the Sky Dome. We decided to stop in at a restaurant (Sightlines) there and have a beer. Coooool. While we were there the Argos and the Alouettes were warming up. The waitress had told us that we could stay for one beer but we would have to leave before the game started. I think we saw most of the first quarter. We ended up going to the Hard Rock (which is also in the Dome) and watching the rest of the game there.

We got a pretty cool deal at the Hard Rock. Our cover was waived as long as we bought $15 (I'm pretty sure) each of food and beverages. I think we bought just a little more than enough. Of course, we got to watch the game on the field from there. Also, we got to see the dome close. This took at least 30 minutes. That being my first time at a retractable dome, it was neat to watch.

Almost time to start!